Chapter 14. Starting today, I'm a genius (3) However, if I deliberately let people grab mana, there's a chance they'll get caught, so I have to hide it thoroughly.

“Of course, there is a possibility that my test was wrong..... A thorough re-examination just in case...

No, if someone hears it wrong, they will misunderstand that I have a fatal disease.

That's what they say, but I feel the nuance that maybe the results won't change.

“.. is that so.”

There is bitterness in the mother's voice.

It seems quite sad that his son is Mana Goja.

I feel guilty, but I can't help it.

For his future conduct, he needed the recognition that he was an incompetent person who couldn't handle things like mana at all.

In that sense, having no possibility at all is a pretty good evaluation.

So, in my curriculum, classes related to magic virtually disappeared.

The wizards who came to inspect me looked at me like a strange creature.

They say they're publishing a new thesis on the relationship between mana affinity and genetics in infancy?

good! With this, I got rid of a whole annoying subject!

* * *

The person who came out to train my basic physical strength was a knight escorting our palace.

Riding Lanfil.

A young young knight who turned 25 this year.

As a bonus, he is currently solo.

It's also a maternity solo.

And when I look at it, the future seems hopeless.

He's the kind of guy I'd like to propose to change to a major mage in the next five years.

It wasn’t that he was in charge of my training because there was no teacher to be in charge of physical education.

It is said that it is common for nobles to train their children naturally, since most of them have no connection with the daily routines of nobles.

“Arel-nim, I will train you from now on.”

That's why this guy is in charge of physical education.

“Arel-nim, if you train hard, you can become strong like me!”

don't be fooled are you weak It's a disservice to Kanian or your lady-in-waiting.

Do you think I wouldn't know that I was flirting with that lady-in-waiting before and got hit by one and stretched out?

Having said that, I'm not really saying he's weak.

For an average knight of his age, he's at a fairly decent level.

He is a normal type who steadily becomes stronger if he works hard.

Just like the king or Kania noona's exclusive maid.

It's a problem because the characters in close proximity are too strong.

The power balance here is oddly strange.

And there are things that I think have too high a standard for strength.

I've seen and fought all sorts of monsters in my life up until now, but now I wonder if an ordinary knight will catch my eye.

It's not really an excuse for him.

okay! Ranfil's future is promising!

So have hope!

By the way, before starting the workout, I have something to say to him.

“Ranpil! I hate hard work! I don't want to train!”

Declaration of giving up before starting.

I am a precious body to move my body and sweat.

A diamond spoon like me would be better off sitting under the shade and drinking a cool drink.

“Ahaha. Arell-nim, you joke really well.”

However, Lanfil smiled at my words and passed them away.

this child? Throw away your salary?

“I want you to stop worrying. Arel-sama is still young. I will not do anything difficult yet.”

“But... I heard Kania-nee?”

These days, Kania noona started to train her physical strength.

In the end, he trained his older sister's flock to see if the adults couldn't win.

It's not training to make your body healthy, but a full-scale training that would scare most knights.

I was surprised to see it before.

I was surprised to see a princess carrying bags of sand heavier than her weight on her arms, legs and waist.

Isn't that child abuse?

What's even more surprising is that the princess is still running around wearing that kind of thing.

The theory of Kania's sister's previous life as a beagle gradually gains credibility.

“...The Kenzest family says that's normal training.”

Ranpil also makes a complicated expression as if he doesn't understand that.

It's probably my opinion, but I think he did it on purpose to make Kania noona give up.

I would give up if I knew I was going to die.

You must have thought so.

But the scary thing is, if you don't train like that now, you won't even sweat.

It was clearly visible in my eyes.

Kania's older sister's energy... In other words, the efficiency of mana circulation was no joke.

....That family also has a very promising future.

I heard that it's been a worry since there hasn't been a martial artist full of talent in the family for a while.

....It's just that the princess who exploded her talent is a new concern.

“Anyway, I'm not going to do it that way, so please rest assured.”

When I was heartily frightened, Ranfil reprimanded me step by step.

“First, let’s do gymnastics. It is important to keep your body flexible.”

Under Ranfil's guidance, I started doing light stretching.

yes this is normal

That princess, you are abnormal.


Lanfil's eyes, which were watching my movements, shook.

“what's the matter?”

“Oh, nothing.”

When I ask, he shakes his head.

Guess what you're thinking? did you think this now?

You must have thought that

this child's body is extremely dull... ?


Now I was struggling with even light stretching.

As if the body and feet had started a strike, they played separately.

He shows with his entire body that he has a really great body.

Arell is weak!

“it's hard!”

“Joe, please be patient.”

Lanfil also seems to be in trouble.

In fact, now my physical abilities have grown beyond the level of a typical five-year-old to a ten-year-old.

If you show sincerity there, you can demonstrate even more specs.

The fact that I am having a hard time even with simple stretching now is a great performance of this body.

Lanfil didn't seem to notice at all.

This year's acting target is mine.

“Arel-nim is so dull... no, please cheer up.”

Did you say I'm dull now, man?

Damn right now that's the best answer I'd like to hear.

give me compliments

what. it would be hard to figure out

Really, I am sweating all over my body and whimpering.

You can't think of this as acting.

The reason I'm having a hard time is simple.

Now I am deliberately undermining my physical abilities.

Uses mana to overload the body, making it heavy and dull.

This way, even if I don't mean to, I'm in great shape.


Even now, while running, I get my legs twisted and fall.

Even the slightest movement makes me gasp for breath.

Ugh, stop breathing.....

Looking down at me, who was lying on the ground and breathing heavily, he didn't know what to do with Lanfil.

“Ugh. First of all, it would be better to develop physical strength.”

Can I wield a sword properly with this kind of physical strength? The worried face is clearly visible.

If I see you like this a few more times in the future, there will be no more guys who want to give me a sword.

Anyway, it's really hard to die!

Rumors spread quickly.

The youngest prince, Arell, has no more mana than commoners. My body is so sluggish that I fall down just by walking.

It took an instant for this fact to spread throughout the palace.

It's not a rumor spread by someone on our side.

The source of the rumor can be roughly guessed.

Whenever I was in class, I often felt the eyes watching me.

maybe it's him

I was worried about secretly excluding it because it was annoying, but I decided to just leave it alone.

Probably observing my behavior and reporting it to someone.

If that's the case, shouldn't he talk about me to his owner if I let him go?

Yes, feel free to misunderstand and report it.

I have no talent for swordsmanship or mana.

And as I wished, in an instant, there were no people in the palace who did not know about me in a regrettable sense.

It's good. It's good.

The underdog cosplay should be like this all the time.

* * *

Even after that, the underdog cosplay under the guise of physical training continued.


With a lethargic spirit, I swung the wooden sword in my hand.

slow? inefficiency?

My wooden sword draws such a messy trajectory that even a tree branch can't be broken.

Ranfil took my wooden sword with the wooden sword he was holding, showing a puzzled look.

I think it would put a strain on my arms if I dodged it, so the fact that I receive it as if it flows moderately is quite considerate.

I don't know what to say, but it was embarrassing to even call it swordsmanship training.

I think it's only about accepting children's jokes.

“You are doing well. Mr. Arell.”

Praise pours out of the soul.

do not say that.

I'm more embarrassed to hear.

I feel ashamed from the bottom of my heart when I see my subordinates forcibly clapping at the golf course saying, “This is a nice shot.”

“Really... you're doing well.”

This guy... his eyes aren't smiling.

Ranfil, you are suffering a lot.

Seeing me wielding a sword, it was obvious that any master swordsman would click his tongue and yell at me to get rid of the sword.

How frustrating must that guy feel when he has to keep looking at me like that.

So, if you feel unfair, get ahead, okay?

“Ranpil. You can't lie.”


“Can’t I use a sword?”

I didn't want to do it anymore, so I decided to burst into words first.

Admit it! Please accept that I am not good at swords.

“It's the first time, so it's like that. Keep practicing and you will get better.”

They continue to support me, perhaps because they want to bolster my courage.

Is it really a good person... I'm worried that I won't be able to stand a guarantee somewhere in the future.

No, I'm not the kind of person who shouldn't be seen.

that's the reality

In the first place, I decided not to learn magic after concluding that I had no aptitude for it, but Ranfil continued to teach me the sword.

Isn't it time to give up at this point?

There's no way this kid could see through my acting.

The only thing I really want to teach me about swordsmanship is conveyed.

....But that's a nuisance.

In the first place, my purpose was to be recognized as a child with no hope at all, whether it be swords or magic.

However, it is hard for both of them because Lanfil does not give up at all.

“I have no talent for swords.”

“It doesn't matter. The obscene pencil thought for a while about what he wanted to say to me.

“Actually, when I was young, I was told many times that I had no talent for swords.”

Suddenly, he starts talking about himself. “so?”

“But it is different now.”

Ranfil fixed his wooden sword.

Unlike when he was dealing with me just before, I could see that he had put a lot of energy into it.

Ranfil's wooden sword began to emit blue mana.

Quite clearly, I can feel the honest energy as much as Ranfil's personality.

Hmm? I watched it without much inspiration.


Ranfil swung the wooden sword with mana as it was.

His sharp swordsmanship extended forward and cut down the practice group in front of him.

“But now it has grown to Aura Prevention.”

In other words, is he a case where he grew up purely through hard work?

yeah that went really well

I clapped.

So what do you want to say?

“Arel-sama will become stronger if you work hard.”


I'm already stronger than you, I don't think I can say even if my mouth is torn.

In terms of physical ability, Ranpil, an adult, is superior, but the inner strength accumulated through the practice method so far is incomparable to him.

Of course, there is no way for Ranfil to know that.

That's why you seriously think that I don't have the confidence to learn the sword.

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