Chapter 91 - Yang Yi is a B*stard

Qiu Xiaotong was the class monitor of Class 2, 3rd year senior middle school[1] of Wuhu No. 1 Middle School. Although it was already summer vacation, because of entering the third year of senior middle school, the students in this grade have not been able to enjoy the holiday properly. He stayed at home for less than ten days and then returned to school again.

As a girlwho grew up in the military region, Qiu Xiaotong has a sunny and healthycomplexion, that is, suntan, and has a carefree character! She didn't care aboutother students talking behind her back that she had dark skin, that she wasfierce and would hit people, that she was tall but had no boyfriend, and thatshe would never get married in the future…

After all,she was too straightforward, helped her teachers with discipline, and stood upand upheld justice when she saw anything wrong or unfair, which made her oftenoffend others and become the public enemy of female students!

Why onlyfemale students and no male students?

Because QiuXiaotong was not only tall, but also a valiant and beautiful girl. Even if shewas a little fierce, the male students couldn't dislike her…

Today, duringthe break, Qiu Xiaotong discovered a new situation. Several male studentsgathered around and muttered something, then got excited for a while, got depressedfor a while, and got angry for a while.

Qiu Xiaotongfurrowed her brows. She felt that the situation was very similar to theprevious Qingming Festival’s holiday, when these male students stay behind anddiscussed going to an Internet cafe to play games. Last time, Qiu Xiaotong waspassing by to buy sanitary products for girls, and happened to run into them,threatening to tell the teacher before letting these daring guys go back tostudy hard.

“Hey, Geng Li and Jing Guisen, what are you doing?” Qiu Xiaotong walked over and said, “You’re not going to sneak off to the Internet cafe to play games again, are you?”

Geng Li's body shook and drew back his hand, trying to hide the East XC[2] in his hand.

Jing Guisen alsocooperated with him. He stood up and blocked Qiu Xiaotong’s line of sight. He saidwith a simply smile, “Sister Tong, how could that be? How can we stillwant to play games? We're already in the third year of senior middle school! Weshould study hard.”

“We weretalking about literature.” Another male student next to him had an ideaand said.

“Yes,we were talking about literature. We were talking about literature!” JingGuisen and Geng Li quickly agreed.

“Discussingliterature?” Qiu Xiaotong frowned. She didn’t believe these guys'nonsense. If they really liked literature, would they have made a mess in theirChinese exam?

Qiu Xiaotong,who was skeptical, looked at them carefully and immediately found somethingfishy: “Geng Li, what’s that in your hand?”

“Ah?Nothing…” Geng Li's face looked like a bitter gourd.

“Takeit out! Otherwise, I'll ask a teacher to collect it!” Qiu Xiaotongthreatened.

Geng Li hadto obediently take out the smartphone he had hidden in his hand. He knew thatalthough Qiu Xiaotong was fierce, she was actually quite kind. She wouldconfiscate it and educates him at most, and then she would give it back afterschool. But if a teacher confiscates it, perhaps his parents will be notified!

“Youplay games on your mobile phones?” Qiu Xiaotong took the mobile phone andsaid, “Why are you not concentrating on your studies?"

“SisterTong, we were really discussing literature!” Geng Li argued aggrieved,“If you don’t believe it, we’re talking about a novel!”

“Whatnovel?” Qiu Xiaotong opened it suspiciously… “Drawing Sword? Whatkind of novel is this?”

“Youdon’t even know 'Drawing Sword'? This book is so popular!” A nearby malestudent couldn’t help saying.

They seemedto become a chatterbox and talked all at once, “Drawing Sword is a novelabout war. Li Yunlong is so awesome. He…”

In their chaoticdescription, Qiu Xiaotong was able to somewhat understand why this novel was sopopular and why it could make these male students so excited. It must have itsunique splendor.

” SisterTong, I think you should take a look” Jing Guisen’s voice was so loud thathe suddenly overwhelmed other's voices and said, “Sister Tong, don't youbelong to a military family? You will definitely like this kind of militarynovel!”

“Ithink Sister Tong may not like it. The author has killed off the female lead!”Geng Li said weakly.

“But didn'tanother female lead appeared again later?” Said a male student next tohim.

“But would girls like such an unfaithful male protagonist?” Geng Li said, “Last time, I told Lele about this book, and she didn’t like it very much.”

“Where is our Sister Tong an ordinary girl?”[3]

Theyquarreled again by themselves…

It has to besaid that although she hasn't read it yet, but after they made such a noise, thename of the book “Drawing Sword” was planted into Qiu Xiaotong’smind.


At night,Qiu Xiaotong returned to her home in the Jiangnan military region. She wasindeed born into a military family. Her parents served in the border areas, soQiu Xiaotong lived with her grandfather. Although her grandfather retired, but asa senior general, he still has the treatment of a senior general, a smallbuilding, a garden, and specially equipped guards.

Afterfinishing her homework, Qiu Xiaotong couldn’t help thinking of “Drawing Sword”that several male students said. Curious, Qiu Xiaotong turned on the computerand connected to the website given to her by Geng Li.

"DrawingSword" written by Yang Yi.

Qiu Xiaotongnoticed that the author also wrote a novel called "Soldiers Assault".

She was inno hurry to read the book, so she browsed through the book review area first.

This isactually a bad practice, because the book review area could easily showspoilers, and it is easy to be misled by some comments. But the book reviewsection of "Drawing Sword" was magical, with fans posting a lot of commentssaying “Don’t let Li Yunlong be persecuted.”

(PS: aboutthe plot behind “Drawing Sword”, Xiaohan will not describe it any more.After all, it's a bit shocking. It can only be said that it is very touchingand cruel. I have not read the book, and only seen the TV series. I suggest thatyou read the book, and the TV show has almost cut its content by half.)(Author's note)

This madeQiu Xiaotong even more curious. Looking at the book reviews, she knew that thebook was about to end, but why did the book fans pleadingly to the author?

No matterhow many, Qiu Xiaotong started to read from the first chapter.


The nextday, Qiu Xiaotong went to school with dark circles under her eyes. When shearrived at school, she gritted her teeth and beat Geng Li and Jing Guisen.

“SisterTong, why are you beating us?” Geng Li yelled pitifully.

“it’sall your fault. You recommended that book to me, which made me lost track oftime and I only got to bed by midnight!” Qiu Xiaotong said angrily.

It wasn't that"Drawing Sword" wasn't good to read, but that it was too good to read. QiuXiaotong was fascinated by the chapters' tight battles. She didn’t want to giveup at all, but by the time she came to her senses, it was already very late!

But even so,she had only read half of it by midnight, and there was more to come.

So, afterschool ended in the afternoon, Qiu Xiaotong did not stay behind to study with herclassmates. Instead, she went home early, hurriedly finished his homework andcontinued to read.

What QiuXiaotong didn't know was that "Drawing Sword” ushered in the finale today.Yang Yi didn't make any announcement or even hinted about it and directlyreleased the last chapter with the ending.

But Qiu Xiaotong could not help reading it for several hours and saw the end.

“Wuuwuu…” Seeing the scene of Li Yunlong shooting himself, Qiu Xiaotong, a strong girl who never shed tears, began to cry. [4]

“Xiaotong,what’s the matter? Why are you crying?” Qiu Xiaotong’s grandfather, QiuWeiguo with a cane, knocked on his granddaughter’s door and asked loudly,“Who offended our Xiaotong? Tell Grandpa and Grandpa will send someone tobeat him to death!”

“Wuu… Wuu…it’s Yang Yi… He is a b*stard!”


[1] For those who didn't know, like me, or were curious: Schooling in China consists of three years of kindergarten, six years of primary school, three years of junior middle school (also known as secondary school), and senior middle school (high school). After completing these years of schooling, students then have the opportunity to continue to higher education.

[2] This maybe a model of a phone.

[3] I couldn't form a question form of "Our Sister tong is not an ordinary girl". Maybe: "How can you compare our Sister Tong to ordinary girls?"

[4] After the author suggested to read the novel in his author's note, he spoiled the ending here.

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