Chapter 54 - The First Picnic

In theevening, Yan Xiaopei found an excuse and left with her son, and it seemed thatshe will never come back again.

Yang Yi regrettedthat Xixi had lost a playmate, but at the same time, he was also relieved!

How couldYang Yi not notice the signals that Yan Xiaopei sent out frequently to him? Butit was of no use. Yang Yi was not interested in Yan Xiaopei's explicitperformance. In other words, he didn't like Yan Xiaopei's disposition very much.

If it werein his previous life, Yang Yi would certainly not mind the spring breeze once,and then put on his pants and leave. (TN: Spring breeze - intercourse.)

But now,with Xixi this little girl, Yang Yi realized the importance of responsibility, sohe didn't have these colorful ideas. Just like now, he didn't explain his complexrelationship with Mo Fei, and make the opposite party lose heart.

On the otherhand, after Yan Xiaopei's "training", knowing the gestures and some techniquesof tying hair, Yang Yi seemed to get a good feel of tying hair. Not only did heget Mo Fei's praise for giving Xixi's a good hair style that day, but in thenext few days, he watched the online tutorials and tied Xixi's hair indifferent style every day.

The littlegirl gave a lot of praise.

The littlegirl also happily changed into a few clothes. All the beautiful dress and pants,she wore them on. Her father dressed her up like a fashion girl!


Yang Yi didn'topen today and planned to take Xixi out to play.

As a result,Yang Yi gave Xixi a bohemian hairstyle, which took nearly an hour. Then it tookanother hour for Xixi to picked out clothes and changed into them. By the timethey were finished, it was already late in the morning. The little girl tookher father's hand with satisfaction and bounced out the door.

However,these two hours have not been in vain, the carefully dressed up Xixi was reallybeautiful!

Her fatherbraided her hair into a thin, delicate headband, which just went around herforehead, and then made another one to hang down in front of the left ear.Bohemian hairstyle matched with a simple linen-colored dress, and a shy butgenerous little beauty appeared in front of everyone.

If there isone word to describe it, it is "extremely beautiful"! (TN: It was aChinese idiom "makes the fish sink and wild geese fall" which means femalebeauty captivating even the birds and beasts.)

"YangYi, your little girl is really amazing! When she grows up, she will be acountry toppling beauty!" Similarly, in the north gate, Uncle Lu, whoopened a bicycle repair shop, praised with a smile. (TN: Another Chinese idiom"bringing calamity to the country and the people")

Yang Yismiled a little smugly. He said hello to Uncle Lu and drove out with Xixi inhis car.

Today, they won'tbe going to the amusement park. They've been to the amusement park three timesin less than a month. Yang Yi thought that it's time for a change. He plannedto take Xixi to a place called Luoxia Village in the Tingshan District, wherehe was previously introduced to others in the vegetable market.

This villagehas no historical sites and no cultural landscape, but with the planning andcultivation in recent years, the whole Luoxia village is now a sea of flowers!

Brightyellow rapeseed, lavender dragon bud grass, pink cosmos… It is said that ithas become a popular scenic spot for people in the city often visit onweekends!

In such afun place, Yang Yi naturally wanted to take his daughter to play.

The big bodyof the Tyrant Wolf was very conspicuous on the campus road of Jiangcheng MediaUniversity. They were watched by many students along the way until they wentout from the main entrance of the school and got on the straight and spaciousroad. Yang Yi rolled down the window of the car and felt the cool breezeblowing through the window.

Yang Yi waswearing sunglasses and holding the steering wheel with his right hand, whilehis left arm was resting leisurely on the window. This kind of free and loosefeeling felt like a dream back to the Middle East. Of course, he knew thatthere was no danger here, and he didn't need to tighten his spirits.

Because YangYi had already tested the toughness of the Tyrant Wolf, Xixi was allowed to siton the child seat installed in the front passenger seat. Looking at the openscenery in front of her, the little girl was in a bright mood!

"Go andsee the flowers! Go and see the flowers!" She was humming a little tunewith an inexplicable melody,

Having a carwas really convenient. Within half an hour, Yang Yi and Xixi arrived at LuoxiaVillage. After paying for the tickets, they could drive the car into thevillage. Of course, they need to park in the old grain-sunning ground in thevillage that was converted to a parking lot.

Originally,it was allowed to travel by car, but there were too many tourist's cars, which blockedthe village road. Later, the rules were changed, which also gave tourists morespace to enjoy themselves and enjoy the scenery.

As soon asthe car was parked, Xixi couldn't wait to unbutton the child's seat and wantedto open the door and get out of the car.

"Don't beimpatient!" Yang Yi caught the little girl and said with a smile, "Whatif you jump down and fall?"

The Tyrant Wolf'schassis was very high!

Yang Yi was notin a hurry. He closed the car window, then reached out to the back seat and tooka big backpack. Then he came down from the driver's seat, went around the doorof the passenger seat, and held the little girl down.

"Put onyour hat." Yang Yi handed over a big sun hat.

However, Xixididn't want to, she begged: "It doesn't look good, papa, is it okay if Xixidoes not wear it?"

It turned outthat the little girl was afraid that the hat would mess up her beautiful braidedhair!

Yang Yi hadno choice but to pick up Xixi and hold up a large umbrella to help Xixi blockthe scorching sun at noon.

"Papa,I'm hungry." Xixi was actually very comfortable in her father's arms, butafter walking for a while, her excitement slowed down, and she felt her stomachgrowling.

"Let'sgo find a place first, and have a picnic today!" Yang Yi said with a smile.

Althoughthere were several farmhouse-like restaurants for tourists in the village, YangYi found out, after looking in the internet, that some people recommended theoutdoor picnics, so Yang Yi prepared everything early in the morning.

"Whatis a picnic?" Xixi asked curiously.

Soon, shehad the answer. Her father took her along the village path, came to a coolgrove, and found a clean and cool grassland.

Xixi stood onone side and curiously watched her father pull out a stack of cloth from thebig backpack. She asked puzzled: "Papa, isn't that our curtains?"

"Coughcough, I didn't have time to buy a special picnic cloth, we'll use this for themeantime." Yang Yi was a little embarrassed.

Afterspreading out the curtains, no, the picnic cloth, Yang Yi began to pull out boxesof food from the backpack. Some were insulated lunch boxes and some were clearplastic boxes, which were neatly placed together.

Xixi alsocuriously came over, but after being asked by his father, she took off herlittle sandals and stepped on the picnic cloth.

"Wow,it's big strawberries and delicious fried chicken wings!" Xixi didn't actlike a lady. She laid down, turned her little head and looked at the food ineach box, looking pitiful with saliva flowing out. She jumped up and shook herfather's arm. "I want to eat, I want to eat!"

After YangYi had made fried chicken wings for the little girl before, Xixi fell in lovewith the taste of the fried food. Of course, it is unhealthy to eat too muchfried chicken wings or fried food.

So, Yang Yi changedthe way he marinated the chicken. He marinated it with lemons and other ingredients,and then fried them in a frying pan. At the same time, Yang Yi also put lemonslices in the box, and when they would eat them later, he could squeeze alittle lemon juice on the cold cut chicken wings, which not only retains theoriginal crispy and tender taste of the chicken wings, but also reduces thegreasy content of fried food.

The name ofthis dish is Lemon Chicken Wings. Xixi also likes it, and it's healthier!

"Wash your hands first!" Yang Yi smiled and took out a wet tissue and wiped the hands of the eager little girl. He said, "Don't worry, there's a lot of delicious food!"

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