House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 368: Mo Fei’s Performance

Chapter 368: Mo Fei’s Performance

“Grandpa, Grandpa!” Xixi, all by herself, carrying a white plastic bag, holding onto the wall, carefully stepped down the stairs one step at a time. Before she even reached the first floor, she couldn’t wait to call out.

Yang Chonggui saw Xixi’s small figure appearing alone in the stairway, and he couldn’t sit still. He got up and strode over, saying, “Slow down, Yang Xi, how come you came down by yourself? What if you fell?”

Although he still habitually used a blaming tone, the concern in the old man’s eyes could not be concealed. He wished he could go up and carry Xixi down.

“Grandpa, I have something delicious for you!” Xixi raised the white bag in her hand and said with a smile. After all the effort, she was about to complete the achievement of walking down the stairs, but with just a few steps away, she was picked up by her grandpa.

Yang Chonggui held Xixi in his arms and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her. Before, he only had a vague sense of familiarity, but now that he confirmed that she was his own granddaughter, the old man couldn’t bear to put Xixi down, feeling a deep affection for her cute little face.

Xixi was still thinking about sharing the delicious food with her grandpa. In her grandpa’s arms, she opened the bag, took out a small bottle, swiftly put the bag on her wrist, and then skillfully twisted open the small bottle cap, revealing a small opening like a toothpick box. She said seriously, “Grandpa, let me tell you, this is delicious!”

“What is this?” Yang Chonggui only then moved his gaze from his granddaughter’s face to the small bottle and saw that there were small things inside.

“This is mouse poop!” After Xixi said the name, she quickly waved her hand and giggled, “Grandpa, Grandpa, don’t be scared. It’s not mouse poop, Papa said it’s just the name, not actual mouse poop.”

“Is that so? Grandpa knows. It should be made from dried tangerine peel, plum, hawthorn, and other ingredients, also called Ji Gong Dan. Grandpa has seen it before.” Yang Chonggui smiled slightly. Hearing this name, he had already reacted. He had seen it when he passed by Jinling years ago. At that time, when he heard it was “mouse poop”, he almost overturned the stall.

Xixi heard such a detailed explanation for the first time. She looked at her grandpa with some admiration and said, “Wow, Grandpa, you are so amazing, you know so much!”

Under the gaze of his granddaughter, Yang Chonggui stroked his chin’s beard and smiled somewhat proudly.

Next, Xixi poured out a piece of “Ji Gong Dan”, then pinched it, and asked her grandpa to open his mouth. Then she stuffed the snack into her grandpa’s mouth. After that, she rubbed her two fingers, as if the powder on her fingers was also delicious!

In fact, Xixi would lick her fingers when she ate by herself!

Regardless of whether Xixi’s hands were clean or not, in the countryside, there were not so many considerations, let alone snacks given by her granddaughter. Yang Chonggui smacked his lips and finished it all in one go.

“Um, delicious!” Yang Chonggui gave Xixi a thumbs up.

“Hee hee!” The little girl was also so happy.

Dong Yue’e, who was watching enviously from the side, couldn’t stand it anymore. She also came over and said, “Little Yang Xixi, you gave your grandpa a delicious snack, why don’t you give your grandma a piece?”

Xixi hadn’t gotten familiar with her grandma yet, but after all, she knew it was her own grandma. She obediently said: “Grandma, wait a moment, I’ll give it to you right now.”


Yang Yi and Mo Fei quickly tidied up and came down from upstairs. Mo Fei also changed into a very simple dress, which she bought when she went shopping with Yang Huan before. It was one of the few street goods in her wardrobe.

Although she was dressed in simple clothes, Mo Fei still looked like a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world. Her delicate and beautiful face could not be covered by these clothes.

In the morning, several waves of guests came to the house.

Yang Yi came back driving a car, creating quite a stir. He had only been home for a short while, and the whole village knew that the eldest son of the Yang family had come back by car. Neighbors who weren’t very familiar pretended to pass by the front gate, sneaking a peek at the car in the yard. Familiar neighbors, and Dong Yue’e’s relatives, came directly to visit.

It was quite lively, especially with the children wearing muddy shoes and pants. Yang Yi took out snacks and asked Xixi to distribute them to these brothers and sisters. The children played together in no time. It was just that Yang Yi had to explain his relationship with Mo Fei and Xixi to everyone, which was a bit challenging.

However, in this small village where people worked from sunrise to sunset, Mo Fei also enjoyed a taste of ordinary life. No one recognized her as a big star, they just thought that this wife from the city was so beautiful and complimented her a few times.

Mo Fei no longer put on a cold face, but wore a smile, following behind Yang Yi, greeting the guests who came. “Brother Dong Fang,” “Third Uncle,” “Uncle Ting”… After a while, these names became a bit confusing for Mo Fei. However, she still tried to remember them and address them, helping to pour tea.

Even though she didn’t like dealing with strangers, Mo Fei still showed the attitude that a wife should have.

Yang Yi knew Mo Fei’s personality. He seized an opportunity, held Mo Fei’s hand, and whispered, “You’ve worked hard!”

“No, this is what I should do.” Mo Fei tightly hugged Yang Yi’s arm, as if looking for reliance, and she smiled softly. With Yang Yi’s words, she didn’t feel tired at all.

At this moment, a few young men in their twenties, who had just come back with a young man, excitedly shouted, “Brother Tiezi, Junzi, he’s driving a truck for someone in the county, and he has a driver’s license!”

The young man named Junzi was also eager to try, “Brother Tiezi, can you let me try your car? I’ve never seen such a beautiful sedan before!”

“This is a pickup.” Yang Yi corrected with a smile, “Want to drive? Okay, let me see how good your skills are. But I have to watch from the side, make sure you don’t drive the car into a ditch!”

“Brother Tiezi, I’ll stand at the back!” One of the young men was quite unique. While others wanted to sit in the back seat, he pointed to the back of the truck, intending to stand there and enjoy the breeze.

Yang Yi took them for a drive, and as it was almost noon, the visiting neighbors also quieted down a bit. Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, stayed behind, and sat with Yang Chonggui and Xixi.

Dong Yue’e came out with a teapot. The teapot was a bit big, different from the small teapots used for traditional Chinese tea. It was a large iron teapot, with tea brewing inside. Dong Yue’e turned over the teacups one by one, but her movements were a bit slow. While doing it, she looked at Mo Fei with a smile and said, “Mo Fei, there were so many people just now, I forgot to greet you, come and have some tea!”

Mo Fei didn’t think much about it, but when she came to the countryside, she never thought about being a young lady of the house1. Seeing Yang Yi’s mother pouring tea for her, she felt bad in her heart and quickly stood up and walked over, saying, “Mom, let me do it. I should be the one pouring the tea.”

Dong Yue’e’s eyes flashed with a hint of satisfaction. She handed the teapot to Mo Fei, withdrew her hand, and watched Mo Fei skillfully warm the teacup, then lifted the teapot to pour the tea. Only then did she slowly ask, “Mo Fei, do you often drink tea at home?”

“I drink less. My father used to drink more at home, so I learned a bit from him.” Mo Fei said honestly.

Yang Chonggui and Dong Yue’e each sat on a Taishi chair, separated by an Eight Immortals table2. However, Yang Chonggui’s attention was entirely focused on Xixi, who was running in and out of the doorway.

Xixi was having a great time playing by herself. She thought this place was so much fun. Although the cowshed was a bit smelly, there were many chickens in the yard, as well as ducklings. The little girl couldn’t take her eyes off them.

“Mom, Dad, here’s your tea!” Mo Fei poured tea and respectfully served it to the two elders.

“Hmm!” Yang Chonggui glanced at her and nodded sternly. Although he didn’t say anything, he didn’t embarrass Mo Fei. He took the tea and took a sip.

“Good, good!” Dong Yue’e had a smile on her face, which made Mo Fei feel a little relieved.

At this moment, Yang Qing and Yang Huan, who had gone to pick vegetables from their own greenhouse for winter vegetables, came back.

“You guys sit first, and I’ll make lunch for you.” Dong Yue’e stood up, hammered her waist, and said with a smile to Mo Fei, “Ah, getting older, the waist isn’t as strong.”


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