House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 365: Abnormal Yang Chonggui

Chapter 365: Abnormal Yang Chonggui

“Papa, I’m cold!”

In the back seat, Xixi, at some point, propped herself up under the small blanket, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and called out in a wronged voice.

This movement, although not big from inside the car, still, after all, involved a person! Yang Chonggui and Dong Yue’e were immediately stunned.

What’s going on?

Is there someone else?

So, could this be considered a series of “surprises”?

Dong Yue’e was quite close, and her eyesight was good. She immediately looked through the small gap between Mo Fei and the car door and saw a small head inside.

It seemed to be a child…

Wait! Dong Yue’e reacted, she seemed to have just heard, what was the child calling? Calling “Papa”?

Who was she calling Papa?

The answer was actually already clear! There was only one man who came out of the car, besides Yang Yi, who else could it be?

“This, Mom, please wait a moment!” Yang Yi smiled awkwardly, hurriedly closed the front car door, and then opened the rear car door, and put on a coat for Xixi first.

“We’ve arrived at your grandparents’ house, get dressed quickly, and remember to greet your grandparents later…” Yang Yi’s voice came out, and even the bewildered voice of Xixi who had just woken up came out. Not only did Dong Yue’e hear it, but Yang Chonggui also heard it clearly.

Yang Chonggui couldn’t even get angry now. His mind was in a mess. He just stared and stood next to his wife, looking inside.

With just this tender and innocent voice, Yang Chonggui couldn’t stand still, he had an eager look in his eyes.

But Mo Fei was even more flustered. All the little plans she had thought of before went awry. She could only clumsily bow to the two elders again, then turned around to the back door of the car to help Yang Yi dress Xixi.

“The, the hair is still messy, the comb is in my bag…” Mo Fei’s muttering voice, Yang Yi could hear very clearly. He turned his head and saw Mo Fei’s flustered look.

“It’s okay. I’m here. Don’t panic, calm down. You did great just now!” Yang Yi whispered to her.

“Really?” Mo Fei looked at Yang Yi with a pitiful expression. Seeing his gentle smile, she felt a little more at ease.

After a bit of chaos, Yang Yi bent down to carry the just-awakened and still groggy Xixi out of the car. Mo Fei followed behind Yang Yi like a little wife.

This was the real challenge!

“Dad, Mom, this is Yang Xi, your granddaughter.” Looking at the two elderly people who were in a daze, Yang Yi was also a little uneasy in his heart, but he didn’t show it, and introduced as usual, “Xixi, quickly call Grandpa, Grandma!”

Xixi wrapped one hand around her father’s neck, rubbed her still sleepy eyes with the other, and obediently said, “Hello, Grandpa, Grandma.”

After speaking, she tightly hugged her father’s neck again, but was still secretly looking at Grandpa and Grandma. The little girl hadn’t fully woken up yet, and subconsciously, she still felt these two people were strangers, so she was a bit scared and could only rely on her father.

In fact, when Yang Yi carried Xixi out of the car, both Yang Chonggui and Dong Yue’e were wide-eyed. They stared intently at the adorable little girl with slightly messy hair and a sleepy look. Suddenly, they realized something was wrong!

How come the child is so big?

Yang Yi brought his wife home and also brought a child. Considering he hasn’t been home for two years, this child should be at most a little over a year old, right? Why does it look like… she’s five or six?”

There’s no helping it, who made Xixi grow so tall?

“Is this your own…” Yang Chonggui couldn’t hold back his words and couldn’t help but ask, but his voice abruptly stopped. Dong Yue’e reacted quickly and interrupted him.

“Cough!” Dong Yue’e coughed heavily, forcefully pulled her husband, and then smiled and said, “Okay, good child, come in first, let’s talk after you come in.”

Although Yang Chonggui was full of questions, and even had an unnamed anger burning because of Yang Yi’s sudden attack, he still couldn’t help but look at the little girl who had just called him “grandpa”. Looking at the little girl’s clever big eyes, he found himself unable to move away.

This girl… What did Tiezi say her name was just now? Yang Xi? Which Xi?

The cold morning wind brushed against her little face, and at this moment, Xixi was much more awake. She hugged her father’s neck, brought her little mouth close to his ears, and whispered softly, “Papa, Grandpa is watching me!”

“That’s because Grandpa likes you. Go and play with Grandpa. Papa needs to drive the car in.” Yang Yi put Xixi down and patted the little girl’s head.

“But, but I’m scared…” Xixi timidly looked at the somewhat fierce-looking white-haired grandpa, then turned back and tugged on her father’s clothes.

Upon hearing Xixi’s words, Yang Chonggui made a move that surprised Yang Qing, Yang Huan, and Dong Yue’e. He bent his back, which had been straight for decades, even squatted down, extending his hand, and smiled, saying, “Yang Xi, come, come to Grandpa and let me have a look.”

Dong Yue’e glanced meaningfully at her husband, secretly amused, but didn’t say anything.

Xixi turned her head to look at her grandpa for a moment, then turned to look at her father, feeling hesitant.

“Go ahead, let Grandpa take a good look at you!” Yang Yi quickly nudged his daughter’s little back. It was rare for the old man to take such an interest in Xixi, and this also relieved some of the pressure in Yang Yi’s heart.

Xixi looked at her grandpa again. At this moment, she felt that her grandpa, with his wrinkled and smiling face, didn’t seem so scary anymore. So, she walked over to him.

“Grandpa, are you my Papa’s Papa?” Xixi was still a bit nervous, and she used talking as a way to relieve her nervousness.

Mo Fei actually felt that Xixi’s question was a bit impolite. She opened her mouth but didn’t have the courage to speak. She just stood nervously beside Yang Yi’s mother, not knowing where to place her hands.

At this moment, Yang Chonggui could finally take a close look at Xixi’s appearance. Her eyebrows, her eyes, all of it suddenly made him feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity. Many of the doubts in his heart faded away. Of course, the questions he needed to hold back were still held back. He decided to ask that rascal Yang Yi about them later.

“Yes, I am your Papa’s Papa, which means I’m your Grandpa!” Yang Chonggui answered seriously, but it made Xixi find it very interesting. The little girl giggled, and her adorable laughing eyes melted everyone’s hearts.

Yang Yi got back into the car, and then leaned out from the driver’s seat, saying, “Dad, you and Xixi step aside for a moment. I’ll drive the car in.”

Yang Chonggui then lifted Xixi into his arms. He estimated that he might have held Yang Yi and his siblings when they were just born, but later, he left it all to Dong Yue’e. The strength of holding a child was a bit different, and Xixi, who was swung up and then caught again, exclaimed, finding it fun.

The little girl thought her grandpa was playing with her! Her laughter was like silver bells, breaking the morning chill and bringing her and her grandpa closer together.

“Grandpa, why is all your hair white?” Xixi felt a bit closer to her grandpa and asked the doubt in her heart, “My Grandpa’s hair is black.” 1

“Because Grandpa is old. By the way, what do you mean by ‘grandpa’?” Yang Chonggui held Xixi and walked past Yang Huan and Yang Qing. The softened tone of his voice made Yang Huan and Yang Qing look at each other with faces filled with surprise and disbelief.

“Oh, ‘grandpa’ means grandpa, my Mama’s Papa!”

One old, one young, just like that, started chatting.

When did Yang Chonggui ever have a good conversation with them?2

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