House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 319: Xixi’s Performance

Chapter 319: Xixi’s Performance

Yang Yi and Mo Fei’s warm-up act also ignited everyone’s enthusiasm. The guests present were either outstanding university students from Jiangcheng Media or professionals in the entertainment industry. Even Yang Huan was going to take Performing Art major at Jiangcheng Media in the future. Performing a small program, how could it be difficult for them?

Qin Wen, who caused the most commotion, was instead pushed out, and everyone asked her to perform next.

Qin Wen didn’t have stage fright either. She confidently danced a Rumba. She should have studied it before. She danced at a professional level, but unfortunately, it was a solo Rumba.

Latin dances are basically partner dances, and Rumba requires a male and female partner. One advances and the other retreats, the other retreats and the one advances, creating a subtle and teasing atmosphere. A solo Rumba was naturally lacking a bit of flavor.

However, there was no one to dance with her. Among the three men present, Guo Ziyi and Wang Chao could not dance. Yang Yi could dance Rumba, but due to his modest and low-key style, he didn’t take the initiative to dance with others.

Everyone had the chance to perform. Guo Ziyi also came up with a guitar. He wanted to sing Yang Yi’s song, but it was not the one he used to confess to Du Duanlei, “College Days”, but his favorite song, “Once You”.

“Every time I feel sad, I stand alone watching the ocean, I always remember my friends around me, how many of them still healing the wounds…” Guo Ziyi’s voice could not sing Xu Wei’s hoarseness and vicissitudes but still captivated the onlookers.

Xixi enjoyed the lively atmosphere and has already moved to the front. Yang Yi followed her to take care of her, while Mo Fei sat behind Yang Yi’s original position, quietly listening to the music. However, Mo Fei’s quietness was only reflected in her not clapping or making noise like others. With such a beautiful melody, she also nodded lightly and listened while swaying her body.

“Has brother-in-law written so many songs?” Mo Xiaojuan came over and whispered to Mo Fei, “I suddenly remembered that brother-in-law’s songs haven’t been sold yet, right? I haven’t heard these songs on the market!”

Mo Fei nodded and whispered in Mo Xiaojuan’s ear, “Many of his songs are only registered for copyright and placed on the website of the copyright organization, but they are all set to be unsearchable and unviewable, so no one knows.”

“That’s too wasteful! Why not let us handle it?” Mo Xiaojuan became interested and said, “Your and brother-in-law’s studio is established now, but there is no business yet. I plan to wait until your album is released, then dig up Teacher Jin, and then let them find something to do first!”

The studio has already been set up, but the name was still temporary to prevent others from noticing.

However, Mo Fei has not yet considered whether to leave Tianmei. Now, Tianmei has done everything it can for her. This made it difficult for Mo Fei to bring up the topic of leaving and pursuing the kind of work and life described by Yang Yi.

“For these things, you can discuss with Yang Yi. If he agrees, I will have no objection.” Mo Fei left the decision-making power to Yang Yi.

As a girlfriend, Mo Fei didn’t have much desire for control. At most, she would pay attention to other women who appear next to Yang Yi, and Yang Yi would handle these things properly and maintain a distance from women that makes Mo Fei feel secure. These were important reasons why she could get along well with Yang Yi.

After several people had performed, Xixi finally had to go on stage!

The little girl wasn’t singing or dancing today. She wanted to perform a special program for everyone. Yang Yi had arranged it with her early on. Yang Yi also smiled and walked onto the stage with her.

Perhaps it was the rehearsal in kindergarten this month that boosted Xixi’s confidence. Faced with so many people, the little girl wasn’t timid. Although she was a bit nervous, she could still say completely, “Today I will tell you a story with Papa!”

“Great!” Yang Huan took the lead in applauding enthusiastically.

“Hehe…” The little girl was a little embarrassed and giggled for a while before starting to tell the story, “The story I’m telling today is about a little turtle and a little rabbit who had a race.”

“I’m the little turtle!” Yang Yi pretended to crawl slowly on the ground, of course not completely lying down.

“I’m the little rabbit.” Xixi raised both of her hands, made a V-shaped gesture with her fingers on her head as her ears, and hopped twice.

No one watched Yang Yi’s performance, but Xixi’s performance made everyone burst into laughter. The little girl seriously sold a cute one, which was really too cute!

However, Xixi was a little embarrassed by the laughter and looked at her father for help.

“Everyone is praising you, it’s okay!” Yang Yi comforted her, and Xixi continued her performance.

“…The race between the little rabbit and the little turtle has begun. The little rabbit is running so fast, so fast ahead, while the little turtle is moving so slowly, so slowly.”

In the center of the stage, Xixi giggled and ran around the empty stage for two laps. And Yang Yi also imitated the appearance of a turtle, one step, two steps, taking one step, then another, with a slow and deliberate pace, as if playing in slow motion.

Although the story was very childish, for some reason, everyone watched it with great interest.

“The little rabbit ran too fast, it couldn’t even see the turtle at all. Well, the little rabbit is sure to win, so it will sleep first and run again after waking up because the little turtle ran too slowly!”

Xixi put her hands together and leaned them against one cheek, making a sleeping appearance.

“The little rabbit is asleep, but the little turtle is still crawling! It’s working very hard!” Xixi came to her father’s side, pointed at her father who was still doing slow movements with his left and right hands, and said seriously.

“When the little rabbit woke up, it ran to the finish line, but the little turtle had already reached the finish line, it was even faster than the little rabbit!” Xixi finally finished the story.

“What lesson does this story teach us?” Yang Yi asked in coordination.

“It teaches us that we can’t be arrogant! Arrogance is thinking that you are super powerful, and then you don’t have to keep crawling like a little turtle. You also have to learn from the little turtle and work hard to succeed!” Xixi looked at her father and finished her explanation.

“Clap clap!” Applause erupted.

Everyone gave the little girl a thumbs up and said, “Xixi spoke very well, great!”

Xixi, on the other hand, was not as calm as she was just now. The little girl was a little embarrassed by the praise. She leaned against her father’s leg and smiled shyly, “My story is over!”

After finishing speaking, the little girl ran away and threw herself into her mother’s arms, giggling happily and shyly buried her little head on her mother’s warm belly.

The Christmas party continued, everyone performed a program, and even Mo Fei was being coaxed by everyone to sing another song that everyone liked to listen to, “Crossing the Ocean to See You.”

Although Ding Xiang was not as versatile as everyone else, she mustered up the courage and learned to sing a popular song. The pitch was still a little off, but who made Ding Xiang the maker of those small pastries at the party? For her hard work and great contribution, everyone gave her a strong round of applause.

Guo Ziyi was even more afraid of Ding Xiang’s performance falling flat, so he secretly picked a plastic flower from the Christmas wreath and handed it to Ding Xiang while she was singing. This caused everyone to burst into laughter, and Ding Xiang’s face turned red with embarrassment.

At the Christmas party, everyone had a great time. On this cold winter night, everyone gathered in a warm coffee shop with food and drink, and lively programs. What could be better than this? So, when it was about to end, everyone still had some lingering feelings.

But it was different for Xixi. The closer it got to late night, the more eagerly she anticipated the end.

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