Chapter 260 – Need Financing?

“Yesterday, you went to Hong Kong, how did the discussions with the people from Tianxiang and Liujin Suiyue go?” Fu Jun asked the two department heads of his supplier department during the morning meeting.

After communicating with Yang Yi last time, Fu Jun set aside his past achievements and once again immersed himself in the rapidly changing wave of the Internet. Expanding new sales channels for the record industry was a big challenge. Fu Jun not only sent out his capable subordinates, but also personally dealt with various record companies and distributors.

“Tianxiang’s Mao Su’s attitude was average, but their General Manager Hu said he hoped to talk to you in person, Brother Jun. I think there is still a glimmer of hope.”

“Liujin Suiyue’s Cui Zong basically agreed to our terms, but…” The person in charge of the negotiations with Liujin Suiyue hesitated and said, “Cui Zong also asked one thing. They are quite optimistic about Sahara’s development and asked if Brother Jun need financing.”

Fu Jun furrowed his brow slightly. Although he didn’t need financing at the moment because Sahara’s profitability seemed good so far, Fu Jun still needed to think carefully about this issue.

The development of Sahara Online Shop was at its golden period, with a fast-track development speed. With the recent launch of online banking, competitors had not yet noticed this piece of cake, allowing for smooth development.

However, if they didn’t seize this opportunity to quickly seize market share and establish a competitive advantage, once competitors caught on, Sahara Online Shop might get caught up in intense competition and not have the energy to expand!

Obviously, the current development speed of Sahara was not fast enough, and this speed was also limited by the investment of funds.

The internet industry was a world where the competition was based on the speed of burning money…

However, if financing was involved, Fu Jun needed to consider whether the remaining shares in his hands were still sufficient for him to maintain control of the company.

He was currently holding 51%, it was an awkward figure. If he had more shares in his hands, Fu Jun would definitely not hesitate to take out some for financing.

In the past, he sold 49% of the shares for 5 million to Yang Yi, and now it seemed like a deal that brought him significant losses!

Of course, Fu Jun was still very clear headed and not blinded by money. He also deeply understood that if it weren’t for Yang Yi pointing out these paths to him, his original Sahara Online Bookstore would still be in its half-dead state…

“Alright, I know about this matter. I’ll discuss it with General Manager Yang later.” Fu Jun said, ” Also, please arrange a meeting with General Manager Hu of Tianxiang for me on Friday. I’ll go to Hong Kong to meet with General Manager Hu.”

“Yes!” His subordinates nodded crisply, then promptly packed up their notebooks and left.

Sahara has taken the fast lane, and everyone had to pull themselves together and keep up with the company’s pace of development. Otherwise, if the company expanded in the future and they couldn’t meet the requirements, Fu Jun would be determined to hire executives from outside.

However, Fu Jun, on the contrary, had some free time. He eagerly opened his laptop and logged onto Weibo, and started browsing.

Since Yang Yi introduced this thing to him last time, Fu Jun has not only promoted it within the company but also promoted it to some big customers. He himself has also become obsessed with Weibo.

Although the current Weibo didn’t have a lot of content or any particularly fun features, just being able to see the status of the people one followed has made Fu Jun and many other white-collar workers who spent their days in front of computers addicted to it.

On one hand, it was because using Weibo could kill some of their boring spare time at work, and on the other hand, it also satisfied their somewhat “abnormal” desire to peek on others’ lives.

Seeing what others were up to, seeing their state for the day, were they dining out? Were they slaving away at the keyboard? Or did they encounter some strange person who wouldn’t even give them 100 yuan?

“Peeking” at these things on the computer was just like gossiping, it could be addictive!

Fu Jun just thought of Yang Yi, so he clicked on the profile of “The Chef from the Xixi Family” among the people he followed. He opened Yang Yi’s page to see what interesting things his daughter had at kindergarten today or what delicious food he made. Yang Yi’s Weibo usually revolved around these contents, a complete obsession with his daughter.

His secretary saw that he was still playing there and came over to refill his tea.

“Xiao Hong, hey, let me ask you a question. Do you usually play with Weibo?” Fu Jun suddenly spoke, startling the secretary.

“Yes, Boss. After you recommended it, I registered and started using it.” The secretary quickly replied.

But after saying that, she became nervous, afraid that Fu Jun would want to follow each other’s Weibo. There were still some comments complaining about her boss that she hadn’t deleted yet!

However, fortunately, Fu Jun didn’t have this idea. He understood the principles of being a boss well and didn’t integrate too much into the circle of his subordinates, giving them some space.

“So, tell me, what makes Weibo fun?” Fu Jun eagerly took out a voucher from his pocket that a customer had given him and said, “Come up with something new and interesting. If you explain it well, your boss will reward you with a seafood buffet!”

The secretary perked up and thought carefully for a moment before saying, “I think this Weibo is actually similar to a blog, but what makes it more fun than a blog is the character limit! When we post a Weibo, it’s similar to sending a short message.”

“Hmm, continue,” Fu Jun nodded thoughtfully.

“After all, we’re not writers. No one can write long articles to post on a blog regularly. And like my own blog, I haven’t opened it once throughout the year, let alone write. Seeing those lengthy articles gives me a headache,” the secretary said, embarrassedly sticking out her tongue and adding, “Of course, Boss, I’m not saying I can’t read your plan…”

Fu Jun waved his hand, not minding it.

“I really don’t like blogs, but Weibo is much better. Sometimes you can just write a few sentences and post them. There’s no need to worry about the length or literary style. It’s like being able to express whatever is on your heart. Anyway, I think my friends around me like it very much after I recommended them to use it.” the secretary said.

“That’s very good, very observant. Go on, go enjoy the meal!” Fu Jun smiled and handed her the voucher.

The benefits mentioned by the secretary were indeed something Fu Jun hadn’t considered before. He had only thought about the advantages from a consumer’s perspective1and hadn’t realized there were so many advantages from a writer’s point of view as well.

“Now, the number of Weibo users is not that high, but the growth rate is impressive!” After sending off the happy secretary, Fu Jun pondered quietly, “If there are enough users and sufficient user engagement, advertising on Weibo would be a great choice!”

Indeed, the development potential of Weibo was also great!

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