Chapter 221 – Leave Everything To Me

“I’m really very wealthy!” Yang Yi explained to Mo Fei his sources of income with a wry smile, and only then did Mo Fei reluctantly accept the concept that he was indeed wealthy.

However, Mo Fei was still a bit worried: “Yang Yi, the entertainment industry may not be as simple as you think. It’s not just a matter of spending money to solve everything. For example, when I release an album, we need to collect songs, hire producers, do promotions, and so on. The most important thing is the first one, which requires the support of the company’s resources. It’s not like every time there’s a songwriter like Mu Li’ang who can help me write a whole album of songs!”

“It’s okay, believe me, Mu Li’ang will still write songs for you next time!” Yang Yi smiled, his right hand’s fingers lined up and he made a cutting motion, half-jokingly saying, “I’ll hold a vegetable knife around his neck and see if he’s willing.”

“Stop talking nonsense!” Mo Fei couldn’t help but laugh and scolded, “If you keep talking like this, not only will Mu Li’ang refuse to write songs for me, but no one will want to write songs for me in the future!”

“It’s just a joke!” Yang Yi patted Mo Fei’s hand and smiled, “Anyway, whether it’s the song or the studio, you don’t have to worry. I have a way to help you solve it.”

Even with the most troublesome issue of music CD release, Yang Yi actually has a solution. He had a strong relationship with Tianxiang Records in Hong Kong City. Worst case scenario, he could just write a couple of songs for Chen Yijie and sell some favors. They wouldn’t refuse to help.

“Leave everything to me!” Yang Yi said in a soft voice.

Mo Fei felt warm in her heart. Although reason told her that Yang Yi, who had nothing to do with the entertainment industry, saying this was just a manifestation of male chauvinism, her emotions were still touched.

There was an impulse like wild grass growing rampantly in spring. Mo Fei’s eyes turned slightly red, and her lively eyes seemed to have something flowing in them. Her hand holding Yang Yi’s became warm and moist.

Yang Yi had long figured out Mo Fei’s depth. How could he not see her emotional expression? If it weren’t for their daughter on the side, this dinner table would probably have become their hot battlefield with just a sweep of an arm…

However, Xixi’s existence turned all these crazy ideas into bubbles. The little girl appeared in a timely manner, interrupting the emotions that had just been brewing between her parents.

“Papa, Papa! Xiao Hui and Duoduo are being naughty. They, they stink on the balcony!” The little girl ran over and complained, shouting from a distance.

Looking at Yang Yi’s helpless appearance, Mo Fei stifled a laugh, her face still with a hint of blush.

Yang Yi looked at Mo Fei’s smirk, and couldn’t help but reach out to pinch her delicate nose bridge, and said, “Come to my room tonight!”

Xixi had already run over. She grabbed her father’s hand and pulled him towards the balcony, saying, “Papa, come and see, Xiao Hui and Duoduo are stinking on the balcony again!”

“How did you know it was Xiao Hui and Duoduo? What about Xiao Guai?” Yang Yi asked with a smile.

“Xiao Guai is very well-behaved, he wouldn’t go to the balcony!” Xixi quickly defended.

Led by Xixi, Yang Yi came to the balcony and found two dark lumps, one on the floor and the other in a flowerpot, with different shapes and colors.

“Xiao Hui, Duoduo, come here and take a look. Is this your doing?” Yang Yi turned his head and exclaimed.

Duoduo, squatting on the cat tree, glanced at his owner lazily, then twisted her head and dived into the cat cave1, leaving only her butt outside.

On the other hand, Xiao Hui was active, wagging his tail and slowly walking over, with Xiao Guai also following closely behind, trotting along.

“Xiao Hui, did you make these two messes?” Yang Yi asked with a smile.

Xixi saw Xiao Guai also running over. She bent down to pick him up, habitually scratched his chin, and said with a pout, “It’s definitely not Xiao Guai, right? Xiao Guai is so well-behaved.”

Xiao Guai affectionately rubbed the little master’s palm, thinking that the little master was going to play with him again.

The overly clever Xiao Hui, however, had nothing to show for it2. He let out a meow and circled around Yang Yi’s feet, rubbing against him in a pleasing manner. Finally, he extended his claws, which had grown a bit, and hooked onto the man’s pants leg, trying to make him move away.

“Don’t look at me, am I not losing face?” Xiao Hui seemed to be acting spoiled.

“It seems like it’s you!” Yang Yi smiled and squatted down, holding Xiao Hui’s round face and gently flicking his forehead.

Actually, he didn’t exert any force, just trying to scare the mischievous little guy.

Xiao Hui yelped in pain, quickly twisted his body and struggled to get away, then squatted on the side, and rubbed his head against his own paw, looking like he was still hurting.

“Hey, don’t hit him! Cats are not humans, they don’t understand your scolding.” At this moment, Mo Fei walked over, squatted down to comfort Xiao Hui, and scolded.3

“I didn’t use any force, did I?” Yang Yi scratched his head.

“Cats have very sensitive emotions. If you hit them, they will be afraid of you next time and won’t play with you,” senior cat lover4Mo Fei explained. “If they don’t use their own litter box to do their business, maybe you haven’t changed their litter for too long?”

At this time, Xiao Guai in Xixi’s arms was also restless. Taking advantage of Xixi not holding him steady, he kicked his legs and landed on Xixi’s small belly, then jumped off of her body.

“Xiao Guai, where are you going?” Xixi hurriedly chased after him to the living room. She had forgotten that she had just come to report to her father. She giggled and took out the plastic holder ball with the bell and started playing with Xiao Guai.

“Ring ring ring!” As soon as this magical tool came out, it immediately attracted the attention of all the kittens. Even Duoduo jumped down from the cat tree, and Xiao Hui didn’t care about being wronged. He jumped off Mo Fei’s body and chased after it.

Yang Yi was cleaning up the mess with Mo Fei. He swept the two piles of cat poop into the garbage bag and used even mopped the floor several times. Mo Fei helped replace the cat litter in three litter boxes.

Cats are, after all, territorial animals, and they have a strong sense of territorial division. Although, they were siblings, Xiao Hui will never share a litter box with his brother and sister, so Yang Yi bought a litter box with a lid for each kitten. This type of enclosed litter box was well-received by the three British Shorthairs when it was first brought home.

After a period of training, they had become accustomed to using the litter box to solve their needs. But today, they were pooping outside, which made Yang Yi a bit puzzled.

Mo Fei explained to Yang Yi, “Actually, you do clean up their wastes regularly, but it’s not enough if you don’t change the cat litter. Over time, the cats will start to dislike it because the old cat litter has already developed an odor.”

“Cat litter is a consumable item. Every time you use the dedicated small shovel to scoop up the poop, you also need to remember to remove the clumped litter and add new cat litter, so that the kittens will be willing to continue using the litter box.” This time, Mo Fei simply dumped all the cat litter from the three litter boxes into the garbage bag that Yang Yi brought over.

Then Yang Yi brought over a heavy bag of cat litter and refilled the litter boxes.

After a while, facing the litter box placed in the corner of the study, Xiao Guai, Duoduo, and Xiao Hui lined up, with even the restless Xiao Hui lying down obediently at this moment.

Xixi brought a small stool and mischievously sat in a row with the kittens, looking at her mother with a smile.

Mo Fei was not as fierce as Yang Yi. She picked up the kittens one by one, and even the most aloof Duoduo narrowed her eyes and enjoyed Mo Fei’s affectionate attention.

While stroking their fine fur, Mo Fei pointed to the litter box and said softly, “This is your toilet, Duoduo. You should obediently stink in the box. If you obey, Mama will reward you.

“Cats are very sensitive to their environment, so we need to make sure they have a comfortable and clean space to live in. If we take good care of them, they will be happy and healthy.”

Xixi sat on a small stool, twisting back and forth like she was playing on a wooden horse. She didn’t want to be left out and called out, “What about mine? What about me?”

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