Chapter 171 – To Cry Or Not To Cry

At the same time1, at his end, Yang Yi took Xixi’s small hand and lead her into the door of the kindergarten.

“Welcome, little sister!” At the door stood two rows of female teachers, all smiling and clapping their hands, and were full of enthusiasm when they came up.

Perhaps affected by the lively atmosphere, Xixi also took her father’s hand, her footsteps were a little cheerful, and she looked around curiously.

After a while, after passing the teachers’ “welcome”, the little girl couldn’t wait to pull her father’s hand and asked her father to squat down to whisper.

“Papa, I think this place is fun!” The little girl, with red lips and white teeth2, looked cute with her big eyes blinking and smile.

Yang Yi scratched his head and said, “Er, is it fun?”

Before he came, he was worried that Xixi would cry. He had thought of countless tricks in his mind, and even looked up some materials. He could almost write a paper of several thousand words on how to solve the problem of children crying on the first day of school.

Now, however, it seemed that all these preparations have been in vain. Not only did Xixi not cry, she looked like she was eager.

“It’s fun!” Xixi nodded her head vigorously.

But just because Xixi didn’t cry didn’t mean that other children wouldn’t cry.

No sooner had Yang Yi finished the reporting procedure for Xixi, a little boy near to them started to cry. His mother hurriedly picked up the little boy and coaxed him with red eyes, but she couldn’t coax him down, and his father was at a loss and didn’t know what to do.

Xixi was startled. She held her father’s hand tightly and stared at the crying little boy.

“Papa, what happened to that little brother?” As Yang Yi carried her away, Xixi lay on her father’s shoulder and asked curiously.

It was still unknown who was older and who was younger! However, Xixi has good genes. She was tall and looked taller than children of the same age, especially little boys.

Fearing that his daughter’s mood would be affected, Yang Yi took Xixi out and whispered, “I don’t know, maybe it’s because he’s not as good as Xixi. Our Xixi never cries, right?”

“mm-hmm, Xixi is a good girl!” The little girl smiled happily.

But it was time to say goodbye. Yang Yi took Xixi to the middle class where she was going. At the door, several teachers were already waiting.

He recognized them when he came to visit and enrolled Xixi before. The two young female teachers on the left and right were Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai, respectively, while the female teacher in her thirties or forties was the teacher in charge of the class, Teacher Mu.

Teacher Mu came over with a smile, gently pressed her palm on Xixi’s shoulder, and then said, “Xixi, do you still remember Teacher Mu?”

Xixi subconsciously leaned closer to her father, and then looked at the other party timidly. After all, she was still a stranger.

“You’ve met her the last time Papa brought you here. Say hello to Teacher Mu.” Yang Yi pushed the little girl’s back and encouraged her.

“Hello, Teacher Mu…” At home, Yang Yi and Mo Fei have taught Xixi these etiquettes, but Xixi was still a little shy. So, after greeting her in a low voice, she hurried back to her father’s side.

“and Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai.” Yang Yi pushed her daughter again.

After the first time, she wasn’t so shy anymore.

Xixi greeted the two teachers obediently, and both Teacher Shen and Teacher Cai responded with a smile. Teacher Cai also cutely made a duckling’s beak with her hand and said, “Hello, little friend Yang Xi!”

The amiable appearance of the teachers made Xixi feel more and more at ease. At least she didn’t want to hide behind her father like she did at the beginning.

“Teacher Mu, I’ll leave Xixi to you. Take good care of her for me.” Yang Yi couldn’t help saying, “she drinks a bottle of water almost every two hours, and then drinks milk once in the morning and once in the afternoon. We have a lunch for her in her school bag. The lunchbox with the blue cat is Xixi’s, and lunchbox with the pink cartoon character has the same dish. Xixi said she wanted to share it with the other children.”

As he explained, Yang Yi felt that his nose was a little sour.

When did he become so affectionate? Before, when Xixi went back to her mother’s house, Yang Yi didn’t have any mood swings.

Teacher Mu looked at Yang Yi with a smile and said, “Father Yang, please rest assured that we will take good care of your daughter! Of course, don’t we still have your cell phone number? If there is anything, I will communicate with you in time. “

“That’s good!” Yang Yi nodded.

When it was time to say goodbye to Xixi, Yang Yi squatted down and tidied up his daughter’s hat. The little girl had never looked so beautiful in her bell-shaped hat!

“Papa has to go. Xixi, remember to be good, you pinkie promised Papa, okay?” Yang Yi said softly.

“Where is Papa going?” Xixi was a little confused. She realized now that something was wrong.

“After dropping you off here in the kindergarten, Papa is going home!” Yang Yi immediately added, “but don’t worry, Papa will come and pick up Xixi when school is over in the afternoon!”

Xixi’s little face has finally lost its smile. She nervously grabbed her father’s hand and asked anxiously, “Ah? Why is Papa going home?”

“Because Papa can’t accompany you here in kindergarten!” Yang Yi seemed to feel that his preparations would come in handy.

“But, but, why not?” The little girl’s eyes were a little red with anxiety. At the moment, she felt as if her father had taken her to the amusement park, but told her that he could not play with her.

Yang Yi resisted the urge to hug the little girl and coax her, because the “guide” told him that the more he tried to coax her, the more she would cry. So, Yang Yi just patted Xixi on the shoulder and said softly, “Because in kindergarten, Xixi has to be with her teacher and play with other friends, and Papa has to wait until the afternoon to pick Xixi up.”

“Remember? You pinkie promised with Papa and said you wouldn’t cry! Whoever cries is a puppy!” Yang Yi also stretched out the little finger of his right hand and shook it.

“Um, I, I won’t cry.” The little girl’s tears were about to roll down, but she held back and sniffed and said, “but, but I still don’t want Papa to go.”

“Dad will wait until we return in the evening for you to tell Papa about the interesting things you did today, so Xixi must have fun with the other children, okay?” Yang Yi still couldn’t help wiping the corners of his daughter’s eyes.

As a result, golden beans rolled down one by one.

But Xixi was still very obedient. Despite of all reluctance and tears, she still nodded hard.

The guide also told Yang Yi that he should not stay too long. The more worried and reluctant he was, the more he must turn around and leave, because the more children saw their parents, the more they would cry.

It must be known; children were also very smart! As long as their parents softened once, they would take advantage of their parents’ softness and continue to make trouble.

“Goodbye, Xixi. Papa will come and pick you up this afternoon!” Yang Yi handed Xixi to Teacher Mu’s hand, and then turned away at the beckoning of his daughter’s tearful eyes.

He really had to force himself to turned around3 and buried his head to go out, fearing that he could not help turning back, and by then he would be reluctant to leave.

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