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In an extraordinary turn of events that defied all norms, Gao Ming, an expert in psychological counseling at a high-security prison, achieved what was once deemed impossible. In the midst of a realm where reality and fantasy blurred, he consumed the Heart of Mortality. This terrifying artifact, steeped in darkness and legend, had been secreted away in the depths of a sinister apartment complex, a creation of a malevolent ghost’s twisted imagination.

Situ An, a man of considerable strength and cunning, also discovered a means of survival in this nightmarish world. He daringly absorbed the consciousness of the malevolent ghost, intertwining it with his own essence. This bold act transformed him, making him one with the very entity that had been his tormentor.

“I truly don’t understand,” Gao Ming confessed, his voice tinged with confusion and disbelief. Despite his vast experience dealing with a spectrum of individuals in his role as a seasoned psychological counselor, Situ An’s actions baffled him. “You have wealth that would sustain ordinary people for countless generations, connections that span continents, and you are held in high regard and adoration by countless individuals. You have the power to fulfill any wish or desire. So why, then, choose to join the Investigation Bureau? Why immerse yourself in such profound despair?” he questioned, struggling to comprehend Situ An’s motives.

“Despair isn’t a construct of my own making; it’s an inherent part of existence,” Situ An replied sharply, his gaze fixed on Gao Ming with a mixture of respect and lethal intent.

“I used to believe that achieving excellence in every endeavor would garner respect. In my twenties, I encountered a prominent individual from Hanhai City City who seemed to genuinely admire my talents and was never stingy with his compliments. Yet, all it took was one offhand comment from him to render my efforts meaningless.”

“It baffled me until one day I noticed my housekeeper had perfectly cleaned the house. Out of habit, I praised her work.”

“As I saw our reflections on the impeccably polished floor, it struck me – that was exactly how the prominent figure used to praise me.”

“The greatest despair in life is realizing that when you gaze up at the sky, it bears no relevance to your existence.”

“This is the world I inhabit, but it doesn’t belong to me.”

As he spoke, Situ An’s hand tightened around a sharp knife, his resolve clear in his voice: “Be they humans or ghosts, they are all the same in my eyes.”

“Don’t bother with your words. The Heart of Mortality has been devoured, and my true form is unraveling. Your zealous subordinates will be here shortly,” a voice, distinctly not Situ An’s, echoed from his lips, betraying the malevolent ghost’s forced collaboration.

The moment the Heart of Mortality was extracted from the demonic statue, a dramatic change occurred. The network of blood vessels that ran through the underground torture chamber began to wither and decay. Rust-covered pipes that were affixed above started to slide downwards ominously.

The corpses that littered the area decayed at an accelerated pace, and hidden red threads in the ceiling snapped. This caused massive cracks to form, leading to a catastrophic collapse.

Stones tumbled down, emitting foul odors and releasing torrents of blood. The ceiling above crumbled away, unveiling the hidden torture chamber that was the domain of the malevolent ghost.

Below ground, the surviving members of the investigation team were battered and injured, their numbers drastically reduced.

Yet, the horrific sacrifices they had endured were not in vain.

In the epicenter of chaos, a man stood out strikingly in a vivid red coat. His stature was unnervingly tall, and his appearance was nothing short of grotesque. He had eight arms, each eerily grafted from different victims, and his chest and skull were adorned with faces that were both fierce and monstrous. This being seemed to have the ambition of transforming into a demonic statue, complete with multiple arms and faces. The investigators, however, discovered that this creature was just two faces shy of achieving his ghastly goal.

Under normal circumstances, the task of defeating such a creature would have been a formidable challenge for the investigators. However, their odds improved dramatically with the presence of an almost two-meter-tall thug at the scene. This intimidating figure was covered in giant ghost tattoos, adding an air of supernatural strength to his already formidable appearance.

“17!” Gao Ming’s voice echoed through the chaos.

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At the sound of Gao Ming’s call, Yan Hua, a man with black characters sprawling across his body, swiftly disengaged from the intense combat and leaped into the pit. His primary concern was Gao Ming’s safety, as Gao Ming was the only one who knew the whereabouts of his sister. Yan Hua’s presence was menacing, his muscles bulging as if energized by the huge, starving ghost that seemed to trail behind him.

Upon seeing Yan Hua’s swift approach, Gao Ming let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the support of an ally in such a dire situation.

Meanwhile, Situ An stood silently amidst a mound of corpses, observing the scene as the enraged investigators dismantled the malevolent ghost’s physical form. As Situ An felt the spirit’s pain through their merged consciousness, the spirit inside him implored desperately, “Stop them!”

“Shut up,” Situ An responded coldly. He remained in the shadows, waiting for the investigators to completely destroy the spirit’s form before he finally tore off his shirt and stepped out, revealing himself atop the pile of corpses.

“Director!” The investigators, noticing Situ An, turned their attention towards the deep pit. The sight of Situ An, shirtless and marred with horrific wounds, led them to wonder about the extent of torture he had endured.

One after another, the investigators jumped down into the pit. The battle with the malevolent ghost had intensified their own ghostly characteristics, the black characters on their bodies becoming more prominent, their consciousness blurring.

Situ An, with a knife pointed at Gao Ming, leveled an accusation: “Perhaps you’re curious why the Cannibal Ghost could precisely locate us and prepare in advance. This man,” he gestured at Gao Ming, “claiming to be the successor of Investigator Bai Xiao, is also a cannibal ghost. He even swallowed a heart just now.”

“Director, you’re mistaken! I’ve been with Gao Ming all along; he’s definitely not the Cannibal Ghost!” Zhu Miao Miao, despite her injuries, attempted to defend Gao Ming.

“When we first met, he was indeed with the ghost in the building,” Qing Ge, the first to turn his knife, declared, accepting Situ An’s words as the absolute truth.

The crowd, swayed by the words of a seemingly sane madman, pointed their knives stained with ghost blood at Gao Ming, suspicion and hostility clouding their judgment.

Gao Ming was acutely aware that his words held little sway in the current situation. It was Situ An who had manipulated the investigators, and it was Situ An who had given them the knowledge on how to retaliate against the ghosts. As the acting director of an entire bureau, his influence and authority far exceeded Gao Ming’s own role as the acting team leader of a squad.

In the aftermath of their joint effort to vanquish the malevolent ghost’s true form, the surviving investigators, along with Yan Hua, found themselves engulfed in a sudden, unexpected conflict. They positioned themselves on opposing ends of the macabre pile of corpses, ready to engage in another brutal round of combat.

Despite being outnumbered, Yan Hua fought with the ferocity of a god of war, his strength seeming to amplify with every wound he sustained.

“Leave now! I’ll follow!” Yan Hua’s command allowed no room for hesitation. He swiftly cleared a path through the investigators, enabling Gao Ming to clamber out of the pit using his shoulders as a leverage point. “Xuan Wen is on the ninth floor of Building A. She’s in trouble too. Shadows won’t spare those who change fate!” he shouted, hinting that Xuan Wen’s intuition had led him to Gao Ming’s location.

Outside the pit, more investigators were waiting. Gao Ming, suffering intense pain, realized that he had to escape immediately or risk both him and Yan Hua becoming trapped.

His earlier decision to consume the flesh proved fortuitous; without its strengthening effect, his physical state would have severely limited his escape.

Evading the investigators blocking his path, Gao Ming made a beeline for Building A. Xuan Wen possessed unique abilities that could potentially turn the tide of their desperate circumstances. Assisting her might be key to altering their grim fate.

As he hurried towards the exit, Gao Ming felt an unsettling transformation within him. His heart seemed to be undergoing a bizarre metamorphosis, pulsating with an ominous “curse.”

Meanwhile, Yan Hua was fiercely contending with the besieging investigators. Situ An, however, chose a different path. He navigated a hidden passage, leaving the underground level behind.

“You destroyed my body,” the spirit within him lamented.

“If you’re thinking of trying to take over my body, feel free to try,” Situ An replied with a dismissive coolness.

Choosing not to pursue Gao Ming, Situ An arrived at the entrance of Granny’s apartment unit. He greeted the scene inside with a smirk, pushing the door open.

The floor was littered with talismans. Granny, her figure stooped and facing away from the door, was knelt amidst an array of three hundred and sixty statues of gods and demons, her demeanor one of resignation.

“You’ve worshipped so many spirits, but can they protect you now?” Situ An taunted as he walked through the room, his knife lightly touching the statues. “I’ll ask you once more, where did you hide the other talismans of slaying?”

Granny slowly raised her head, revealing a face wrinkled like ancient dragon scales. “All the talismans have been given to you,” she responded. “Humans act, and the heaven watches. You’re destined not to obtain certain things because they’re not in your fate.”

“If I had any faith in fate, do you think I would have gone to the lengths of constructing this death-infused apartment?” Situ An asked, his voice laced with a mocking chuckle. “I’m genuinely curious; you’ve altered the destinies of numerous affluent figures in Hanhai City. So why haven’t you changed mine?”

Granny remained silent, her gaze shifting downward to a copper basin before her. The basin, filled with water, cast back the reflection of an aged dragon’s head, a symbol steeped in mysticism.

As Situ An inched closer to her, a startling change occurred within the basin. Blood suddenly began to swirl into the water, and in the reflection, it appeared as though the dragon’s head had been gruesomely severed!

With a decisive “plop!” sound echoing through the room, Situ An’s actions were swift and without a trace of hesitation. He swung his heavy knife, and in a chilling moment, the old woman’s head tumbled into the copper basin, her life extinguished in an instant.

“Now, the slaying talismans are no longer of any use to me, nor is the person capable of creating them,” Situ An declared coldly, his actions underscoring the finality of his words and the ruthlessness of his character.

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