“One has to find a reasonable excuse to send people to their deaths.” The screams in the lobby continued. Fu San listened to them patiently. “The map marked out by Jing Tuoshen is similar to the map Gao Ming showed me. They are both looking for the students from Class 13. These poisons released by the shadow world into the real world are quite popular.”

The clouds spied on the sin through the windows. The flag of the investigation centre flew above Zuo Bo’s head. Zuo Bo was injected with tubes, and his head had been poked through. He was a human, but he was transformed to look more like a monster.

Jing Tuoshen’s driver was satisfied with his work. He yanked the tubes on Zuo Bo’s body and removed his patient’s garb to reveal the shadow world tattoo on Zuo Bo’s skin. His body was like a rift in the real world. Fingers from the shadow world extended through. The investigators in the lobby knew the severity of the situation. The team leaders led the teams and ventured into the city. The lobby emptied until two security members stood beside the ‘cage’. Zuo Bo was displayed like an animal. He was hated like the manifestation of sins.

“What a mad world.”

The smell of blood floated in the air. Fu San took a deep breath. He could smell the scent of murder. His fingers tapped on the rails. He would have a feast that night. Queens Street was filled with protesters, and rumours invaded the internet. The mutated citizens raised a storm, and the scapegoats hid in the dark with a smile. The ghosts looked at the dirty world of humanity, and the humans had demons in their hearts.

“The investigation centre wants to control Han Hai. The monsters and ghosts from the shadow world want to take down the east city investigation centre.” The presence of the investigation centre was to resist the shadow world. If the east city investigation centre were taken over by ghosts, panic would spread further.

“Therefore, the venue of the power contest between the shadow world and the real world will be here tonight.”

Hiding upstairs, Fu San saw a batch of reinforcements from the headquarters enter the east city centre. Some of them met up with Jing Tuoshen while a large part moved away from Jing Tuoshen like they had been given another order.

“Even now, the headquarters is still divided. What are they thinking? Do they have a deeper plan? Even I worry for them.”

Fu San knew that Jiujiang and Xin Lu treated the shadow world differently. Jiujiang chose the path of massacre, while Xin Lu chose the path of assimilation. Han Hai was straddling both. The cleansing mission at the east city continued. The morning was instrumental to them. Even the newbies were sent out. Most of them hadn’t interacted with an anomaly before.

The morning passed. The rain weakened, but the rain clouds still hung low. Fu Ning and a few chiefs stood before Jing Tuoshen with their heads lowered. They didn’t even dare to breathe.

“You only managed to kill 11 possessed people in four hours after mobilising the entire east city investigation centre?!” Jing Tuoshen scoffed at their uselessness.

“We caught 254 suspicious characters. All of them have been quarantined. Once we make sure they are possessed, we will take the corresponding actions,” Chen Yuntian was the oldest, and he wasn’t that scared of Jing Tuoshen.

“What about the students from Class 13? How many of those have you caught?” Jing Tuoshen cared more about that.

“Currently, we’ve confirmed the locations of five students. One of them is Cai Meimei, who lives in Springs Apartments. However, we lost contact with the teams we sent there.” Fu Ning didn’t dare to look at Jing Tuoshen. He was guilty because there was a big ghost in the building that hadn’t been dealt with.

“Each of those students can trigger an anomaly. If we leave them be, that apartment will become the next Han De Private Academy.” Jing Tuoshen put down his files and walked out. “Gather everyone. You have to capture them before dark!”

The people inside the east city investigation centre moved about crazily. They would come back to report every few hours. The closer it was to the night, the more frequent they made the reports. All the investigators were like machines. No one dared to slow down.

Xia Yang didn’t stay idle either. He visited all the taboo places at the east city investigation centre and managed to get the types of sacrifices from Fu Ning. Soon, he would be able to enter the shadow world and visit Situ An’s home. After everything was ready, Fu San returned to the newbie training room he had been to that morning. When he saw that all the newbies had been mobilised by the headquarters to patrol the streets, he blocked the door.

“Team Leader Fu, what are you doing?” The people from the logistics department didn’t dare to offend Fu San. Their ranks were lower than investigators, and Fu San was the chief’s son.

“You know the situation at the east city currently. Sending the newbies to patrol is sending them to their death.” Fu San didn’t move.

“Leader Fu is kinder than the other leaders to consider these kids,” The leading worker was called Wang Hao. He took out the slip from the headquarters. “But we can’t help it. We are understaffed, and the people above have been urging us.” The newbies left the equipment room with their gear. They saw Fu San blocking the door.

“I’ve received news that the ghosts might target the east city investigation centre. This building has weak defensive power. I’ll have to take over this batch of newbies under requisition.” Fu San pushed Wang Hao to the side and waved at the newbies.

“Will the ghosts attack the centre?” This news frightened not only Wang Hao but also the newbies.

“It makes sense. The mutated creatures we killed in the day will take revenge at night.”

“Perhaps this is why Teacher Fu is protecting us. I hear that newbies like us will only be treated as meatshield by our seniors. We’ll be sent into the anomalies to test the ghost’s power.”

“I’m surprised Teacher Fu is so nice considering his attitude.”

“Don’t be taken in by him. He’s doing this to save his own skin! The other investigators are out there to protect Han Hai, but he’s standing here at the centre because he’s the chief’s son.”

Some of the students had asked about Fu San’s background from the workers. They figured out that Fu San only became a team leader because of his father. The other team leaders at the centre gave him face on the surface but looked down on him in the dark. They gave him a lot of horrible nicknames.

“I’ve received a message from the headquarters from my black band. I’m being requested to go to Springs Apartments to assist the other teams.” Xiao Yong didn’t like Fu San, who was so weak. From his perspective, Fu San was an empty can that made a lot of noise. He would have no future following him. Some of the newbies sided with Xiao Yong. They were selected to join the investigation centre. They had already been given the black bands even though they were still newbies.

“Do you need me to repeat myself?” Fu San smiled at them. “Follow me now.”

Being stared at by Fu San, the students at the front shivered. Xiao Yong walked out of the group. He didn’t think Fu San would dare to do anything to him or even go against the headquarters.

“Follow you?” Xiao Yong held the special knife and steadied his steps. However, he only took two steps when he felt that something was wrong. Fu San’s eyes changed. In his eyes, Xiao Yong became a cockerel with five toes.

“A drawing?”

His clothes were torn apart, and then his skin came out. Fu San’s gaze was about to gouge out Xiao Yong’s heart.

“What are you doing here?” A loud voice came from the distance. The man was two metres tall.

“Chief, you’re here!” Wang Hao jogged to the man and whispered everything to him.

“Fu San’s worry is not unfounded. If you go out now, you’ll only become cannon fodder. You should stay here.” The man wore a western suit. The work ID hung before his chest. The plaque of a faceless Buddha hung around his neck.

“Jiang Chan?” Fu San smiled brighter. “You’re here.”

“I’m here to take a look since the situation is so unstable.” Jiang Chan walked through the group and entered the equipment room. It looked like he was searching for something.

Now that Situ An was missing, the two power centres at the east city investigation centre were Jiang Chan and Fu San’s father. The newbies knew they couldn’t afford to offend them, so they obediently returned to the training room.

“There are two more hours before the light goes out. I will teach you something you can really use.” Fu San wanted to train these newbies into qualified sacrifice.

“Humans have no chance of surviving an encounter with ghosts, but if you focus on strengthening these qualities, you might not only survive but also kill the ghosts.”

Fu San’s words instantly grabbed these newbie’s attention. He didn’t use the projector and drew with his pen.

“First, you need to have a fearless heart. You need to master your fear so that you can be rational at all times. This is known as a strong heart.

“Second, you need to have a good physique. Even if you are possessed, you won’t die instantly. This is a strong body.

“Third, every time you are dragged into the anomaly, you will interact with the shadow world. The shadow will slowly infect your body and transform you. The more you are affected, the more you can use the cursed objects from the shadow world. This is called Yin Soul.

“Fourth, people become ghosts when they die due to resentment. I need you to strengthen your connection to the real world. The stronger the connection, the stronger you’ll be.

“Last is brain power. Your mental power is the key to fighting with ghosts. You can improve your brain power with many different exercises.”

Teacher Xia merely wanted to nurture these people into good sacrifice. However, many things appeared in his mind, like he had really held classes like this to train a group of ‘super players’ in the past.

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