The investigation centre was an organisation with a complicated inside. It had immense power, but no one knew who the person in power was. Gao Ming had died many times. He was killed every time he managed to get to the core. He should know about the centre’s secrets, but he didn’t have the God of Flesh and Blood back then. He only retained his death memories.

“Currently, the headquarters is distracted by Ji Jie. It’s our chance to capture Situ An.” Wang Jie stared at the other car, and he came to a decision. “Whether we’re heroes or sinners depends on the conversation between the big shots. After we capture Situ An and exhaust his uses, we might have the chance to replace him to become the new chief of the east city!”

A ball of fire burned in Wang Jie’s eyes. That was his ambition. After experiencing this anomaly, he was more familiar with the investigation centre’s power. “It won’t take long for the centre to become the strongest presence at Han Hai.”

Different from Wang Jie and Gao Ming, Xi San only nodded. He didn’t need to think. He only followed his roommates’ orders.

“It looks like the headquarters will protect Situ An no matter what. However, the orders still need people to execute them. Now that the ghosts and flood have collapsed the formation, these investigators are helpless too.” Wang Jie’s eyes were scary. He was like a snake out on the hunt. “The student council is working with us. They purposely left behind an opening so that the investigation centre could chase after us… Xi San, switch off the headlights and let me drive.” The storm knocked against the car windows. Wang Jie undid his seatbelt and moved to the driver’s seat. Wang Jie noticed the route taken by the members of the student council. He turned the steering wheel and went down another direction.

“Are we not chasing the car anymore?” Xi San was confused.

“Put on your seatbelt.” Wang Jie’s hair waved. He gritted his teeth as his eyes turned bloodshot. “I’m going to drive ahead of them.”

Mud splattered everywhere. Wang Jie gripped the steering wheel with both hands. He was cunning and vicious. Once he had a target, he would not let go. The investigators who failed to move out of the way were run over. The students were the same. Even though the headlights had been switched off, Wang Jie had memorised the path. Their car was like a ghost in the dark, rushing down some directions.

“Brother Jie, do you think we could slow down…” Xi San gripped the seatbelt, but Wang Jie didn’t seem to hear him as he accelerated.

Wang Jie stared at the path that led out of the school. He stepped on the oil, and the car shot down the path like crazy!

Rain slid past them. Even the thunder was left behind them. Wang Jie’s pupils narrowed. Xi San screamed. They saw Situ An’s car driving at them!

The driver of that car paled. He tried his best to calm down, but he was facing a group of desperadoes.

“Hang tight!”

The two cars collided. Situ An’s car was knocked off the road. Wang Jie’s car was not any better. They were injured too.

The car twisted and tumbled. Wang Jie bit his tongue until it bled. He tried his best to control the car. To everyone’s surprise, the car soon stabilized. In a fleet moment, Wang Jie seemed to see eight arms extend out of the car windows. The car doors opened. Gao Ming walked towards the other car. The driver died on the spot. His chest was punctured by something. The inside of the car was too dark to see anything. On the other side of the car, the members of the student council ran over. Their badges had grown into their skins. They looked more and more like Gao Yun. Wasting no time, Gao Ming and Gao Yun charged at the car.

The scent of smell came from the car shrouded in the dark. The blood of the dead driver gathered on the floor. Someone pushed open the door on the left. Two security members with red bands carried Situ An and tried to escape. After they left, the car escaped. A twisted figure with a charred figure walked out of the fire. He wore the uniform of the centre chief. His ID turned into ash in the fire. Gao Ming saw that this person came from Xin Lu Old City Investigation Centre. His name was Fu Huo.

Fu Huo couldn’t feel pain despite standing in the fire. Immense resentment came out of his heart as his body expanded.

“Just how many secrets is the headquarters hiding?” Fu Huo and the red raincoat were both creatures Gao Ming had not seen before. They were different from the ghosts with resentment rooms at Han Hai, but they possessed an equal amount of power.

“Go back to school. Those who leave the school will die.” Fu Huo’s voice echoed in the flames. His voice was parched like his throat had been singed by the flames.

The first to respond to Fu Huo was Wang Jie. While no one was paying attention, Wang Jie started the car again. He carried the screaming Xi San and ran into the sea of flame to chase after Situ An. Gao Ming didn’t stop and entered the flames too.

When the burnt figure tried to attack Gao Ming, the student council president snapped his ribs covered in curses and threw them into the fire. Inside the president’s empty chest, there was a death portrait hidden under the wilted heart.

The back of the portrait featured Han De Shu Xiang Academy. It was similar to Situ An’s portrait. Situ An’s portrait had all the staff, but the president’s portrait had all the students who had been praised. Some of them were student council members, winners of competitions and seniors who had donated back to the school.

The president’s picture, Situ An’s picture and Yan Xizhi’s picture made up the entire Han De Private School.

“I started the rules to help more people. I opened the school and expanded the class for the same reason.” The portrait turned illusive in the president’s hand. The last few buildings in the school collapsed, “Everyone here only looks out for themselves. Only I am working to fulfil the old headmistress’ will.”

It was hard to tell if Gao Yun was serious or not. After he said these, the students in the portrait approved of him. They enabled him to temporarily use the school rules anywhere he wanted. Gao Yun stopped Fu Huo. Gao Ming and Wang Jie could hear the gunfire through the flames.

The bullets were pointless against ghosts, but they could kill humans. The investigation centre surrounded the area. They made a choice between the school and Situ An. They mobilised all security to save Situ An.

“They’d save Situ An despite the risk of letting the ghosts inside the school escape?”

In the past, Gao Ming thought Situ An had tricked the headquarters. However, he changed his mind. If he had allowed them to save Situ An that night, it would have marked the start of his fight with the headquarters.

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