Horror Game Designer

Chapter 155: Second Class

Ji Jie’s thoughts were simple. Last night, when Gao Ming was being chased by a group of students, the students all ran away when they saw him. Therefore, this proved that he was much stronger than Gao Ming. Gao Ming almost lost his cool when he heard Ji Jie’s warning. His facial muscles twitched as he tried to maintain his composure.

“If you’re scared, you can show it. Don’t need to keep it in.” Ji Jie had just experienced the scariest night. He was getting used to the fearful expressions appearing around him.

“Then, you better be careful.” Gao Ming slowly moved to the side. As a psychiatrist, he quickly adjusted his expression.

“Such hubris.” Zuo Jun was familiar with the things Situ An’s rules had done to these investigations. Normal people couldn’t be their match. Last night, the headquarters had started to send in new reinforcements. As more investigators arrived, Situ An would gain more teachers under his rules. Situ An’s rules would slowly take over the school rules.

Even though the situation in Class 13 was slightly complicated, everything was as Situ An planned.

The investigators with the teacher’s ID fully ignored Ji Jie and Gao Ming. They only followed the rules as they worked together to capture the ghosts that had been voted out. Strangely enough, the students showed zero resistance after they were detained. Gao Ming narrowed his eyes. He studied for a while and realised that the secret lay in the teacher’s ID. The thin ID had the investigator’s face on the front and Situ An’s bloody picture on the back. As Gao Ming stared at Situ An’s picture, Situ An’s eyes in the picture moved and glanced at Gao Ming.

“Situ An’s consciousness is hidden in every teacher’s ID?!” Gao Ming contemplated this. “Does this mean I can kill Situ An by killing everyone who has the teacher’s ID? Or can I use the IDs to find Situ An’s location?”

Situ An was hiding somewhere in the school. Gao Ming had no idea what the man looked like. Whenever he thought of Situ An, the death memories in his heart would pierce him. His past selves, who were killed by Situ An, kept howling. They wanted to use the craziest method to take revenge on Situ An!

“I need to figure out a way to steal a few teacher’s IDs…” Gao Ming didn’t return to his seat. As the investigators advanced on him, he ‘trembled uncontrollably’ as he moved towards Ji Jie. The investigators didn’t put Ji Jie in their eyes. In reality, other than Ji Fu, none of the people in class took Ji Jie seriously.

“I’m warning you again. We’ll handle the things happening in Class 13. We’ll decide whether the ghosts will be killed or not!” Ji Jie didn’t back off. “Don’t get any closer! The thing behind me is very scary! You’ll die!” Ji Jie was not acting. He was the first to experience the terror of Fear illness. He was the most afraid of the ‘unknown ghost’ on his back.

Seeing how sincere Ji Jie was, everyone stared at his back. They thought to themselves, “Is there something we cannot see?” Fear Illness spread silently in the class. Once people started to worry, Fear Illness would find the weakness in their hearts.

The leading investigator grabbed Fatty and tried to move Ji Jie away. Gao Ming had been waiting for this moment. He cut his fingertip and had his blood flow into Si Sui Apartment’s death portrait. He tried to communicate with Granny Shen. Granny Shen didn’t respond, but a busybody auntie was quick to volunteer.

As the investigator pushed Ji Jie away, Auntie Busybody, who only had mouths on her head, appeared behind Ji Jie. Her many mouths opened at the same time. The Yin Energy from Si Sui Apartments enveloped the two investigators. They were forcibly dragged into the death portrait.

The ghosts in Si Sui Apartments had been worshipped for years. Plus, they were influenced by the God of Flesh and Blood. They were different from the scapegoats at the school. Another important point was that the ghosts at the apartment were similar to the ghosts at the supermarket. They didn’t care about the school rules and Situ An’s rules.

Two investigators with the teacher’s IDs disappeared just like that. The classroom became so quiet. Fatty and Ji Jie also stood there stunned.

Zuo Jun’s pencil snapped into halves. His pupils narrowed further.

In the end, it was Ji Jie who recovered first. He climbed up from the ground and stared at the other investigators. “See! I told you. I haven’t said anything, and they have already disappeared! How scary is that?”

Auntie Busybody pounced from behind Ji Jie. Ji Jie didn’t get a clear look. He merely felt like a quick flash zoom past him.

Before this, everyone thought Ji Jie was just joking. After all, they understood his personality. They could see the tags on his clothes. It was simpler for him to return them later. Who would have thought that this was real? He appeared to be really ‘chosen’.

“Did you see that?”

“There was an ugly ghost behind Ji Jie whose face was full of mouths!”

“It was so scary!”

Hearing these comments, Ji Jie’s Fear Illness intensified. He was so scared that his teeth chattered. He kept imagining scary scenarios, and something gathered behind him. Everyone’s focus was on Ji Jie. Gao Ming, who had collected two teachers’ IDs, was very family. The only person who was not happy was Auntie Busybody. She heard someone call her ugly.

“Brother Jie is the real one!”

“In the future, we’ll go with Brother Jie! Nothing will scare us then!”

Even the student’s way of referencing Brother Jie changed. A few investigators paused, and they all turned to Zuo Jun.

When Situ An was not present, Queens Investigation Centre’s Captain Zuo Jun was the top commander.

“Ji Jie, you can’t save the three of them.” Zuo Jun started to use reason when he faced Ji Jie’s power. “It’s not the investigation centre that wants to kill them. Even if the centre doesn’t kill them, they will not survive this day. The school rules will do everything to target them until they die.”

“Then…” Ji Jie guarded Fatty before him. “We’ll let them try.”

The bell rang. Zuo Jun saw how determined Ji Jie was to counter the rules, and veins popped on his forehead. More investigators would join his ranks, but he could sacrifice them casually. He waved his hands, and the investigators let go of the ghosts and left from the front food.

“What is happening? The ghosts came to class to replace the students, and the other students helped them kill two teachers?” Qian Junran sided with Zuo Jun, “Shouldn’t we help the teachers kill the ghosts?”

There were differing voices in the class, but most of them supported Ji Jie. The reason was simple. Since he could protect the ghost students, he would protect the living students too.

“It’s time for the second class.” Xi San glanced at the time table. The second class was health class. The venue was near the infirmary.

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