Horror Game Designer

Chapter 143: The Red Badge

“Zuo Jun represents Situ An’s rules, Liu Yi wants to use the school rules, and the other classmates might have their own plan.” Gao Ming didn’t dare to underestimate anyone in Class 13. Everyone had their own secrets and goals. In contrast, the ghosts mixed among them felt more innocent.

Standing in the corridor near the female toilet, Gao Ming held the rails and studied Chu Shi Biao. The passing female students hurried on by as they passed by him.

“Gao Ming, let’s go eat!” His phone vibrated. Xi San messaged him through the group chat.

“You can go first. I’ll go with Liu Yi later.” Once Gao Ming sent the message, Xi San replied with a video of Gao Ming holding a book in the corridor near the window. Gao Ming poked his head out the window and saw Xi San and Wang Jie waving at him from downstairs.

“Do you need to be so hardworking? You actually went to the girl’s toilet to study behind our backs?!”

“If I want to study, I won’t choose such a location.” Gao Ming closed the window. He was honestly curious how someone like Xi San could survive until now.

More students left the math building, but Liu Yi still hadn’t come out of the toilet. Gao Ming sent her a few messages, but there was no reply. He stood at the toilet door and shouted in. Everyone in the toilet seemed to have disappeared.

“It’s not dark yet. Big dog won’t be willing to come out.” With some helplessness, Gao Ming messaged Zhou Sisi to ask for a favour. 10 minutes later, Zhou Sisi came back to the math building from the canteen. She held an unfinished bowl of noodles, two biscuits and some chilli oil stuck to her lips.

“Did you bring those biscuits for me?”

“I saw them when I was leaving the canteen. I assume you haven’t eaten.” Zhou Sisi didn’t dare to meet Gao Ming’s eyes. Her heart was conflicted. She knew Gao Ming was the music box killer, but she didn’t think he’d do such a thing either.

“Thank you. I’ll do my best to protect you.” Gao Ming didn’t give any crazy promises. However, in a school where people only cared for themselves, Gao Ming’s promise sounded so warm and kind.

Zhou Sisi and Gao Ming were deskmates. One of them had a good personality but bad grades, while the other had a bad personality but good grades. The class nicknamed them No Brain and No Smile.

“Gao Ming…” Zhou Sisi gathered her courage. She wanted to ask if he was really the music box killer.

“What’s wrong?” Gao Ming felt like Zhou Sisi had changed a lot. Her old boisterous self was gone. Even her stance was a lot more womanly.

“When I called you that night…” Zhou Sisi’s chilli-stained lips moved. She wanted to ask the question, but she was scared that it might ruin their friendship. The rain slid down the window. The school speakers broadcast pop songs from many years ago. The two in school uniforms stood in the corridor after school. The girl hesitated with conflicted feelings while the boy waited, holding the food brought to him by the girl.

Seeing Zhou Sisi didn’t speak, Gao Ming suggested gently, “Why don’t you enter the toilet?”

“Huh?” Zhou Sisi was confused.

“I sent you three messages. Did you come here without reading the last two? Liu Yi hasn’t come out since she entered the toilet. I’m worried about her.” Gao Ming patted Zhou Sisi’s shoulder. “Don’t overthink it.”

“Okay. I know.” Zhou Sisi held her bowl and walked towards the toilet.

“Wait.” Gao Ming took out a bag of tissue from his pocket.

“It’s fine. I already have one!” Zhou Sisi’s heart raced from the panic.

“I’m talking about your lips.” Gao Ming pointed at his lips.


“Never mind. It’s nothing.” Gao Ming confirmed that Zhou Sisi hadn’t been swapped. She was like this many years ago.

Holding the bowl of noodles, Zhou Sisi opened all the cubicles. “Liu Yi is not here!”

“Then, do you see anything strange written on the cubicle walls?” Gao Ming shouted into the female toilet.

“All the words have been carved out! They were cut away using a small knife. I see a student council badge on the ground!” Zhou Sisi was scared and ran out. “Yesterday night, I heard Liu Yi say in the bedroom that when she was in the fourth-floor toilet, she discovered a haunted cubicle. She wanted to help the other party by providing legal advice. To gain the other party’s trust, she helped them do many things?”

“Defending a ghost?” Gao Ming knew Liu Yi was an emblem of justice. To be the voice of the voiceless was one of her life philosophies.

“A normal person would have been scared off. Liu Yi is one of a kind.” Zhou Sisi moved away from the female toilet and got Gao Ming to examine the badge with her. “I suspect there is a resentment room hidden in this toilet, and Liu Yi might have been taken away by a big ghost.”

“This is different from the normal student council badge.” The badge Zhou Sisi took out from the toilet was red in colour. It was not sewn by a machine but stitched by hand. The school emblem on the badge wasn’t Han De Private School but Han De Shu Xiang Academy. A sentence was written on the inside of the badge, “There is no living human in the student council! I want to kill all of them!”

“Is the big ghost in the toilet the original student council leader?” Gao Ming wanted to examine the badge further when he saw two student council members turn down the corner. They moved very fast. Gao Ming quickly shielded Zhou Sisi behind him and told her to hide the badge.

“School is over. Why do you linger here? The area around the female toilet will become very dangerous after dark!” The student council members were a bit robotic, but compared to other students, they looked very young, as if they’d stay youthful forever.

“We’ll leave now.”

“Wait!” One of them suddenly extended his hand. “This building is for studying. If you want to eat, go to the canteen!”

Zhou Sisi’s food was snatched. She was still stunned when the two student council members entered the female toilet and closed the door.

“It’s getting dark. You should get back to the hostel.” Gao Ming took out the big dog’s portrait.

“What about you?” Zhou Sisi was a kind person. She was worried about Gao Ming.

“I want to figure out the source of the student council’s power.” At that moment, two screams came out of the toilet. Fresh blood oozed out the gap in the door. Zhou Sisi was so frightened that she staggered back. Gao Ming quickly opened the door. He saw the two student council members have their bodies twisted together. They were caught by something and dragged into the fourth cubicle. Then, they disappeared.

“That cubicle is selectively eating the students!” The door and walls of the fourth cubicle were like teeth as they munched on the flesh and bones of the student council members.

At the same time, the red badge crawled out of Zhou Sisi’s pocket. The badge attached itself to Zhou Sisi’s arm and burrowed into her flesh.

“Gao Ming, the blood is flowing my way!” Zhou Sisi couldn’t stop the badge from attaching itself to her. “The badge is drinking the blood!”

Hearing her scream, Gao Ming didn’t hesitate and removed his jacket to wrap around Zhou Sisi’s arm. Then, he picked her up and ran out of the math building.

“The name on the badge is different from the current school name. The original student council leader appears to be personally cultivated by the old headmistress, Yan Xizhi.”

Killing the student council members in daylight was more than a rule violation. Many ‘things’ were hurrying towards the math building.

The balance between the school rules, Situ An’s rules and the big ghosts was shattered again.

“I have to hold on until dark no matter what!”

Big ghosts would become active after dark, but they would still be bound by the school rules. They would be fully powerful after the lights went out.

The badge pinned itself into her flesh. Zhou Sisi bit her lips, and her face paled. She was being carried by Gao Ming. She turned to look at their reflections in the window.

Gao Ming didn’t look muscular, but he could last long. He ran very fast. She was the burden. Blood splattered on her face. With the badge as the centre, small capillaries surfaced on her skin. They seemed to intend to morph Zhou Sisi into something else. In the reflection, Zhou Sisi felt like she looked more like a killer than Gao Ming. Zhou Sisi was scared. She was scared of being captured by the student council, being ostracised by the other classmates and being tortured by the other big ghosts. She couldn’t help but hold Gao Ming tighter.

“What did we do wrong…” Zhou Sisi buried her head into the crook of Gao Ming’s shoulder. “I told him not to come in my message. I told the 51st student everything. I have never harmed anyone. I simply cannot remember him…”

“If the 51st student is still conscious, he will never harm you.” Gao Ming was familiar with Zhou Sisi’s personality. “Don’t worry so much. If there can only be one survivor, it’ll be you.”

Before they were surrounded by the student council, Gao Ming carried Zhou Sisi out of the math building. They headed towards the lab building.

“The school didn’t have time to mobilise the student council to seal up the math building. The fact that we managed to escape means that the school rules’ control over the school is weakening.” As he passed by the activity building, he glanced inside. It was pouring outside and flooding inside. Many student council members were swept away by the flood.

“They probably haven’t figured out why is there suddenly a flood.”

Zhou Sisi and Gao Ming entered the lab building without facing any resistance. Occasionally, a student council member would pass by, but they all raced towards the art room. Something else happened between Xia Yang and the art teacher.

The big ghosts were never going to follow the rules. With someone spearheading the movement, they started to create chaos before the day darkened. If the school rules couldn’t settle every problem before the sun went down, then that night might be the moment when everything changed.

Other than that, Gao Ming also noticed that only the student council was trying to help. None of the teachers from Situ An’s side was willing to do anything. Gao Ming believed that the man was planning something too.

“Sisi, when you see the old lady, be respectful.”

As he opened the storage room door, several knives reached out from behind the shelves, aiming at Gao Ming and Zhou Sisi.

“It’s one of us.” Ding Yuan’s voice came from the distance. Huan Men Investigators put their weapons away.

“Gao Ming, how is the situation outside?” Ding Yuan jogged to the door and closed it. “The centre didn’t send new investigators in, right?”

“No. However, I believe they will launch a big rescue mission in the next two days.” Gao Ming didn’t know what to say. When the headquarters sent people in to save them, the investigators would face a school filled with ghosts and demons.

Gao Ming didn’t spend too much time chatting with people from Huan Men. He led Zhou Sisi to find Yan Xizhi. “Headmistress, have you seen this badge? It has the name of our school.”

When the elder, with a serious expression, saw the badge on Zhou Sisi’s arm, she seemed to sink into memories. “This is a badge I personally made for the kids. Only those who sincerely serve their peers can own them. How did you get one?”

Gao Ming told Yan Xizhi the things that happened in the toilet, but she wouldn’t believe him.

“I personally selected every member of the student council. All of them are good students who are ready to help others. They are role models for the other students. It’s impossible for them to do something like this.”

“Headmistress Yan, your student council has been replaced by Situ An’s people already.” Gao Ming didn’t hesitate to frame Situ An. “The student hiding in the toilet should be the only survivor. Do you have any way for us to communicate with her?”

“Situ An has gone after the kids?!” Yan Xizhi exploded. She grabbed her phone. “I’ll go find him tonight!”

“There’s no need to hurry. I’ll do the heavy work for you. Madam headmistress, you only need to tell us how to contact the owner of this red badge.” Gao Ming didn’t dare to let the old headmistress leave. He just wanted to unite the big ghosts around the headmistress. He was not using her. Gao Ming also wanted to help her regain control of her school.

“You can go back with my letter. Those kids will listen to me.” Yan Xizhi wrote a few letters for Gao Ming. “You have to bring them safely back here.”

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