Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 67 - Chapter 67: Chapter 67, Strategy and Tactics

Chapter 67: Chapter 67, Strategy and Tactics

Translator: 549690339

Prime Minister Azelio’s heart chilled, and he realized that he had stated his position too hastily without first consulting the King’s opinion, provoking dissatisfaction from Charles Albert.

Politics are such a delicate matter. The Kingdom of Sardinia is a constitutional monarchy. In such a system, if the Prime Minister makes decisions without going through the King, it wouldn’t take long for Charles Albert to be overshadowed if he showed no reaction.

Clearly, Charles Albert was not a political novice like Louis WI. His political astuteness was at least a ninety, and he started to admonish him immediately.

After understanding all of this, Prime Minister Azelio said with trepidation, “Your Majesty, at present we only have two methods to resolve the financial issue, either to levy a war tax or to borrow from international consortia.” Charles Albert glared at him fiercely, cursing inwardly, “Old slickster.”

The words of Prime Minister Azelio were only half said, “Levying war tax” but on whom should it be levied, and within what scope?

The old territories of the Kingdom of Sardinia had already been taxed. Now, should the tax target only Lombardy, or should it be levied across the whole country?

This was the kind of odious task that would alienate people. Ordinary citizens were as poor as church mice, and squeezing them would be a drop in the bucket, leaving no choice but to reach out to capitalists and the nobility.

Don’t be deceived by how patriotic the nobility and capitalists of the Kingdom of Sardinia seemed, eagerly donating money. When it truly comes to paying up, you’ll find the situation is quite different.

Fake donation scandals are still a thing in the 21st century with highly advanced internet, to say nothing of this era.

Who can’t put on a show? They can do even more, donating ten thousand Lira and then earning back twenty or thirty thousand Lira is not uncommon.

Borrowing from international consortia? Who is willing to lend money to the Kingdom of Sardinia now? Other than the British, which country is lending them money?

International loans are high risk and high return; without government involvement, who can guarantee repayment? In case the Kingdom of Sardinia is defeated, who will they approach for money?

Borrowing from the British, that can’t avoid being taken advantage of. One can only imagine how many treasonous treaties need to be signed, a deal that leaves an eternal stench, something no one wants to engage in.

“Oh, since the Prime Minister has already made up his mind, then implement it as soon as possible!”

Charles Albert decisively confirmed the outcome without hesitation.

In a constitutional monarchy, isn’t it about the King delegating power? Now he has delegated it. After all, this matter has nothing to do with the King; it’s entirely the Cabinet’s responsibility.

Taking the fall for the boss, Prime Minister Azelio still has the awareness. But of course, he can’t be the only one to take the fall—he’s not foolish. Naturally, he has to drag someone else into the water.

“Yes, Your Majesty! I will convene a government meeting to discuss this matter and implement it as promptly as possible!”

Charles Albert nodded in satisfaction. The Prime Minister had taken over the responsibility; it ultimately didn’t matter whether he or another official bore the brunt. As long as his role as King was not compromised, that was a sign of a good subject.

“Hmm, the issue of military funding is the Cabinet’s responsibility, but the military operations against Venice must not be delayed. The Army Department must make preparations for war as soon as possible!” Charles Albert added “Yes, Your Majesty!” Minister of Army Li Qi quickly responded.

The King’s intent was clear to him, no matter the difficulties, the campaign against Venice must commence first, as that was the politically correct move.

As for how to fight, that remained uncertain. Launching a full-scale attack was one option, sending small troops for reconnaissance was another—what mattered was showing the outside world the Kingdom of Sardinia’s resolve.

Li Qi was satisfied; he had managed to gain some more time for the troops at the front. An initial probing attack could easily be drawn out for ten to fifteen days, right?

With all this preparation time added up, they could almost postpone the decisive battle to June, by which point the training of the new recruits would also be largely complete.

The Kingdom of Sardinia was making preparations, and Austria was not idle, either. After Marshal Radetzky withdrew to the Venice Area, his first order of business was to suppress the local rebellion.

After a group of ringleaders was executed, the Vienna Government gained over seventy thousand laborers for free, who were promptly taken away by the Austrian Government to address the issues in the Venice Area.

Because of the war, the Vienna Government didn’t have enough time to carefully evaluate these people, so they were all added to the Road Repair Army, striving to ensure the logistical supply for the Austrian Army.

With these measures, the Venice Area settled down, but the price was that the economy almost came to a standstill.

However, given that this place was about to become a battlefield, it hardly mattered anymore. Who would expect economic development during a war? “Sir Marshal, Sir Rots requests an audience!” the Adjutant said in a low voice.

Marshal Radetzky smiled slightly, “Let him in!”

Rost gave Marshal Radetzky a noble salute and respectfully said, “Honorable

Marshal, it is a great honor for Rost-Hold to meet with you!”

Conventionally, this was the time to address the noble title, but Radetzky preferred being called ‘Marshal’, so Rots was naturally obliging him.

“The pleasure is mine, Mr. Robert. What brings you to me today?” asked Marshal Radetzky with a smile.

Rots replied, “Your Excellency, I am here today on behalf of the Venice Business Association. You know that this rebellion has involved…”

Before he could finish, Marshal Radetzky cut him off, “Mr. Rots, the rebels will not be forgiven. If you’re here to plea on their behalf, then save your breath.

Almost all captured ringleaders have been executed; those who weren’t captured but surrender themselves might be dealt with more leniently!”

Feeling Radetzky’s intimidating presence, cold sweat broke out on Rots’ forehead, an unnatural reaction in Venice’s April weather.

He was relieved that he had always opposed violent revolutions and hadn’t gotten involved in this rebellion; otherwise, another head would be hanging from Venice’s pillars.

The Vienna Government had been ruthless with the insurgents this time. No strings attached could save them; once caught, they were quickly killed without a moment to spare.

Rots spoke hesitantly, “No, Your Excellency. How could I plead for those rebels?”

Marshal Radetzky laughed heartily, “Oh, don’t be nervous, take your time. As long as it’s not about the rebels, we can talk. Your father, old Rots, is a friend of mine. Is there anything you need my help with?”

After the initial scare, Rots somewhat regretted getting involved in this messy affair. As a noble and part-time capitalist, his primary identity was still that of nobility..

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