Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 368: You Won’t Die If You Don’t Court Death

Chapter 368: You Won't Die If You Don't Court Death

In the city of Milan, Treos was a newly rising textile tycoon. The Austro-Sardinian War of 1848 directly reshuffled the capitalist circles in Lombardy, and Treos took advantage of this gap to rise.

With money, ones pursuit of goals changes. Treos came from a noble background, although his family had fallen from grace in his grandfathers generation.

At this time, Treos was considering whether to obtain a title and restore his familys glory.

Obtaining a title in Austria was not easy, but as a wealthy pay-to-win player, he had an advantage over ordinary players.

The colonial system created opportunities for them. If they were willing to spend money recruiting a large number of mercenaries to establish colonies in Africa in exchange for merits, they could eventually obtain a title.

This was not the easiest path, but it was the most suitable for Treos. Joining the military on the battlefield was an easier way to obtain a title, but this had never been the choice of capitalists.

Nobles enjoy higher social status, but in the business world, they do not have any particular advantages, as many privileges have already been reduced.

Treos had always been weighing the pros and cons. Obtaining merits through overseas colonization also depended on luck, and the input and output were often not proportional.

In this regard, nobles actually have more advantages. They have been trained in military command from a young age, and some nobles even have retainers and private armies left by their ancestors. Therefore, the colonial teams they form are naturally more combat-effective.

Colonial teams that can engage in combat generally do not incur losses. Even if no resources are discovered along the way, they can still profit by seizing opportunities and cooperating with labor export companies to assist African tribes in immigration.

As long as colonial teams do not incur losses, they can operate for the long term, and over time, merits naturally accumulate.

This is something that capitalists cannot compare with. Their advantage lies in having money. Where there is money, there are people, and in recent years, retired officers and soldiers have been in high demand. Most capitalists recruit them to form colonial teams, and their combat effectiveness is not too shabby.

Unfortunately, not everyone was willing to venture into the African continent. As the number of colonial teams increased, there were not enough willing retired officers and soldiers to be hired, driving up wages.

As latecomers, they had to lower their recruitment standards, inevitably leading to a decline in the combat capabilities of their colonial teams.

Lacking formidable combat capabilities does not mean that colonization in the African continent is impossible. Even with poor combat capabilities, dealing with some indigenous tribes is not a big problem, although casualties may be high.

If luck is not on their side, the casualties from just one battle can exhaust the entire compensation fund. Currently, the compensation standards set by Austrian colonial teams range from 500 to 1800 guilders, which is simply unsustainable.

Stephens emergence caught Treos attention. While others were mocking Stephen for recruiting ineffective Italian mercenaries, Treos saw another aspect affordability.

As a qualified capitalist, Treos never forgot the virtue of cost-saving.

Recruiting an ordinary German mercenary costs as much as recruiting two Italian mercenaries; the price for an elite mercenary is even enough to recruit five Italian mercenaries.

Apart from low wages, compensation for casualties can also be kept under 300 guilders. If recruited from various Italian states, in case of heavy losses, they can also evade paying compensation altogether.

As long as they were careful and did not act recklessly, the slightly lower combat capabilities of Italian mercenaries could still overwhelm indigenous tribes. After all, with lower costs, they could recruit more people, giving them an advantage in the labor export business.

Just as Treos made up his mind to cooperate with Stephen, a letter shattered all his fantasies.

Not everyone wanted revolution or independence. Treos did not want to change the status quo, even though he was also influenced by Italian nationalism.

Donating money during peacetime to preserve Italian traditional culture is acceptable, but it is impossible for him to personally go to the battlefield.

Even supporting revolutionaries is something he would not do. Treos is very shrewd, and he never engages in deals that are destined to yield no returns.

Even among nationalists, their political ideologies often differed, especially when interests were involved, as interests often determined ideologies.

As a textile tycoon, on the surface, leaving Austria would reduce many competitors for Treos, even enabling him to dominate the Italian market.

In reality, however, leaving Austria meant raw materials could become a matter of life and death for him.

While importing from overseas might sound easy, if he were to fully depend on imports, any turmoil in the international cotton market could immediately spell disaster for him.

The reason Britain could become the dominant force in the cotton-spinning industry is not only due to its strong textile industry but also because of its powerful Royal Navy as a backing and vast colonies as a market, ensuring its own interests.

After independence, Italy did not have the capability to protect his interests. Treos was merely dissatisfied with the policies of the Austrian government, calling for the abolition of the current national integration policy and labor protection laws.

This was completely different from rebellion. There were plenty of people dissatisfied with national policies, as no policy could satisfy everyone.

If rebellion broke out every time someone was dissatisfied with a government policy, wouldnt the world descend into chaos? No matter who took over, they could not possibly satisfy everyone, right?

Thinking of the large number of mercenaries in the hands of Stephen and the others, Treos expression changed immediately, and he shouted, Martin, prepare the carriage immediately. I need to go to the city hall.

Regardless of whether the revolution succeeds, business becomes difficult once there is war. In the unfortunate event of being targeted by rebel soldiers, bankruptcy is also a possibility.

As a victor of the previous reshuffle, Treos did not want to go through it again. He was not only a capitalist but also an industrialist, not a merchant who simply bought low and sold high. With his factories in place, he could not escape once the fires of war were ignited.

In the town of Pcs in Western Hungary, several members of the Hungarian independence organization were nervously delivering letters according to the contact list.

For safety reasons, everyone employed various methods. Some concealed letters in the soles of their shoes, others sewed them into their clothes, while the more resourceful ones encoded them numerically, using the Bible as a medium.

In the event of betrayal, all these efforts would be in vain. Compared to the Austrian-occupied Italian region, Hungary had been cleansed more thoroughly; those who survived were the cunning ones.

The messenger, Domicci, met with misfortune; he happened to run into the recipient and was forced to stay.

Upon reading the letter, Brooks couldnt help but curse Stephens entire family. In their earlier years, the two were like-minded friends, working together for Hungarian independence.

However, times have changed. Brooks, now well past his prime, was no longer the naive idealist he once was.

Back then, Brooks managed to escape unscathed due to good luck; he fell ill at the right moment and couldnt participate in the rebellion.

After recovering from his illness, the rebellion had already erupted, and Brooks, who had revolutionary leanings, was placed under house arrest by those still loyal to the emperor.

Thanks to his fathers voluntary participation in suppressing the rebellion and earning merit, Brooks suspicion was alleviated.

Time proved to be the best weapon. In the blink of an eye, his father passed away, freeing Brooks from constraints once again and allowing him to mingle with the surviving nationalists.

At this point, they were no longer chanting slogans for independence every day but were instead opposing the ethnic divisions and unified language policies of the Austrian government.

Violent resistance was out of the question; the die-hard rebels had long since met their demise during the independence movement. Brooks wasnt foolish; he was well aware of the consequences of defying the government.

Due to personal friendships, Brooks maintained covert contact with some members of the Hungarian independence organization except for Stephen.

It was unavoidable, as Stephen was a political fugitive in exile. With many members of the Hungarian independence organization and numerous incidents to their name, most members are not actually being sought.

Brooks was a smart person; anyway, these people were in exile overseas and not wanted, so he could just feign ignorance if he contacted them, even if it were exposed.

There is a smooth way to walk on when you have more friends. Just like this time when the Hungarian independence organization was planning something, a friend had hinted for him to keep his distance.

Upon seeing this letter, Brooks became highly suspicious that someone was trying to set him up. There is too much information in the letter, even including the time of the uprising.

Under normal circumstances, someone like him who had never joined the Hungarian independence organization would never be trusted. Were they not afraid he would report them?

Brooks probed, Mr. Domicci, why start the uprising on February 15th? Are we not unprepared?

Domicci didnt think much about it; they were all on the same side, after all, so there was no need for secrecy.

Sir Brooks, a new wave of revolution has arrived in Europe. Weve coordinated with other revolutionary groups to launch uprisings together in January and February.

Since we were not adequately prepared, we postponed our uprising date to February 15th. But dont worry, the first to rise against Austria will be in Italy.

Currently, weve recruited thousands of mercenaries and have the cooperation of local revolutionary groups. This uprising will definitely succeed!

Upon hearing Domiccis words, half of Brooks suspicions were dispelled. It seemed like he really was a member of the Hungarian Independence Organization, with the same solemn expression he had in his youth.

Brooks continued to inquire, Did my old friends have any message for me?

Since they hinted for him to keep his distance, under normal circumstances, these friends wouldnt drag him into trouble again. This letter was obviously not simple.

After a moments thought, Domicci said, Mr. Paul asked to convey his regards upon meeting you. And he mentioned for you to save the ham from December, hell come to enjoy it later.

Mr. Soram asked if your old place was still fine. Hes longing for the days of the revolution but regrets the failure last time. Hes determined not to let it happen again this time.

These cryptic words didnt raise any suspicion for Domicci; he simply regarded them as old friends catching up on old times.

However, when they reached Brooks ears, it was a different story. Ham was the code for retreat back in those days, undoubtedly telling him to run away.

The days of the revolution were certainly not a fond memory for them, watching comrades fall one by one and countless like-minded friends being purged.

Understanding the situation, cold sweat dripped down Brooks forehead.

While others might not be aware that the Hungarian Independence Organization received support from Americans, Brooks was well aware. Their friends had complained about American interference countless times.

Thinking about the ongoing American Civil War, Brooks instantly grasped many things.

He definitely could not participate in this uprising. Either he had to immediately pack up and flee until the situation passed, or immediately go and report it to remove himself from the situation.

Domicci asked in confusion, Sir Brooks, whats wrong?

Looking at Domiccis innocent face, Brooks felt some reluctance. After hesitating for a moment, he said, Im fine. The situation in Hungary is very complicated. Domicci, you should complete your task quickly and leave. Take a ship to Russia to avoid the storm.

Domicci was surprised and asked, Why?

Shaking his head, Brooks replied, The police in Pcs have a keen nose. With the contact list on you, if anything happens, the organizations efforts here will be ruined.

Domicci said resolutely, Dont worry, Sir Brooks. I did not bring the list with me. Even if something happens, the enemy will gain nothing.

Brooks did not continue to persuade. Although he didnt know the purpose of the Hungarian Independence Organization this time, he was very clear that these people sent out were sacrificial pawns.

His persuasion was only out of concern that if Domicci was arrested, he might reveal Brooks connection to the organization.

But upon further reflection, Brooks realized that even if Domicci escaped, these matters could not remain secret.

During normal times, this kind of contact between friends wouldnt amount to anything incriminating. However, during times of upheaval, it would be different. He might even lose his title.

Only two options remained for Brooks: either flee into exile overseas or report to the government and his past actions could be wiped clean.

After hesitating for a while, Brooks ultimately decided to play the role of a traitor. After all, the situation this time was too bizarre, shrouded in layers of mystery.

Domicci, I do not doubt your loyalty. This is merely the caution we should exercise. We shouldnt make unnecessary sacrifices.

If youre willing to help, you can assist me in delivering a few letters. Its a critical moment, and Im not suitable to meet with them myself. I dont trust my subordinates to deliver them either.

There was no doubt that Brooks was preparing to kill with a borrowed knife.

When you go out into the world, you inevitably make a few enemies. Brooks was no exception. He took the opportunity to implicate them, removing a few obstacles in his path without feeling any pressure.

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