Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 358: The Federal Government’s Counterattack (Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 358: The Federal Government's Counterattack (Bonus Chapter)

The brazen French expansion of influence in Mexico naturally sparked discontent among various sectors of Mexican society, with Maximilian I becoming embroiled in the matter.

Failing to recognize his change in status, Maximilian took measures to escalate the conflict, poking through this thin veneer.

He directly protested to Napoleon III that the French troops were acting wantonly and violating Mexicos sovereignty, resulting in tragedy as expected.

From the perspective of France, these actions by the French troops undoubtedly served their interests.

The skilled chameleon Napoleon III ignored the protest. Instead, he accused Maximilian and the Mexican government of lacking governing ability, unable even to maintain national stability, requiring the French to do the work.

Both sides engaged in a verbal battle, hitting each others weak spots directly. Due to this intensified internal struggle, Jurezs republican rebel forces narrowly escaped destruction.

Its worth noting that at their most desperate moment, Jurezs republican guerrilla forces had dwindled to just a few hundred men, hiding away in the mountain forests to cling to life.

Maximilian did not realize the danger posed by the rebels. He pardoned many Republican political prisoners and even had these individuals deliver a letter to Jurez.

In the letter, Maximilian promised that as long as Jurez acknowledged his reign and surrendered the armed rebellion, he would pardon all the rebels.

Well, in reality, Maximilian admired patriots like Jurez and he attempted to resolve the issue through peaceful means, intending to win over these individuals to his side.

Deep in the canyon, at the headquarters of the Mexican Liberation Army, Jurez warmly welcomed his comrades who had narrowly escaped.

A middle-aged man said, Mr. President, this is a letter to you from Maximilian I.

Without a doubt, Maximilian Is actions did not yield the expected results. The pardoned political prisoners still did not recognize him as their emperor, let alone feel any gratitude towards him.

The reasons were very pragmatic; Maximilian could not satisfy their interests, and thus, they were destined to be enemies.

In the eyes of many, this political pardon became a stain in their lives, casting doubt on their loyalty to the revolution. Only by overthrowing the emperor could they hope to cleanse themselves of this.

After reading the letter, Jurez snickered, This fool is just daydreaming, thinking we would actually surrender.

With that, Jurez scanned the crowd, observing their reactions. He was pleased to see that no one advocated surrender.

One close aide proposed, Mr. President, this is also an opportunity. If we can take advantage of this situation to get rid of the government troops outside, our crisis will be resolved.

Jurez nodded. The French and Mexican government forces had jointly encircled them, confining the liberation army to a narrow area.

Despite the vastness of the canyon, the population was sparse, consisting mostly of indigenous tribes.

Jurez himself was indigenous, and the liberation army comprised mostly of indigenous people who managed to survive. However, conflicts between indigenous tribes were no less intense than with whites, and persuading them to become cannon fodder was not easy.

Those who have been able to persevere until now are mostly his loyalists, but the loyalty of these recently pardoned Republicans is questionable.

Jurez rallied their spirits, saying, Rest assured, everyone. Our difficulties are only temporary. The American Civil War is about to end, and whoever emerges victorious will not want to see a Mexican emperor.

Soon, we will have a steady supply of weapons and ammunition, drive out the French invaders, and overthrow that foolish emperor.

Undoubtedly, they had already established ties with both the Union and the Confederacy, though neither side provided support due to the ongoing war.

The Confederate government dared not offend the great powers and did not provide a clear response. Although the Union government openly opposed Maximilians ascension, they also did not want to provoke Britain, France, Austria, and Spain.

Despite Maximilian appearing to be solely supported by the French, in reality, Britain, Austria, and Spain had also expressed their support.

Its just that the French directly deployed troops and took a dominant position in Mexico. Maximilians political tactics were inadequate, failing to leverage the support of these other countries to counterbalance the French.

This was also one of the reasons why Jurez refused to compromise. A political imbecile was bound to lose his position. If Maximilian were a cunning strategist, he would never have engaged in such childish acts.

The pardoning of political prisoners undoubtedly strengthened the organizational capacity of the Liberation Army. Perhaps these individuals may not be skilled fighters, but they can certainly rally more people to rebel.

The news of the collapse of the Vienna System spread to the United States at the fastest speed. President Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief; changes in the European situation would surely divert the attention of various countries, creating an opportunity for the United States to unify.

However, he soon wore a bitter expression. Regardless of how the situation in Europe changed, at least he needed to defeat the Confederacy first!

But the major battle he meticulously prepared for turned into a war of attrition with the Confederacy. On average, losing one regiment per day had continued for several months, yet there was still no sign of victory.

Even though the Union government had the manpower advantage, it had decreased from 1.65:1 before the outbreak of the war to the current 1.3:1, making this advantage less pronounced.

The butterfly effect proved powerful; the weakening of the population advantage directly led to a significant decline in the Unions war potential.

If it werent for Lincolns insistence on implementing the Emancipation Proclamation and the Homestead Act, which mobilized peoples enthusiasm for joining the army, the Confederacy would likely have emerged victorious by now.

Secretary of State Seward spoke up, Mr. President, based on the intelligence analysis weve received, the probability of war between Russia and the Kingdom of Prussia is extremely high.

Britain and France will likely support Prussia, while Spains stance remains unclear, and the Austrians are likely to be conflicted.

The Austrian government wants to see Russia fail and increase its influence within the Russo-Austrian alliance but it doesnt want to see the Kingdom of Prussia grow stronger, which would increase the difficulty of its efforts to unify Germany.

Once war erupts, Britain and France will surely create trouble for Russia in other regions, so the Tsars support for us will likely cease immediately.

Sewards words undoubtedly conveyed to Lincoln the message that he shouldnt expect European turmoil to prevent intervention in the American Civil War.

This shift in European dynamics is most deeply entwined with the rupture in relations between Britain, France, and Russia, while the intervention alliance of Britain, France, Austria, and Spain has not experienced internal conflicts.

Even if the European situation diverted their attention, the powers still had forces in the Americas that could intervene. After all, the strength of the North and the South is too evenly matched, and external forces can disrupt this balance at any time.

After hesitating for a moment, Lincoln prepared for the worst.

Lets fabricate public opinion, emphasizing the interference of Britain, France, Austria, and Spain in our internal affairs, and shift the blame for the ongoing civil war onto them!

At the same time, contact the revolutionary parties and independence organizations we support. We need their help now. We dont necessarily need them to achieve results, just to divert the attention of the various countries.

The United States drew resentment for good reason. After 1848, revolutionary parties and independence groups from across Europe essentially converged there.

For example, the Hungarian Independence Organization, the French Revolutionary Party, the Spanish Revolutionary Party, the Irish Independence Organization, the Italian Carbonari... These organizations have all received assistance from Americans.

Of course, during this era, the U.S. government wasnt as assertive. They didnt dare to directly provide financial assistance to these organizations; instead, they mostly raised funds through donations from the American public.

Nevertheless, the federal government still assisted them. Otherwise, organizations like the Hungarian Independence Organization, which had lost their footing, would have long disappeared into the annals of history.

After all, ethnic Hungarians numbered only 600,000, half of whom entered labor camps to build transportation infrastructure for Austria.

Meanwhile, the lower-class people in the Hungarian region underwent a transformation and became Austrians. Regardless of bloodline and cultural traditions, if they considered themselves Austrians, they were Austrians.

There was no other choice. When they were Hungarians, their status was that of serfs, and they never obtained human rights in the Hungarian Republic.

Even though this illegal organization only existed for a few months, it was enough for propaganda purposes.

Even the previous serfdom system could only be blamed on the rulers of the Kingdom of Hungary. Anyway, it had nothing to do with the great emperor. It was the emperor who abolished serfdom and gave land to everyone.

The numerous lower-class people didnt buy into the propaganda, and the high-level leaders were all executed during the revolution. Normally, the Hungarian independence movement should have disappeared, but it was still supported by the Americans.

Perhaps this was just habitual, but it made the Austrian government very unhappy. This time, Austrias participation in intervening in the American Civil War included eliminating the Hungarian independence organization, which was one of the reasons Franz persuaded the government.

Similarly, after the failure of the French Revolution, the French Revolutionary Party sought political asylum in the United States. Although the Spanish Revolutionary Party was still fighting the government, it also received financial support from the United States.

As for the Irish independence organization, almost all the Irish people moved to America, and naturally, the independence movement followed suit, being the largest among these organizations.

Secretary of State Seward objected, saying, Mr. President, these organizations have limited strength and can only cause minor disturbances at most. They are unlikely to have much effect. Moreover, such actions could have serious consequences and might anger other countries, worsening our situation.

Its not that Seward looks down on these organizations, its just that except for Spain, the three countries of Britain, France, and Austria are currently stable and dont have the conditions for a revolution to happen.

After hesitating for a moment, President Lincoln sighed and said, At this point, whether we take action or not, they will stand against us. Of course, if we lose this battle, they might become our allies again, who knows?

Lets handle this discreetly. Federal government officials shouldnt get involved. Instead, we should find their financial backers and pressure them into action.

Whether its starting a rebellion, assassinating officials, or organizing demonstrations, as long as it distracts the attention of various countries, it will suffice.

I remember the Italian Carbonari once planned an assassination to provoke the Franco-Austrian War. We can also hint to various organizations to follow suit.

Theres no bottom line to speak of. If it could disrupt various countries and alleviate their pressure, President Lincoln didnt mind going even further.

Secretary of State Seward nodded, acknowledging that at this point, they had no choice but to take risks.

After all, the worst-case scenario was the division of the United States. With the interference of the great powers, the possibility of American unity was already very low. If they didnt take risks, there would be no chance at all.

In a mansion in Delaware, the Hungarian Independence Organization is holding a meeting. Its more accurate to say that its a session where the backers behind the Hungarian Independence Organization are holding the group accountable.

The American-Hungarian capitalist, Mr. Aleister, questioned, Stephen, its been so many years, and you havent made any moves. Have you forgotten our pledge to revive the great nation of Hungary?

Stephen was one of the survivors who slipped through the cracks after the failed Hungarian war for independence. He had avoided the Austrian governments purge by traveling to the Ottoman Empire to seek aid at the time.

With the senior leadership gone, individuals like him in the mid-level ranks of the revolutionary party became leaders. Later, the Ottoman Empire backed off, refusing to continue supporting them, forcing them into exile in the United States.

Tempered by the years of experience, the once passionate young Stephen no longer exists. Now, as the head of the Hungarian revolutionary organization, he has turned into a politician.

Stephen explained calmly, Mr. Aleister, achieving Hungarian independence is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Mr. Kossuth failed precisely because he was too impatient.

Today, Austria still possesses significant strength, and after the revolutions, Hungary was divided into seven parts. The Austrian government has exploited the ethnic minorities within Hungary to maintain balance, making it very difficult for us to succeed in starting a rebellion.

Aleister sneered, I understand why Kossuth, that idiot, failed, but cant you aim for something less ambitious? Even if complete independence is not achievable, cant you secure a seat for Hungary within the new Holy Roman Empire? Or at least attain provincial status?

You dont even need an armed uprising. Just mobilize the people into street protests and demonstrations. Take it step-by-step and the Austrian government will have to make concessions.

Where there are people, there are circles. The influence of the Hungarian community in the United States is almost nonexistent and cannot provide any assistance to him. As a successful capitalist, Aleisters moral standards are naturally not high.

For better development, he chose to cooperate with the federal government and act as the manipulator behind the Hungarian independence movement.

From his assessment of Kossuth, it can be seen that he has no respect for the Hungarian independence organization. He completely stands on the side of the ruling class, issuing orders.

As for whether Hungary can become independent, what does it have to do with him? From a personal interest perspective, Aleister would rather Hungary remain non-independent so that he can continue to maintain his current unique position.

The instructions he is giving now are only meant to create chaos in Austria. Whether the Austrian government will compromise is not important; as long as the Hungarian independence organization causes trouble, he will have fulfilled his duty to the federal government.

Having known each other for so long, Stephen naturally understands Aleisters true nature, and both sides are mutually using each other.

People need to make a living. Over the past decade or so, including Stephen, many members of the Hungarian independence organization have established industries in the United States. The energy they devote to managing their own businesses far exceeds their investment in the independence movement.

As for the grand cause of Hungarian independence, its naturally left to the delusional youth. Do they expect these old folks to charge into battle?

After so many years, the fact that there are only two hundred thousand Hungarians registered in Austria speaks volumes.

Faced with reality, many people selectively change their ethnicity. Perhaps in a few decades, this ethnicity will disappear into the annals of history.

Everyone is well aware of these circumstances. If there are no people left, whats the point of independence? Many young people in Hungary dont even know about the Hungarian ethnicity.

Simply put, the Hungarian ethnic identity had only emerged a few decades ago. If no disruptions occurred, their father of the nation may still be alive.

Before this, people didnt even have the concept of the Hungarian ethnicity. This is also why many Hungarian citizens accepted an Austrian identity; nobody had ever told them that they belonged to the Hungarian ethnicity.

Now, some people are proposing to rename the Hungarian Independence Organization to the Austrian Revolutionary Party, but they have faced opposition from the older generation as this implies a complete denial of their efforts.

Stephen thought for a moment and said, Mr. Aleister, changing our approach to the struggle now would require a significant investment of manpower and resources, as well as a certain amount of preparation time.

Until then, the independence movement had only two functions: recruiting secret party members and assassinations.

They had attempted to organize the people before, but the outcomes were usually tragic. With so many people involved, there was always the risk of someone reporting them during the process of mobilization.

Not everyone is willing to push for independence with them; the majority of the population in Hungary is satisfied with their current way of life and lacks the desire for revolution.

The older generation who experienced the revolution saw them as marauding beasts. When operating in Hungarian territories, the independence movement dared not even mention separatism.

Causing unrest was just to extract funding. If their American backers stopped support, the organization would disband within years.

In fact, historically, this independence organization met an untimely end; the leaders who later led Hungary to independence had no connection with them.

Aleister pretended to complain, saying, I know, but I need to see results first. Your inactivity and passiveness will wear away the peoples patience with you.

Its already difficult to raise donations now, especially in recent years with fewer Hungarian immigrants coming to America.

The faces of the members of the independence organization darkened; this was the most crucial issue. Without Hungarian immigrants to America, it meant that their organization would struggle to attract new members.

This also meant that their importance to the American government was diminishing. If one day they completely lost their value, the federal government might compromise with Austria and sell them out directly.

Before this, the Hungarian independence organization had already been sold off by many countries, such as Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire.

Hungarian independence organization members who stayed in these countries were suddenly met with accidents and then given boxed lunches.

Sweat beads formed on Stephens forehead; he understood that this was not negotiation but a direct threat. If they didnt handle this well, the Americans would trade their heads with the Austrian government.

Dont think its easy to hide in this era and evade pursuit by the Austrian government. If it were just a few individuals, they could easily hide in some remote countryside and be safe.

But for the independence organization, if they truly had to leave America, their good days would be over. Not every country would grant them refuge.

Stephen assured, Mr. Aleister, please rest assured, we will do our best in this operation. You will see results within six months.

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