Chapter 323: Sabotage

Reality has proven that people are afraid of death. Faced with bayonets, even the influential figures who were originally inclined towards the Southern government compromised. The federal government then implemented martial law in Maryland.

These were prominent figures; Lincoln could detain them temporarily, but not indefinitely. After integrating the Maryland militia, the federal government had no choice but to release them.

During this era of inconvenient communication, alongside taking over Maryland, Lincoln also ordered the takeover of the telegraph system for external communications.

Otherwise, news of this would have caused an uproar in Northern states long ago. Its possible that impeachment proceedings against the president would have long entered Congress.

Declan, the leader of the pro-Southern faction in Maryland, left the scene with a grim expression. Yielding to the federal government under the threat of bayonets was a complete insult to him.

In this era, morality had not completely deteriorated; these prominent figures still cared about their reputation. For things they were forced to compromise on, they could only pretend to swallow the humiliation for now.

Declan was not rash; he was acutely aware that now was not the time for retaliation. Agents of the federal government were closely monitoring their every move.

Under normal circumstances, he would not fear the federal government; within the framework of the rules, the federal government could not touch him. However, facing a president who did not play by the rules changed things.

Upon returning home, Declan did not immediately take action. Instead, he calmly pondered, distinguishing between allies and enemies.

The butlers neither servile nor overbearing voice sounded: Mr. Declan, Mr. Edward and Mr. Pirlo are here for a visit.

These two individuals were Declans friends and sometimes comrades-in-arms, ranking among the top ten farmers in Maryland. Like him, they were also among the disappointed attendees of the banquet.

Declan casually replied, Invite them in.

Yes! the butler responded.

They were all old friends, so there was no need for such formality. If it werent for etiquette, they might have skipped even the announcement.

Because they were looked down upon by European nobility, being called nouveau riche and lacking in manners, wealthy Americans in their daily lives actually placed great importance on etiquette.

Being looked down upon by European nobility was one thing, but Americans of this era were not to be trifled with. They absolutely could not tolerate being looked down upon by their own kind, so Declans estate was entirely modeled after the English aristocratic style.

Both the butler and the servants had received specialized training, and compared to any European minor noble, they were not inferior in the slightest.

In an instant, the butler escorted the guests inside.

Declan asked, My friends, what would you like to drink?

Pirlo interrupted, saying, Declan, do you really have the leisure to drink coffee here? That lunatic Lincoln is shitting on our heads, and if we dont teach him a lesson, how are we going to get by?

Pirlos words instantly ruined the atmosphere. Declan could no longer be bothered about etiquette either. After all, he wasnt really nobility himself.

Casually imitating etiquette now and then was acceptable, but keeping absolute composure in the face of harm to his interests, as Washington elites could, demanded greater personal depth and cultivation.

Declan retorted directly, What do you propose, send someone to take him out? Right now, the federal government is watching us like hawks, searching everywhere for our slightest slip-up. One wrong move and well all be in hot water.

With a gloomy expression, Pirlo replied, Of course not, Im not that foolish. Even if I want him dead, now is not the time. But we cant just sit idly by, can we? Our armed forces are now under the control of the federal government, and even if we want to join the Confederacy, we wouldnt be able to.

Having said that, Pirlo began to regret it a little. If they had known earlier that the federal government would disregard the rules, they should have been more resolute in their stance during the vote back then.

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Now, the Northern government was dominated by capitalists, and their influence as farmers in the government was too low. A president even dared to use coercion against them to make them compromise.

Declan said calmly, Theres no need to rush; there are plenty of people who are dissatisfied with him. Throughout history, few have had good endings after breaking the rules.

Surely those capitalists who support the federal government are feeling uneasy too, arent they? A president who dares to brandish a knife at everyone is destined not to last long.

This is a fact: since its inception, the United States has been dominated by big capitalists, plantation owners, and large farmers.

Now, various factions have united and are at odds due to conflicting interests, with domination shifting to capitalist conglomerates. Regardless of the changes, these individuals do not want to see a president who dares to challenge them.

Today, Lincoln threatened Maryland. Who can guarantee that tomorrow he wont use the same tactics against other states?

Edward inquired with concern, Declan, are you planning to unite with the capitalists to impeach the president?

Declan shook his head and replied, Its not that easy. Lincoln, that bastard, is the mouthpiece for the interests of the capitalists, and hes currently upholding national unity.

Based solely on this matter, its still difficult to make a move against him. Besides, you dont want to expose this ugly incident to the American people, do you?

This is the most realistic issue. As long as everyones interests are guaranteed, the capitalists wont care whether the presidents actions have crossed the line.

Even if they did want to make trouble for him, now wouldnt be the time for it. It wasnt suitable to rashly replace a president, at least not until the Civil War ended.

Edward pondered for a moment before saying, Indeed, although I detest him, I have to admit that from the countrys standpoint, he is indeed upholding national unity.

The capitalists dont want to give up the Southern market and cheap industrial raw materials. Lincoln, this useful pawn, wont be abandoned by them in the short term.

But from our perspective, this isnt a good thing. If we dont bring him down, its hard for us to establish ourselves in this circle.

Declan sneered, Then what if we make him lose this war? A president who triggers a civil war between the North and the South, causing America to split, will be reviled for centuries.

Making him a universally despised failure is the best revenge. And if you dont want to see him, we can even arrange for someone to send him off his way when the time comes.

Winners become kings and losers become villains. A failed leader who disregarded rules would naturally face a miserable end.

Whether for their own interests or their reputation, these people have every reason to undermine the federal government.

Pirlo asked with concern, Do you have a plan?

Declan responded somewhat awkwardly, Weve only just begun, and youre already rushing in. But I do have a preliminary plan. Directly confronting the federal government isnt wise. Its much simpler to trip them up in the shadows.

Currently, theres hardly anyone in Maryland who doesnt dislike Lincoln. On this issue, we can unite with the capitalists. For example: we can have the state legislature enact a law declaring him persona non grata and prohibiting the President from entering the state.

We can instruct Marylands public officials to fully exploit their expertise and let the federal government experience bureaucratic red tape. If the federal government calls for people to enlist, we can prevent those who want to enlist from doing so and push the troublemakers and ruffians who dont want to join, into the military.

Lincoln abolished the writ of habeas corpus, didnt he? Then, well continue to enforce it. If hes capable, let the federal government send its own officers to enforce it.

Next, we can mobilize our congressmen to give him a hard time and oppose anything he supports.

At the first opportunity, well impeach the President. We cant attack him directly now, but making him sick of it all will let us vent our anger a bit.

After that, its up to us. The capitalists wont switch to the Confederacy just because they dislike Lincoln.

For instance: we can provide cover and guide young people who support the Southern government to enlist in the South.

We can also engage in smuggling and trade with the Southern government in private, and even involve the capitalists in it

There is no doubt that Declans skill at sabotage is at a professional level. By rallying Marylands upper-class society to obstruct the federal government, even if their actions are exposed, the federal government will be powerless against them.

Utilizing the state government to oppose the federal government is a common occurrence in the United States. Many times, the federal government has been left embarrassed and frustrated.

Yet, these actions have not crossed any lines, as long as they havent directly aided the Confederacy themselves.

As for smuggling, all the influential capitalists will have participated. For the sake of profit, theres nothing they wouldnt dare to do.

In history, after the Confederacy was blockaded, a significant portion of weapons and ammunition were contributed by Northern capitalists. Otherwise, the Southern government couldnt have held out for so long.

Edward sighed and said, Declan, how do we explain this to our friends in the South? We promised them beforehand that Maryland would temporarily remain in the Union to aid their attack on Washington.

Declan replied calmly, They will understand our predicament. No one could have foreseen encountering a leader who doesnt abide by the rules. Currently, we are equally striving for the independence of the South.

The strongest fortresses are always breached from within. Currently, we are causing chaos internally for the federal government and the enemy. I believe the ultimate effect of our actions will be no less significant than directly joining the war.

Faced with a group of nonviolent saboteurs, the federal government is utterly powerless. The rights of each state in the United States are substantial, and state governments are elected, not appointed by the central government.

For local government officials, offending the president or the federal government is inconsequential. These individuals cannot be dismissed or promoted by them.

The only ones they cannot afford to offend are the local powerful figures these capitalists and farm owners hold the local votes, and their stance reflects the stance of the American people.

Any policy requires people to implement it, and once local governments indulge in bureaucracy, the federal government is powerless.

Implementing martial law in local areas may sound easy, but its challenging without the cooperation of local influential figures. Maryland in this era is not small; it cannot be managed without a hundred thousand troops.

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