Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 321: Austria’s Preparations

Chapter 321: Austria's Preparations

Due to the distance, it took over two months for news of the outbreak of the American Civil War to reach Vienna.

Looking at the intelligence in his hand, Prime Minister Felix exclaimed, It seems weve cultivated a pig teammate!

From the perspective of an observer, it was clear that the Southern governments decision to initiate the war was tantamount to shooting themselves in the foot. Regardless of whether they could eventually force concessions from the Northern government, it would be a case of more harm than good.

Foreign Minister Wessenberg sighed and said, No, the Southern government isnt foolish; they are acting with confidence. If they followed the previous script, the Southern government would find it difficult to escape the influence of other countries in the future.

For the sake of future interests, they decided to take a gamble, knowing they have the support of Britain, France, Spain, and us to fall back on.

Finance Minister Karl questioned, But the timing of the Southern governments initiation of the war is off. The Northern states are not prepared for war at all; they could have easily delayed the start of the war for a few more months.

Foreign Minister Wessenberg explained, After a few months delay, the Northern government would have capitulated. Despite the Lincoln administrations calls for war, the Northern government actually has very few troops at their disposal.

The political system in the United States is different from that of European countries; the states wield significant power, while the central governments authority is limited.

Each state has its own army, and without the consent of the state governments, the Northern government has no authority to command these armies.

Their control over the states is even weaker than our control over several constituent states. After the departure of Southern officers, the military strength of the central government is still inferior to that of some powerful federal states.

Before the South took action, most Americans were opposed to a civil war. While the capitalists do support the Northern government, they wont pick up arms and go to war themselves.

Under the intervention of various countries, many federal states have already defied the federal government. The number of federal states willing to send troops would not exceed ten. The Lincoln administration lacked the military power to resolve the strength of the Southern government through force.

Without engaging in battle to demonstrate their strength, how could the Southern government remain autonomous? The support of European countries to them is not without conditions!

Interests can lead people astray; even when they know the dangers, they will still proceed.

Franz interrupted, Alright, regardless of what the Southern government thinks, the war has already erupted. The life and death of Americans are not our concern.

For us, the primary goal is to divide the United States. Although the situation has gone beyond our control, it hasnt reached the worst-case scenario yet.

The geographical advantage of the United States is undeniable. They havent experienced the devastation of a brutal war economically. Its time for them to experience it.

Franz couldnt help but remain vigilant, even if the country split in two. Both of these Americas have the foundations of a hegemon, and the division merely delays their growth.

The Southern government is easy to deal with; if they enjoy playing with plantation economies, then let them continue. An agricultural country wouldnt pose a threat, and Franz wouldnt mind helping them solve their labor issues.

The Northern government is different; once industrialized, it undergoes a qualitative change. Driven by interests, they would engage in expansionism. Who can stop them then?

Even if Franz was determined to intervene again, with Spains decline, would Britain and France be willing to join forces?

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Using political means to divide America also concealed hidden dangers. Once America splits, the federal government will naturally lose its authority, and its influence over the federal states will decline.

Since the Southern states can leave the United States for the sake of their interests, other states can do the same.

Once the seeds of division are sown, the Northern government will have its hands full in the future. Just think about it, if federal states start clamoring for independence at the slightest disagreement, its enough to make any government collapse.

For example, if a state finds itself disadvantaged within the federal government, it may demand negotiations with the central government. If their interests are not met, they may opt for independence.

Another example is if there are conflicting interests among the federal states, which side will the federal government take? If it supports one side, the other may demand independence. If not handled properly, several states might declare independence together.

When it comes to stirring up conflicts, the British are the experts; Austria doesnt even need to get directly involved. In less than twenty years, the American continent will be dotted with small countries just like the European continent.

Unfortunately, Franzs great plan came to a premature end just as it began. With the outbreak of the Civil War, the federal government undoubtedly gained command over the state armies. With military power in hand, the central governments control over the states will naturally increase.

It probably wont be long before President Lincoln revised the constitution again and eliminated the legal basis for states to freely secede from the Union.

Minister of the Interior Prince Windisch-Grtz suggested, Your Majesty, why not order the ocean fleet to proceed to the Americas as soon as possible, establishing a foothold in Central America to lay the groundwork for armed intervention?

This foothold could not simply be a port; it must be capable of accommodating tens of thousands of troops and ensuring the supply of basic necessities. A small location wont suffice.

Franz shook his head: No need to rush; lets proceed at a normal pace. First, lets discuss where we should establish our foothold.

Colonial Minister Josip Jelai replied, Your Majesty, in terms of resources, Nicaragua is the most suitable. We can acquire a piece of land there. If we intend future military intervention, we could also opt to start from the Western Pacific, attacking the US West Coast to compel the Northern government to recognize the independence of the Southern government.

Glancing at the map, Franzs eyes lit up. At this time, with the Panama Canal not yet open, Americas geographical advantage hadnt fully manifested.

Currently, the main strength of the American Navy was concentrated in the core area of the Eastern seaboard, leaving the defense of the West Coast relatively weak. Once faced with the threat of war, regardless of whether the Northern government would compromise, the Western states would likely withdraw from the conflict.

Without these states, the population advantage of the North American government would be less significant. Without sufficient numerical superiority, winning the war would be nearly impossible.

The three countries of Britain, France, and Spain are not pushovers either. If their navies blockade the East Coast or even bombard it, the Northern government wont have a choice but to compromise.

At least the Eastern financial consortiums wont stand for it. They cant afford the cost of their foundations being destroyed while continuing to support the Northern governments cause.

Franz hesitated a bit before saying, The plan is good, but it means well have to station a naval fleet on the West Coast and coordinate with the British to obtain supplies from Canada.

Foreign Minister Wesenberg responded, Your Majesty, there are no diplomatic issues. We've already signed a secret treaty with Britain, France, and Spain, agreeing to jointly intervene in the American Civil War. Once America splits, the British will stand to benefit the most; they have no reason to refuse.

After examining the map, Franz made a decision: Withdraw five divisions from the domestic forces. Two of these divisions will be sent to the South Pacific region in batches, along with our flagship, the ironclad Vienna.

In the short term, expand our presence on the two major islands in the South Pacific and surrounding dependent islands. At the same time, prepare for the expedition to America.

The other three divisions will be deployed, one to Central America and two to the African continent, projecting an image of accelerating our overseas colonial process.

The ocean fleet will be split into two, with two ironclads and a portion of the auxiliary fleet remaining in Nicaragua, while the rest continues to visit various American countries.

Theres no need to rush; the American Civil War wont be resolved in just a day or two. The army should be deployed within two years, and the navy will proceed at its regular pace.

What is false can seem true; what is true can seem false.

Franzs plan wasnt random; history had already changed, and no one knew what the outcome of the American Civil War would be.

Whether armed intervention was needed and when to intervene were both unknown. Austrias strategic plan couldnt revolve around the Civil War in the United States.

If the Civil War in the United States remains in a stalemate and the timing of the intervention never came, could the Austrian army continue to wait?

Armed intervention also needed to consider costs. So Franz decided to prepare for military intervention while colonizing.

As for the ocean fleet, they could sell it when visiting the Southern government. Its estimated that by this time next year, the Northern navy would be ready to blockade the South.

Take advantage of the fire and rob them blind if possible. Franz felt no pressure; he wouldnt let an opportunity to make money from the slave owners slip away.

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