Chapter 319: Endeavors

Washington, Government Building

US Secretary of State Seward frowned as he reported: Mr. President, the current situation is very unfavorable to us. The Southern government has leveraged cotton diplomacy to win over the support of Britain, France, Austria, and Spain, resulting in overwhelmingly biased international public opinion.

Its not that Seward didnt try hard enough, but the enemy was simply too powerful. Since the Southern government promised to abolish slavery in the future, this civil war has become a tariff dispute.

The Norths supposed moral high ground was rendered worthless by public opinion. This was the fault of the US Constitution, which provided the legal basis for Southern independence.

If the Southern government hadnt started the war, they wouldnt know what to do now. In this era, the states in America have considerable autonomy, and without their cooperation in preparing for war, the central government is completely powerless.

The European cultural system places great emphasis on legality. With a legal basis, various governments directly recognized the legitimacy of the Southern government.

The public relations efforts of the Northern government were unsuccessful; the importance of the textile industry to the British was too great, and the national economy was held hostage.

France and Spain were also hit hard. The Northern governments tariff barriers undoubtedly increased everyones production costs, essentially taking money out of the pockets of the capitalists.

Lincoln asked puzzledly, I recall the Austrians have already ceased importing cotton from the South, so why would they still support the Southern government?

Not only did they stop importing cotton, but the United States and Austria were also competitors in the agricultural sector. The plantation economy of the South still posed a threat to the Austrian agricultural system.

From a standpoint of self-interest, the Austrians should support the North government in weakening the Southern plantation economy at this time.

Secretary Seward stated, According to the intelligence weve received, the South has promised to relinquish interests in Central America in exchange for Austrian support.

However, this is just a superficial factor. Based on our analysis, it may be related to the industrial market. Austrias industrial development has been very rapid in recent years.

While the Southern plantation economy has impacted their agricultural exports, the effect is not significant since Austria exports finished goods.

Austrians have the largest share in international agricultural trade. Currently, the largest grain-importing regions in Europe are Germany, Italy, and Britain, with the first two being influenced by Austria.

Under the Southern plantation economy, theres a significant need for imported industrial and commercial products, making this market a battleground for various countries.

It was inevitable. The North governments industrialization is bound to compete with the major industrial countries in Europe, while the Southern government produces industrial raw materials and provides an export market for industrial products.

This is a matter of tangible interest, and all diplomatic efforts are futile in the face of interests. The Northern government cannot offer better conditions than those of the South, so naturally, it cannot win over the other countries.

After pondering for a moment, President Lincoln said, Then focus on cultivating relations with the Russians. Surely they dont need industrial raw materials and markets?

Its not easy to endure international isolation. The current United States is still a small fish that cant ignore international pressure.

Secretary Seward replied, Winning over the Russians is not difficult, but their influence in the American region is too limited. Besides providing diplomatic support, they cannot offer substantial assistance and may even bring us trouble.

This was the reality; the boastful Imperial Russian Navy was useless here. Although influential globally, its influence was limited to its immediate surroundings.

Dont be fooled by the fact that Russia has a territory on the American continent; in this era, even Alaskas total population is less than ten thousand. Even if the Russians wanted to make trouble, they were helpless.

President Lincoln countered, Do we have any other option?

There are only a few powerful countries in the world, and even if the remaining countries were won over, with just a glance from Britain, France, Austria, and Spain, all efforts would be in vain.

Winning over the Russian Empire may not be the best choice, but its the only choice.

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Poor Southern diplomacy left them an opening. Had the South also drawn in Russia, Lincoln strongly suspected that the domestic capitalists would have simply surrendered.

For many Americans at the time, national identity meant little. Ask a random person on the street and they will claim to be British, French, German, Irish.... but never American.

The true establishment of national self-confidence came after World War I. At the Washington Conference, the Americans achieved naval parity with the British, solidifying their status as a great power and gaining widespread public recognition.

The outbreak of the American Civil War was an opportunity for many countries. The active intervention of Great Britain, France, Austria, and Spain in the American Civil War was actually aimed at breaking through the Monroe Doctrine barrier.

Since the rise of the United States, the interests of various countries in the Americas have suffered significant losses. Spain was no exception, having Florida forcibly taken by the Americans.

If it werent for the intervention of various countries, the Americans were planning to conquer Cuba as well. Although Spains military strength still exceeds that of the United States, its ability to deploy forces in the Americas is very limited.

This is also why Spain is actively participating in the intervention alliance. Only by sticking together can everyone suppress the Americans and protect their own interests.

The Spanish Governor of Cuba, Prez, eagerly asked, Ambassador, now that the American Civil War has broken out, can we regain control of the Spanish Island?

Spanish Ambassador to the United States, Francisco, replied, Rest assured, Governor. I have already coordinated with Britain, France, and Austria. They will support our military actions, and the Southern government has already recognized our sovereignty over the Spanish Island.

However, you must act quickly. If we cannot occupy the Spanish Island in a short amount of time, we will miss the opportunity to carve up Mexico.

(Authors Note: The Spanish Island here refers to Hispaniola)

No country willingly accepts decline, not even Spain. With colonies rebelling left and right, and domestic development lagging behind, Spanish intellectuals initiated their own self-strengthening movement.

Governor Prez and Ambassador Francisco are among them. To salvage this declining colonial empire, they decided to seize more fertile land.

Now, Britain, France, and Spain have set their sights on Mexico, the kingdom of silver, while Austria has targeted Central America. Seizing the Spanish Island is just an appetizer before the feast.

Governor Prez replied nonchalantly, Dont worry, at most, well need some time to reconquer the Spanish Island. It wont delay our plans.

Since breaking away from Spanish rule, the island of Hispaniola has produced two nations, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Despite its later impoverishment, Hispaniola remained a rare and prosperous land during this period, second only to Cuba in the Caribbean.

Being weak yet prosperous became their original sin, and in this era of survival of the fittest, Haiti and the Dominican Republic became prey to the great powers.

Once the decision to act was made, Governor Prez returned to Cuba and immediately organized a force of five thousand soldiers, appointing Colonel Galileus as the commander to invade and occupy the Spanish Island.

As the vast expanse of the deep blue sea stretched endlessly, waves constantly crashed against the warships, emitting the roar of the ocean and splashing white foam.

Colonel Galileus, commanding independently for the first time, stood on the deck of the warship and gazed into the distance. It seemed as if he was admiring the charm of the sea, feeling anxious and excited at the same time, full of passion...

A guard reminded, Colonel, we are only twenty nautical miles away from reaching the island of Hispaniola. There may be enemy warships ahead, and its unsafe on the ships deck.

Colonel Galileus chuckled, Dont worry, little Andre. Our enemies this time are just two indigenous kingdoms, they dont even have a navy.

However, these indigenous kingdoms are not to be underestimated; they have some degree of strength, having achieved independence from the Spanish colonial rule.

However, this independence was established with the support of the Americans. Now that the American Civil War has erupted and external support is lacking, these two small nations revealed their true colors.

In the end, Colonel Galileus accepted the advice and returned to the command room. Haiti and the Dominican Republic may not have organized navies, but that doesnt mean they are defenseless.

There are still a few shore cannons, and if luck isnt on their side and a cannonball happens to fly their way, it will be too late to cry then.

Colonel Galileus hadnt lived long enough to joke with his own life. The fleet slowly sailed toward the island, the docks already visible to the naked eye.

Without hesitation, Colonel Galileus immediately gave the order: Attack!

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