Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 317: Butterfly Effect (Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 317: Butterfly Effect (Bonus Chapter)

If the French response could only be considered moderate, the British were greatly provoked.

On May 12, 1861, the British Parliament passed the Navy Act, and the controversial Two-Power Standard was officially established.

The Royal Navy began to mobilize, planning to build 18 new ironclad ships over the next three years, surpassing the combined total of ironclad ships owned by France and Austria.

Faced with the British display of strength, Franz pretended he hadnt seen anything. Despite the seemingly similar fiscal revenues of the three nations, Austrias ability to spend paled in comparison to that of the British.

The Royal Navys military expenditures were not solely borne by the British government; colonial governments overseas could also contribute, something Austria couldnt match.

Since they could not compete financially, they might as well pretend not to see it. After all, no challenges had been issued, and the Austrian government had never stated any intention to surpass the British in naval power.

Silence is the best weapon, and for the British government, its the best outcome. Engaging in an arms race over the two-power standard would cost lives.

Compared to the reactions of Britain and France, the performance of the Spanish was disappointing. Isabella II was not a strategic genius nor did she possess the ability to restore Spains glory.

Faced with the dawn of the ironclad era, Isabella II decisively chose to yield. The shipbuilding plans announced by the Spanish government left the public feeling unsatisfied.

As a traditional naval power, their shipbuilding plan consisted of only six ships, falling far behind Britain, France, and even Austria.

Outside observers believed the Spanish were helpless in this matter. They were forced into this predicament. As their colonial system collapsed, this colonial empire was declining.

Although the overseas colonial faction reluctantly opened new colonies on the African continent, their progress was still slow due to their limited strength.

If these were the only problems, they could be solved. The most troublesome problem is domestic strife; Isabella IIs rule is unstable and rebellions are rampant.

In 1860, for example, there was a rebellion in Sicily that the Spanish government had to suppress at great cost.

This is partly due to Franzs butterfly effect. The international peacekeeping force took over the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the famous Redshirts werent organized, otherwise, the outcome wouldnt have been so favorable.

Of course, the success of the Redshirts led by Garibaldi in history was inseparable from British support.

Without the support of the troublemaker, they could not have stirred up such a storm. The Spaniards were not stupid. Without British protection, the Redshirts would probably be swimming with the fishes before they even landed in Sicily.

Now that the Kingdom of Sardinia was at a critical juncture of survival, who would still care about liberating Sicily? As soon as they raised their banner, the French would have crushed them.

Now the French already regarded the Kingdom of Sardinia as their possession, and under diplomatic pressure from the French government, many countries tacitly accepted French actions.

In a manor on the outskirts of Turin.

Garibaldi, filled with indignation, said, We cant go on like this. We cant count on the international coalition. It wont be long before the Kingdom of Sardinia becomes a French colony!

Cavour hurriedly persuaded, Calm down, the situation isnt that dire yet. Unless absolutely necessary, we cannot resort to armed conflict. If we stage an armed resistance now, no country will support us!

Over time, patriots within the Kingdom of Sardinia became increasingly unable to tolerate the usurpation of sovereignty.

Apart from flexing its muscles, the international coalition has done nothing and controls only a limited area. The only force preventing the expansion of French forces, the British, are stretched thin and unable to play a decisive role.

Garibaldi sneered, Cavour, all you know is to endure, endure, endure. Dont forget that now more than half of the Kingdom of Sardinia has already been swallowed by the French!

The so-called international investigation team is actually led by Britain, France, Russia, and Austria. The Russians are too far away to intervene, and even if they want to, they need Austrias approval.

You know how our relationship with Austria is, right? Plus, with this assassination matter, Franz, that tyrant, would love nothing more than to wipe us out. If the French government is willing to pay the price, selling us off is just a matter of time.

As for the British, theyre just putting on a show. If they really wanted to intervene, they wouldnt be so half-hearted. Wake up! We cant rely on anyone now but ourselves!

Cavours face looked very unpleasant. According to his analysis, with the mutual restraint between France and Austria, plus the support of the British, no one had the capability to annex the Kingdom of Sardinia.

He also intended to provoke conflict between France and Austria and pay the price by supporting the French annexation of Lombardy and Venetia in exchange for their support. However, one assassination attempt completely ruined everything.

The infuriated French have already come knocking, and the Austrian government is merely focusing on apprehending the assassin, turning a blind eye to the French expansion into Italy.

Under such circumstances, no matter how capable he is, he cannot make a move. The French appetite is too big, leaving him no room to maneuver.

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Cavour countered, Why did all this happen? Isnt it all because of your reckless actions? When the assassination occurred, you idiots treated the assassins as heroes, and even organized activities to celebrate.

Did you not have brains back then? Everyone was afraid of being implicated in the assassination, we tried desperately to absolve ourselves of suspicion, and you lot went and invited trouble.

The situation has deteriorated to this point, all because of your actions. And now you want to continue causing trouble? Dont you think the current pretext of the French annexing us is enough, that you want to give them another one?

Dont act heroic in front of me. I know better than anyone the strength of the Kingdom of Sardinia. With just a small Austrian detachment in the past, they almost wiped out our nation. Do you think the French cant do the same?

They were all part of the three Italian heroes, but Cavour and Garibaldi had long-standing conflicts, each representing different political ideologies.

Cavour always held the upper hand until foreign troops took control of the Kingdom of Sardinia, paving the way for the rise of radical ideologies, with Garibaldi emerging at this time.

However, the radicals faced severe repression, with many members being arrested by the international investigation team. Essentially, anyone who was too outspoken got caught up in the assassination affair.

Resorting to force to expel the French was a last resort for the radicals after being cornered. If they continued waiting, they wouldnt even have a chance to fight back.

At this stage of the investigation, several participants and informants have been identified. However, these individuals are only mid-level members of the Carbonari, and neither France nor Austria believes that they are the masterminds behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, none of the higher-ups are willing to risk their lives, and no one is willing to step forward to take the blame. While some are willing to be scapegoats, they dont have the qualifications.

Reality is so absurd. They clearly found the real culprits, but everyone chose not to believe them, or at least pretended not to believe them for their own interests.

Kentucky, the birthplace of President Lincoln, remains a stronghold of slavery. Its population is over one million, more than a quarter of whom are enslaved black people, illustrating the considerable power held by slave owners.

But the influence of capitalists is just as significant. After the Southern states declared independence, Kentucky experienced internal division.

Some advocated joining the Southern Confederacy, while others favored remaining in the Northern Union. The relatively even strength of the two factions made it difficult for either side to dominate.

The final outcome came down to the diplomatic efforts between the North and the South. Whichever side could garner more supporters would sway Kentuckys allegiance.

Historically, the Northern government successfully persuaded Kentucky to remain with the Union. However, circumstances have changed, with international influences impacting many peoples positions.

Fortunately, as a landlocked state, Kentuckys susceptibility to the influence of European powers is limited. Otherwise, under the public relations efforts of England, France, Austria, and Spain, it would have switched sides long ago. As it is, the situation has become increasingly complex and ambiguous.

To persuade Kentucky to support the federal government, Lincoln not only sent representatives but also personally wrote letters to prominent figures in Kentucky, promising various benefits.

Of course, he could not possibly have written all those letters himself such was standard practice, with every leader having multiple secretaries; anything bearing his name simply represented his stance.

By comparison, the Southern governments performance was much worse. They only targeted plantation owners in their activities and rarely attempted to court the capitalists.

If it werent for Austrias intervention, they would have continued to neglect this aspect.

Connor, a representative of the Northern government, persuaded, Sabat, what are you hesitating about? Its obvious that the Southern government is colluding with England, France, Austria, and Spain, attempting to divide the great United States.

As a capitalist, Sabat had no patriotic sentiments. Whether the United States split or not was less important to him than practical interests.

Originally, he had supported the Northern government, but the offers of the Southern government also tempted him. After all, capitalists were powerful in the federal government, with whom he had no particular advantage.

Although the Southern government was dominated by plantation owners, capitalist strength there was weak and competition was not as intense. In addition, they could obtain cheap industrial raw materials. Joining the Southern government seemed to offer greater advantages.

If not for concerns about the Southern governments low tariff policies leading to competition from foreign industrial and commercial products, he would have made up his mind long ago.

Clearly, the intervention of European countries influenced his judgment. From the outset, Sabat believed that the Southern government could achieve independence.

Not just him, many Americans believed that the Northern government would compromise. In this era, Americans did not yet have enough confidence to say no to the united forces of the great powers.

Sabat pondered for a moment before saying, Mr. Connor, I am definitely in support of the federal government. However, the plantation owners in Kentucky are formidable. If we rush into a decision, Im concerned they might resort to drastic actions. It might be better to wait and see.

Of course, when hesitating, it is best to drag things out. When personal interests are at stake, theres no turning back once a wrong decision has been made.

Ironically, the Southern government was trying to lure capitalists with market tactics, but thats the irony of reality.

Wasnt the Northern government also trying to appease the plantation owners? Lincoln repeatedly promised not to abolish slavery and assured that everyones rights would be protected.

Whether they can fulfill these promises, just think of the integrity of the politicians. Both sides are making empty promises; its a matter of who can paint a more enticing picture.

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