Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 315: International Recognition

Chapter 315: International Recognition

By the end of 1860, the total population of the United States had reached 31.6 million. The Northern free states had a population of about 18.7 million, while the Southern slave states had a population of 12.9 million, of which 5 million were slaves.

Franzs butterfly effect still played a role, and there had been a slight change in the balance of power between the North and the South, but it couldnt change the fact that the North was stronger than the South.

In the Austrian Embassy in Washington, representatives from Britain, France, Austria, and Spain gathered together. The Austrian ambassador to the United States, Drucker, was the first to speak: The reason weve gathered today is primarily to discuss the issue of Southern independence. In such a critical juncture, we need to remain united to better safeguard our interests.

Its unclear when everyone realized the benefits of the principle of unity among the great powers. Typically, whenever they acted in unison, everyone could reap substantial rewards.

The group paused, weighing whether joint action would yield greater benefits or if acting alone would be more profitable.

Whether or not to abolish slavery was simply not on the table. No matter how loudly the European countries shouted for the abolition of slavery, in reality, everyone just wanted to watch the show.

In recent years, America has been expanding like a balloon, which has caused many people to worry. The American threat theory has also become a hot topic in Europe.

To attract immigrants, the propaganda put out by the Americans, under the guidance of those with ulterior motives, has all become evidence of the American threat.

Due to crude communication methods, the negative impact on public opinion has left the American government powerless. Several attempts to influence public opinion have backfired, leaving them in a sorry state.

British representative Mark Oliver spoke up: All four of our nations have significant trade relations with the United States. A stable America is more in line with our interests. By intervening together to prevent the outbreak of civil war in the United States, it will be beneficial for global peace and stability.

The British stance was not surprising. The British Empire depended on cheap industrial raw materials provided by the Americans, especially cotton.

Not only the British, but also the three nations of France, Austria, and Spain were major cotton importers. Even with a bumper crop of cotton in West Africa, Austria is barely self-sufficient.

The Spanish representative Francisco added: To maintain world peace, a divided America is necessary. From 1783 to the present, the territory of the United States has expanded from 800,000 square kilometers to nearly 8 million square kilometers. If they are not contained, it wont be long before they gradually take over the entire American continent.

We are all aware of the potential for development in the United States. At their current rate of progress, they will catch up with Europe in less than fifty years, and then surpass us with their vast size.

It should be noted that the total area of our four countries combined is less than one-third that of the United States. They have almost all the resources they need, and there is little we can do to restrict them. Now is the only opportunity; if America resolves its internal issues, the future world hegemon is already determined.

Franciscos argument was almost a verbatim copy of the American threat theory. With the development of the United States in recent years and their constant foreign expansion, Spain was the biggest victim.

Especially as Americans have extended their hand into Cuba, attempting to seize another colonial territory from Spain, it has further fueled Spanish resentment.

While Americas expansionist movement had little effect on Austria, Britain and France suffered losses. The French were forced to sell the Louisiana territory, while the British lost even more territory.

The French representative Alfredo mocked, Isnt this too alarmist? Could America really become the world hegemon?

Drucker, the Austrian representative, chuckled and said, Who knows? But its undeniable that in recent years the pace of American development has been remarkable. They are constantly sucking the blood out of Europe.

Havent we all wanted to send immigrants to the colonies, only to have them poached by the Americans? Tens of thousands of Europeans immigrate to the United States every year. Everyone should be aware of what this means!

If the Union succeeds, it will possess the richest resources in the world, the cheapest industrial raw materials, and abundant labor. They will quickly complete their industrialization.

We will have another competitor in the commodities market. Perhaps before long, American-made goods will permeate the American continent.

Capital knows no borders. Perhaps many capitalists are already thinking of moving to America. If these people also move there, our technological superiority will cease to exist.

It should be known that they have also cornered our industrial raw materials such as cotton.

Even if we find new sources of raw materials, it will be hard to compete with America in terms of production costs. Its only logical for capitalists to build factories in America.

Druckers words were full of meaning. Everyone present was part of their respective ruling classes, vested interests who didnt want to see their own countrys interests harmed.

Mark Olivers face changed greatly. He could guarantee that if he did nothing this time, he would face retaliation from domestic capitalists when he returned home.

Capitalists immigrating to America? This was actually the privilege of major capitalists and financial conglomerates. For small and medium-sized capitalists to move to an unfamiliar place, theyd be lucky not to be completely swallowed up by others.

It was true that capital knows no borders, but that would only be realized once order was established and everyone became mindful of their appearances.

Druckers purpose was still to remind everyone to sit up straight and not be swayed by the Northern governments money, or their political stance would lean toward the Americans.

Having calmed down, Mark Oliver smiled and said, Indeed, America is too powerful. Its better to weaken them a bit. I remember the Declaration of Independence granting the right of secession to the federal states. Since now seven Southern states have already seceded, lets acknowledge their status!

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This was a fatal blow. Once European countries recognized the independent status of the Southern government, the Civil War would no longer be an internal conflict in America but a war between two independent countries.

Politically, its undoubtedly a devastating blow to the Northern government. Once the legitimacy of the Southern government is established, it will be easier for countries to find excuses to intervene in this war in the future.

If everyone is willing, as long as the Southern government sends out an invitation, everyone can intervene militarily to mediate.

The Unions plan to manufacture public pressure through the abolition of slavery and cut off European support for the Confederacy would fail right from the start.

The British decision also involves the issue of Canada. The continuous expansion of the United States has long been resented by the British. After the War of Independence, conflicts between Britain and America did not cease.

In 1812, former President Jefferson boasted, This year, Canada will be annexed... and ultimately British influence will be completely expelled from the American continent!

Soon the Americans attacked Canada in an attempt to dominate the mainland Americas alone.

John Bull, enraged, immediately took military action to make the Americans feel the iron fist of the British Empire. The Americans were badly beaten on the battlefield, and even the White House was set on fire.

Time was the best weapon. Gradually, the terror of the British was forgotten by the Americans. In 1844, the campaign slogan of the 11th president, James K. Polk, was: (Britain) must give up Oregon or face war!

By this time, the United States was no longer weak and easy to defeat.

At that time, after weighing the pros and cons, the British government backed down and relinquished the Oregon territory. However, this left a lingering sense of resentment.

Resentment could be suppressed, but the threat posed by the United States was felt by the British. However, the capitalists, for their own interests, exerted influence on Congress, reconciling the Anglo-American conflicts.

No matter how it was said, grievances were written down. After discovering the anti-American stance of Austria and Spain, Mark Oliver immediately decided to deal a heavy blow to the Americans.

French representative Alfredo opposed, saying, Directly intervening in American internal affairs might not be wise. European public opinion overwhelmingly supports the abolition of slavery, and such actions could easily cause us trouble.

Interests determine position. The French had very little interest left in North America, so naturally they would not mind Americas rise. After all, the British would bear the brunt of Americas rise.

The Austrian representative Drucker gave a righteous explanation: This is just a minor issue. The Southern government can also abolish slavery. Currently, theyre protecting the rights to private property, which is sacrosanct and inviolable.

Withdrawing from the United States is also entirely legal. Theres no provision in the US Constitution prohibiting states from seceding. We must uphold the spirit of contracts!

In essence, the main cause of the North-South conflict is still the tariff issue. The Northern governments proposal to raise tariffs has seriously undermined the principle of fair trade!

Trade fairness was merely a facade, but the harm to everyones interests was real. Once the Americans raise tariffs, not only do they lose access to cheap sources of raw materials, but they also lose a market for their goods.

Even the French, who supported the Americans in causing trouble for the British, had to admit that the actions of the Northern government damaged their interests.

That is why there have been frequent policy changes within the French government on the issue of the United States. Often, they didnt even know what was the right thing to do.

French representative Alfredo asked in disbelief, Are you serious? Youre not joking, are you? The Southern government is going to abolish slavery?!

After the propaganda of the Northern government, in the eyes of many people, the Confederacy was simply evil slave traders. Werent the plantation owners making profits by exploiting slaves? How could they possibly give up their source of wealth?

Drucker confidently replied, Nothing is impossible. Plantation owners can also learn from the capitalists business model. In this world, there are plenty of unscrupulous capitalists who pay minimal wages, or even no wages at all, right?

On the surface, the slaves are indeed given free status, but in reality, the wages they are paid are barely enough for these people to survive.

If they get old or sick, they will still be driven out to fend for themselves. Would the cost really increase after merely changing the employment method?

What plantation owners are worried about is that after the slaves obtain free status, these people will leave. This problem can be solved by employment contracts.

What Drucker was talking about was the social reality of the time. The same thing was happening all over Europe. On the surface, serfdom was abolished by everyone, but in reality, the living conditions of those at the bottom of society didnt improve much.

On the surface, after they were turned into workers, they earned wages and their standard of living rose. But in reality, it was due to the increase in workload.

In times of economic crisis, one could easily become unemployed. If a worker fell ill and couldnt afford treatment, it often led to financial ruin and had no safety net whatsoever.

Mark Oliver agreed: Indeed, from a cost perspective, changing the employment model can be a viable option. With so many labor-exporting companies in the United States, plantation owners will never lack labor.

As leaders of the civilized world, we have a duty to help the Southern government gradually abolish the evil system of slavery and join the global civilized community.

Once the issue of slavery was addressed, the French representative no longer objected. Whether or not the Southern government abolished slavery was not important; they simply had to make a gesture indicating their intention to do so.

The Spanish representative proposed, To abolish the evil institution of slavery sooner rather than later, and for the sake of world peace and stability, we must now persuade more slave states to join the Southern government.

Even though the true intention was to balance the power between the North and the South, it sounded noble and righteous when spoken by politicians.

As for whether the Southern government would accept everyones goodwill, there was no need to consider it; they had to accept it.

It was just a political gesture, there was no immediate action required. Merely putting on a show could gain them recognition from the international community. Who would have the courage to refuse?

The French representative Alfredo said, This is an excellent proposal. France is willing to help these slaves obtain freedom.

On February 11, 1861, despite the opposition from the Northern government, the four nations of Britain, France, Austria, and Spain jointly issued a diplomatic statement recognizing the independence of the Southern government and establishing formal diplomatic relations.

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