Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 309: State Funeral

Chapter 309: State Funeral

By 1859, constitutionalism had become a hot topic in Austria, even the birth of the little prince had become a backdrop.

There was no way around it. The eldest son, Frederick, was already over two years old, and his position as crown prince was secure. As the second son, there would be much less public attention.

The Vienna Court still held celebrations as usual. Since medical technology was limited at that time, every family placed great importance on the next generation.

Almost every core members birth was celebrated, as this showed the prosperity of the family.

The House of Habsburg was able to rise above the many noble families of Europe and establish a great empire by relying on having many sons and daughters.

Not only the Habsburgs, but all families with a long history have one thing in common: a strong reproductive ability.

The nobility of Europe were not simply locusts that fed on the people, even into the 19th century they had to be ready to go to the battlefield at any time as this was their responsibility and duty.

For families with few offspring, things were not so pleasant. In case of injury or accident on the battlefield, with the medical conditions of that era, they might just meet their maker directly.

Then it would only benefit others. There is no doubt that intermarriages between nobles were complex, but as long as a noble family existed for hundreds of years, heirs could basically be found among relatives.

This time Franz learned to be clever. He put all the prepared names together to draw lots. Thats right, he would let the little guy draw it himself.

It cant really be considered drawing lots. The first crumpled paper he would grab with the name written on it would be the little guys name.

Archduchess Sophie objected: Franz, wouldnt that be too childish? When the child grows up, he will feel that you dont care about him!

Franz firmly denied, How could that be? It is precisely because I respect his opinion that I will let the little one decide for himself!

Archduchess Sophie asked, puzzled: But how are you going to explain this to Frederick?

Franz replied without changing his expression, Its fine, we just wont tell him.

What if he grabs several paper balls at the same time, do we combine them? Helene asked doubtfully.

Franz almost broke out in a cold sweat. He finally understood why some Europeans have such long names.

He hurriedly denied: Of course not. If that happens, well start over.

They absolutely could not do such a stupid thing. A name that was too long was not a good thing. As a father, if he couldnt even remember his sons name, he would be screwed.

Archduke Karl, who was enjoying the spectacle, added, Let us get started then, but I think it would be better if Frederick, his older brother, helped. The little one may be willing, but not able.

Two icy glares shot his way, and Franz smiled awkwardly. The newborn may not be able to accomplish this daunting task.

His carefully devised plan suddenly seemed like a joke. Getting Frederick to do it instead was impossible. If he went through with it, it would be a stain on Franzs reputation that he could never rid himself of.

After pondering for a moment, Franz said, Then let God decide. Ill draw for the little one!

Before anyone could respond, his hand had already grabbed one of the crumpled pieces of paper, which he then opened in front of everyone Peter.

After confirming the little ones name, Franz quickly left the scene.

Your Majesty, the old Marshal passed away last night!

The maids slightly panicked voice rang out. Franzs expression changed. There was only one man in the entirety of Austria who could be respectfully called old Marshal Johann Josef Wenzel Anton Franz Karl, Graf Radetzky von Radetz.

In terms of age, Marshal Radetzky was already 92 years old, one year more than in history. In an era where the average lifespan was less than 40, this was considered a long life.

Franz was mentally prepared for this, but Marshal Radetzkys passing still came somewhat unexpectedly, without the slightest sign beforehand.

Inform the cabinet to prepare for a state funeral. I will personally preside over the old Marshals funeral. Order the nation to observe a period of mourning for 14 days.

The Marshal, of Bohemian noble descent, had devoted his life to the Habsburg dynasty, earning great merit, yet never involved himself in politics.

Even when he was appointed Chief of Staff, he remained focused on his duties, never engaging in power struggles, but remaining loyal to the Emperor. He was a model for military men.

Out of a monarchs instinct, Franz didnt quite dare to glorify him while he was alive; death made things different, of course, he would have to arrange things to the highest standards.

With Marshal Radetzkys achievements, he well deserved such treatment, and Franz was not afraid anyone would object.

Little Peters situation was tragic. His birth was overshadowed by constitutional matters, and just as he was named, the death of Marshal Radetzky diverted the attention of the world from him.

Franz was sure that tomorrows newspapers in Vienna would be filled with news of Marshal Radetzkys death and the state funeral arrangements.

The emergence of telegraphs made communication across the European continent even closer. News of Marshal Radetzkys death was not kept secret and quickly spread.

Some were joyous, some were sorrowful.

Of course, Austria was in mourning; the old Marshal was still very popular. Many people spontaneously organized to see him off.

Even Napoleon III sent representatives to attend the funeral. A pure soldier always garners respect from others, even former enemies.

Of course, time was also a factor. So many years had passed since the Napoleonic Wars, and the animosity between the two sides had long since faded.

What was more likely was that Frances enemies at that time were too numerous to count that Austria wasnt even noticed. It was Britain and Russia that attracted the most hatred.

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In the Napoleonic Wars, Marshal Radetzky was just a minor player, despite winning several local battles. Each side had its own agenda on the battlefield, so there wasnt any deep-seated animosity.

If there was any joy, it would have been in the Kingdom of Sardinia. They didnt even send representatives; if it werent for Marshal Radetzky, they wouldnt have suffered so much in the Austro-Sardinian War.

After all, Austria wasnt in a great situation at the time. Without the old Marshals leadership, Franz wouldnt have dared to launch a counteroffensive.

Without the devastating war a decade ago, which cost 200,000-300,000 young lives, they wouldnt be in such a tragic state now, lacking even the ability to resist.

It turned out that Franz had overthought it. The Sardinian government was not happy at all.

Prime Minister Cavour had already been dismissed from his position. Undoubtedly, this must have had something to do with the Carbonari.

Not only him but all members of the Carbonari in the government had been dismissed and were undergoing investigation by the delegation.

As for the top brass of the Carbonari, they had long since fled. With such a major event, if a few people werent killed as a warning, how could the supreme authority of the monarchy be upheld?

Franz was not Napoleon III; he would show no mercy in this matter. Since the Carbonari had plotted the assassination, he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Whether or not the Carbonari leadership was directly involved, they must all face the guillotine. Failure to control their subordinates was a crime in itself.

If they hadnt stirred up those young hotheads, with the kind of brains they have, they probably wouldnt have become assassins.

Staying in the Kingdom of Sardinia and participating in the protests would have been much better. Even if they had besieged the parliament building, Franz wouldnt have intervened. But attempting assassination was unacceptable.

Without setting an example, who knows when another assassin might appear?

If these individuals hadnt fled, charges would still need to be fabricated. But now, its unnecessary, as the joint investigation team has already issued wanted notices.

Franz had low hopes of catching them. With no modern identity registration system in this era, simply changing ones name and moving to a place where no one would recognize you was enough to avoid being found.

Those who knew to flee at the first chance were the smart ones. The unlucky ones who reacted a step slower were already in prison.

A young man appeared at Cavours home, his face about to cry as he asked, Count, what should we do now? My father has been arrested, and the investigation team is demanding that we prove our innocence. If we cant prove we had no involvement in the assassination attempt, theyll consider us accomplices.

Cavours face darkened as he replied, Kelder, I need to know if you were involved in the planning of this assassination attempt or if you knew of their plans beforehand. This is very important. You must tell the truth so I can try to get your father and the others out.

Kelder was on the verge of tears. He swore by the heavens that he really didnt know anything about the assassination attempt, even though he had a good relationship with the radicals and occasionally participated in their activities.

Not to mention his father. As a Sardinian businessman, he usually did not participate in specific activities, but only provided the Carbonari with funds for their activities.

To facilitate his business dealings, he held an honorary position within the party.

The tragedy was that this honorary position, elevated ever so slightly, resulted in his father, a titular high-level member, being arrested after several big shots fled.

Count, I really dont know anything. As you know clearly, my father is not even a high-level member at all, he never participates in party affairs.

Cavour nodded. He also knew this was the case. Under normal circumstances, he would certainly protect Kelders father to the death, since he was also his financial backer.

But the current situation was different, things were completely out of control. Even if he wanted to save them, it was beyond his power.

Regardless, the mastermind behind this assassination attempt must be found, or there would be no way to explain it to the international community.

If this case remains unsolved for too long, the longer the French occupy Sardinia, the more it becomes a fait accompli.

The British were still using the other countries to restrain France and had not allowed the French to occupy the entire Kingdom of Sardinia. If the perpetrator was found in time, international pressure could still be used to force the French to withdraw their troops, although surrendering land and paying reparations would be inevitable.

Cavour explained: The current situation is very complex. The positions of representatives from various countries are different. We have already been stripped of the power of discourse.

The Austrians goal this time is to find the mastermind behind the scenes. If theres an answer they can accept, coupled with an apology, then this matter can be resolved.

The problem lies with the French. They want to take advantage of this assassination attempt to annex the Kingdom of Sardinia. What is even more frightening is that the Austrian government has already tacitly approved of their actions.

Russias whip does not reach far enough. As long as the Austrian government does not object, the Russian government will not support us either. It is said that Nicholas I is also very angry about this assassination attempt.

Fortunately, the British are still supporting us for now. As long as we find the mastermind behind the scenes, theres still room for maneuver.

Kelder was no fool; he had already discerned Cavours implied meaning. If they couldnt find the mastermind, they would have to find someone to take the blame.

And it would not be easy to take the fall. Not only would he have to face the guillotine, but he would also have to gain the approval of the investigation team.

Those who could afford to take the blame had all fled. The remaining people did not have the qualifications, even if they wanted to take the blame they would not be eligible.

So for now my father is in no danger, right? Kelder asked.

Cavour nodded and said, For now, you need to find a way to raise some money and grease the palms of the investigation team, explaining the situation to them. Everyone knows the real mastermind has already fled. As long as you keep them satisfied, your father should be safe.

When saying this, Cavour did not even believe it himself. The representatives of other countries were easy to deal with. As long as there was money, they would turn a blind eye and let it go.

But would the Austrian and French representatives dare to let this slide? If the mastermind really could not be found, then the only option was for the entire Carbonari to be the mastermind.

Rather kill wrongly than let anyone slip by. As long as all the suspects were eradicated, it wouldnt matter who the real culprit was.

To avenge two cases of conspiracy to assassinate the monarchy, killing a few hundred possible suspects was no big deal at all.

Do not expect anyone to speak up for them. No monarchy would vote against this.

Kelder nodded reluctantly. He understood that Cavour had already lost the power to speak now. After knowing that Prime Minister Cavour was dismissed, he did not have high hopes to begin with. Being able to find a way out now was not bad already.

Saving his father was only one aspect. More importantly, as the crime was too great, the whole family would not be able to escape being implicated. Once embroiled in a case of attempted regicide, not to mention his nouveau riche family, even old established noble families would be finished.

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