Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 299: 48th Hell Dungeon

Chapter 299: 48th Hell Dungeon

Even though Thomas couldnt figure out the reasons behind the change in the Austrian governments stance, he still took action immediately.

At this point, if he didnt step in personally, it would probably be a one-sided situation as soon as the conference began.

Just because everyone doesnt want to see French expansion doesnt mean that all countries will automatically oppose France.

The assassination attempt had already put the Kingdom of Sardinia at a disadvantage. Moreover, the Sardinian government still hadnt taken any action to punish the assassins as the countries wanted.

Perhaps from the perspective of the Sardinian government, the Carbonari are powerful and widespread, and this assassination attempt was simply the result of a few impulsive, zealous individuals, with no mastermind behind the scenes.

But in the eyes of foreign governments, whether it was premeditated or not, when such an event occurs, the senior members of the Carbonari cannot escape blame.

The best course of action the Sardinian government should have taken was to first arrest the high-ranking Carbonari members to show everyone their determination to crack down on the evil organization.

How could Cavour not see this? However, as a member of the Carbonari, he cannot turn the blade on himself.

The end result was that the Sardinian government arbitrarily arrested a few individuals in an attempt to deceive others. In the eyes of the outside world, this showed a lack of sincerity.

Initially, Thomas advocated that the Sardinian government eradicate the Carbonari, provide an explanation to the French, and then downplay the incident.

After understanding the political framework of the Kingdom of Sardinia, he rejected this impractical idea. It would be beyond the capabilities of the Sardinian government; if they remained passive, it would be one thing, but if they took action, it would be disastrous.

If they push too hard, they could become the architects of their own demise, and the Kingdom of Sardinia could collapse any minute.

At Schnbrunn Palace, Franz was too preoccupied to worry about the diplomatic battles raging in Paris. As a result of his tireless efforts, Empress Helenes belly began to swell again.

Compared to the next generation of Habsburgs, the fate of the Kingdom of Sardinia was clearly of secondary importance. No matter how persuasive Cavour might be, his offer could never surpass that of Austria.

Initially, the value of the Kingdom of Sardinia lay in its role as a buffer between France and Austria. Later, the British realized their fighting spirit and decided to support their unification of Italy to keep both France and Austria in check, thus balancing the power of various countries in the Mediterranean.

However, the Kingdom of Sardinia had the misfortune to meet Franz and was left crippled after the last Austro-Sardinian war. Otherwise, Sardinia, with its strength retained, wouldnt be so easily swallowed by the French.

Franz said affectionately, Frederick, slow down!

Ever since he learned to walk, the little boy had been restless. Filled with endless curiosity about the world, he was always causing trouble.

Of course, Franz was not worried about trouble. For a toddler less than two years old, making mischief could only look cute.

However, considering the medical standards of the time, he had to be careful. According to the rules of the Habsburg dynasty, the little boy only had four more years of carefree childhood before he had to start training on hell instance mode.

This was the responsibility and duty of being born into royalty. As long as one wasnt a fool, completing this training regimen would ensure that whoever was nurtured wouldnt end up as a waste.

Reality isnt like fiction; playboys are more likely to be found among the nouveau riche. Truly distinguished families have a much higher success rate in raising their offspring.

This kind of education may not produce geniuses, but it can certainly produce competent individuals in large numbers. For example, Franzs younger brothers, though perhaps unremarkable within the royal family, would undoubtedly be outstanding young men if placed in the outside world.

Franz currently still had headaches over arrangements for his younger brothers. In his view, it would be best to send them out to temper themselves.

Unfortunately, because of their status, such actions could easily attract unfavorable speculation from the outside world.

After years of living together, he was well aware that these younger brothers were no pushovers. While not yet on the level of the Almighty Eldest Brother, their proud and arrogant airs were already plain for all to see.

Last year, his second brother, Maximilian, got married and still lives at home, seemingly idle. The young couple had recently returned from a tour of Europe.

If he were truly a worthless wastrel like their father, spending his days in pleasure and pastime, hunting and horse racing with friends, it would be easier to deal with. But Maximilian is an idealist who wants to make something of himself.

A few years ago, based on Maximilians interests and hobbies, Franz threw him into the Royal Academy of Sciences, allowing him to study plants with several botanists.

Of course, this was only a temporary measure. Now there are those within the House of Habsburg who are proposing that Maximilian be appointed regent of the Kingdom of Bavaria, but at Franzs instigation, the Cabinet strongly blocked this proposal.

Tyron said quietly, Your Majesty, members of the Mexican Constitutionalist Party have entered Vienna. Preliminary assessment suggests that they are seeking a Catholic prince to assume the Mexican throne.

Franz said plainly, Have people keep an eye on them and see who they have contacted.

Yes, Your Majesty! Tyron answered.

In the European cultural system, emperors and kings are all determined by bloodline. So when a countrys royal family is extinct or exiled, they often go to other monarchs to find a royal to bring back.

Mexican emperors have always had a tragic fate. The first Mexican emperor, Agustn I, ended up on the guillotine. Theres no way around it; he decided to follow Napoleons example and crown himself emperor!

Although he led the Mexican independence movement and was highly respected within his own country, he lacked royal lineage, so no one recognized him as emperor.

In this respect, Washington was wise not to step on this landmine.

Having learned this lesson, no one in Mexico dared again to rashly claim the title of emperor. But for the constitutionalists, without an emperor, what constitution could they establish?

Following tradition, they once again look to the Germanic lands to find a king. After all, almost all kings in Europe came from the German region.

Now, with the prestigious Habsburg dynasty, known supporters of Catholicism, they naturally caught the attention of Mexican constitutionalists.

Historically, Franzs ill-fated younger brother, Maximilian, was tricked into becoming Emperor of Mexico under similar circumstances.

Franz ordered, Jenny, have someone bring me the information on Mexico.

Yes, Your Majesty, the maid replied softly.

There was no right to speak without investigation. Without understanding the specifics of Mexico, Franz also did not dare to enter this minefield recklessly.

Frankly, in this era, Mexicos foundation is quite solid. It is second only to the United States in strength in the Americas.

The total population approached eight million, of which more than half were of mixed race, 16% were white, and 30% were indigenous.

However, racial tensions in Mexico are not severe, and mestizos (mixed-race people) often identify as white.

Mexico is blessed with fertile land that, while not on par with its neighbor the United States, can easily support tens of millions of people.

Its mineral resources are particularly abundant, making it suitable for industrial development. Before the sharp devaluation of silver, this silver empire was quite prosperous, with no shortage of funds.

In theory, with such favorable conditions, even if Mexicos development lags behind that of the United States, the gap shouldnt be too wide.

The reality, however, is ruthless, with a stark contrast between heaven on one side and hell on the other.

Mexico, which should have developed, is now nothing more than an agricultural country that shows no signs of industrialization.

Everyone is busy fighting among themselves, who cares about national development? If they want to put this country in order, a great purge is inevitable. You have to get rid of the vested interests before you can talk about development.

Franz somewhat understands why the Habsburg dynasty was opposed to Maximilian serving as Emperor of Mexico.

It was really for his own good. In a situation where the Habsburg dynasty is unable to provide assistance, an idealist like him would not be able to handle such chaos.

Starting at a Hell Dungeon is only suitable for godly heroes to play. Even if it were Franz himself, he would rather go to Africa to establish colonies and start from scratch than deal with this mess.

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