Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Showdown

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Showdown

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“What? Franz, you want to join the military service? No, you must stay home and diligently study!” Madam Sophie said with a face full of anger.

That expression was as if to say, “You little rascal are actually trying to find an excuse to skip classes? That’s utterly lawless!”

Franz explained, “Respected Madam Sophie, this doesn’t count as military service. I will only enter the army to experience it for three months.”

“Experience it for three months, is that necessary? In half a year’s time, you will formally join the military service. Is there really a need to experience it now?” Madam Sophie questioned.

Franz knew that without a clear explanation, it wouldn’t work; if he didn’t have a proper reason, his mother wouldn’t agree. As for his father’s stance, when did their family ever rely on his decisions?

“Isn’t it because a revolution has erupted in Sicily? Based on the intelligence I’ve collected and analyzed, over the next period, the European Continent is likely to enter a phase of frequent revolutions.

To prevent any unforeseen events, I must develop my military qualities, so I won’t be caught unprepared!” Franz explained.

“You’re suggesting that a revolution might break out in Austria?” Madam Sophie said with a somber face.

Franz nodded and said, “Yes! The domestic economic situation is very bad, and the struggle between the Nobility and capitalists is extremely fierce. If the economy doesn’t improve shortly, I’m afraid the conflicts will intensify!”

Looking at Franz’s earnest analysis, Madam Sophie’s expression grew more solemn and tense; revolution was such a terrifying term.

“These words, you should tell the Government. As long as they prepare in advance, the capitalists’ power is not worth mentioning!” Madam Sophie said after some thought.

Seeing the expression on Madam Sophie’s face, Franz knew she was now half-convinced, so he doubled down:

“No, this problem cannot be mentioned to anyone. It’s best if we are the only ones who know before anything happens. The struggle between the Nobility and the bourgeoisie has already reached a critical point; if we get involved now, it’s very easy to get burnt.”

Politics is always dark. Franz was someone who aspired to be Emperor. It was fine to stir things up from behind the scenes, but getting directly involved should be left to others!

After taking a look at Franz, Madam Sophie’s face changed, and she said with some incredulity, “Are you planning to seize this opportunity to take power?”

Franz knew Madam Sophie was moved. No one wanted to leave their fate in the hands of others. The Regency Council had controlled Austria’s power for over a decade.

Such a lengthy time was enough to make the Vienna Court uneasy, and even the occasionally lucid Ferdinand I knew that this situation was unfavorable for the Royal family, so what about her?

Having lived in the Palace since childhood, even the slowest person’s political sensibilities would be higher than those of the average individual.

In history, why did the Vienna Court want to get rid of Metternich? Aside from dissatisfaction with his political reforms, there was even more concern about the power he held.

Franz patiently analyzed, “It all depends on the specific circumstances. From the current situation, it’s very unfavorable for the Government.

The bourgeoisie wants Prime Minister Metternich to roll, and replace him with a weaker government; the Nobility are equally unhappy with him and are preparing to put someone else in charge.

In this context, whether Prime Minister Metternich can withstand this political crisis is uncertain. The higher echelons are all entangled in political struggles; who can spare a thought for the livelihood of the common folk?

You must know, once people get desperate, they are capable of anything. France has already experienced the uprising of the hungry, and our situation in Austria is not much different. If the economy doesn’t improve, an uprising is the least of our worries.”

At a recent banquet hosted by the capitalists, the Revolutionary Party openly declared their revolutionary thoughts, yet the police failed to apprehend anyone.

“We have ample reason to believe that the Revolutionaries have established connections with the capitalists, but to what extent their cooperation has progressed remains unknown!”

After a moment of silence, Madam Sophie digested what Franz had just said, looked around, and asked, “Does the Vienna Government know about this? I mean the Regency Council!”

“They should be aware,” Franz said calmly. “There were so many people at the banquet; I received the news, and they have no reason not to have!”

Madam Sophie scrutinized Franz carefully as if she no longer knew him and was getting to know him all over again.

Indeed, Franz’s performance today had far exceeded Madam Sophie’s expectations. These were not the words of a seventeen-year-old boy, but more akin to the analysis of a seasoned politician experienced in hardships.

After a long pause, Madam Sophie finally spoke up, “Franz, when did you come to this conclusion, and since when have you started preparing?”

Without waiting for Franz’s answer, Madam Sophie continued, “All of these situations, they seem to have always been under your control, haven’t they? From initially stirring up the conflict between the nobility and the bourgeoisie to now preparing for the aftermath, aren’t you afraid of it all collapsing?”

Fear! Yes, in Madam Sophie’s eyes, Franz saw fear.

Anyone who discovered that a young man, in his quest for power, had laid out such extensive schemes and played politicians like pawns would be afraid!

With utter seriousness, Franz explained, “Respected Madam Sophie, this is a path that every emperor must take. Since the moment of my birth, my life was destined to be extraordinary.

As for the schemes you mentioned, I have only been taking advantage of the situation. From start to finish, these events have had nothing to do with me. No matter how the situation unfolds, I am an outsider!

The Austrian Empire is already sick, and in this ancient empire, ninety-nine percent of people struggle for survival.

There are even millions who can’t manage to fill their stomachs—such a country needs only a spark to explode!

Faced with such a situation, what choice would you make in my position?”

Madam Sophie asked with a pale face, “But, can you afford to play with fire? Do you need to be so hasty? Isn’t it still not too late to solve these problems when you ascend the throne?”

Franz looked at Madam Sophie’s anxious face, his heart quivering. He quickly recovered and shook his head,

“I’m afraid there’s no time for that. Even if I don’t get involved, the political struggle within the country will still not end. After Prime Minister Metternich steps down, Austria does not have a second person capable of being the ‘plasterer’!”

In a panic, Madam Sophie said something she could not believe herself, “Then you could support Prime Minister Metternich!”

After saying it, she immediately regretted it. She herself wanted Prime Minister Metternich out—how could she possibly want Franz to support him?

Even though the two of them had a very good relationship in private, being praised as a great mentor and friend in history books.

But political struggle does not consider personal feelings!

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