A bright burst of energy came straight toward Ezekiel. 

A dark barrier appeared around Ezekiel, shrouding him in a dark sphere, protecting him. 

Even though Ezekiel was protected in the embrace of the dark barrier, the impact of the attack still sent him flying at a speed that wasn't visible to the naked eye. 

It was as if the dark sphere had traveled thousands of light years in an instant before the strength behind that attack was finally exhausted. 

The attack was strong, to the extent that it caused Ezekiel's barrier to crack as well. 

Back in the battlefield, everyone looked at the Goddess of Reincarnation, wondering if she had killed Ezekiel. 

Unfortunately for them, they heard a loud demonic roar across the galaxy. 

The Goddess of Reincarnation helped the man who had used time to hold back Ezekiel for a brief moment. Fortunately, he still wasn't hurt. He was only somewhat poisoned by the Abyssal Energy. 

"This monster... Just what does it take to kill it?!" One of the Gods asked, frustrated. 

A Spatial Portal opened before them, and Ezekiel stepped out, covering the distance in the blink of an eye. He was completely unharmed. 

"Are you finally going to stop hiding behind others?" he asked the Goddess of Reincarnation. He was still slightly surprised that Chaos hadn't shown himself. 

"Let's see if your death can force that guy to appear!" 

Ezekiel's voice echoed with determination, his eyes ablaze with an unwavering resolve. The Goddess of Reincarnation, her expression unreadable, observed Ezekiel's unscathed form with a mix of caution.

Ezekiel's grip tightened around his weapon as he took a step forward, his dark aura pulsating with increasing intensity. "I care not for the puppeteer. If it's Chaos I seek, then Chaos I shall face! Even if I have to kill you all to bring him here, then it shall be!"

As the two powerful beings stood face-to-face, a surge of energy crackled in the air around them, the atmosphere growing heavy with anticipation. The battlefield fell into an eerie silence as all eyes focused on this clash of titanic forces.

But before Ezekiel could make his next move, the Goddess of Reincarnation raised her hand, creating a swirling vortex of ethereal energy. The vortex expanded rapidly, engulfing the entire area and distorting reality itself. Ezekiel felt his surroundings shift and warp, as if he was being transported to another realm.

In an instant, they found themselves standing in an otherworldly plane—a desolate wasteland consumed by perpetual darkness. The sky above was a canvas of swirling nebulas and cosmic storms, casting an ominous glow upon the battlefield.

Ezekiel scanned his surroundings, his senses heightened. He could sense an overwhelming presence, an entity lurking in the shadows. 

This place didn't feel like an illusion. It was reality! It was as if they had traveled far across the galaxy to an unknown place. 


Back near the Realm of Gods, the Gods were surprised to find the Goddess of Reincarnation disappearing with Ezekiel. 

Only a sentence from her appeared in their mind, where she told them that she was going to hold him back. Everyone else was given a different task! 

She didn't ask them to find Caen. If anything, she wanted Caen to be away from this mess. Even though her son never listened to her, and was always stubborn, she refused to let him risk his life here. She still loved him just as much!

Instead, she was ready to give it her all, even though there was a chance that she might not return alive. ραпdαs `nᴏνɐ| сom


ƥαṇdαs ηθνε|·ƈθm "If you think you can hold me back, then you've never been more wrong." Ezekiel could see his surroundings were barren. The Goddess of Reincarnation couldn't be seen, but he could feel that she was here. 


His expressions soon grew surprised, as he noticed even more presences! These presences were very familiar... These were the auras of the Gods that he had killed the last time he invaded the Realm of Gods. 

"You brought them back to life? No, that's not it. These auras are much weaker. It's... Reincarnations?" Ezekiel commented, slightly taken aback. 

"If I've killed them once, I can kill them again. Did you forget?" he asked, revealing a devilish look in his eyes. 

At the same time, he was excited that he could once again kill the God which killed his family! He killed his father twice! Now it was his turn to kill that guy twice. For him, instead of danger, this was a pleasant surprise. 

He knew that the Goddess of Reincarnation was trying to delay him, but he didn't care.


Back in the Realm of Gods, Gabriel stood in the Pond, fascinated by the fishes. 

He reached out his hand to touch one of them.


As soon as his finger even touched the water in the pond, his body shot back as a terrifying pain spread throughout his entire being. 

There was something protecting this pond. Something that he failed to understand. It made him even more curious. Just what was this pond? Why was its defense even stronger than the defense of the Realm of Gods itself?

He stood up again, patting his clothes. His fascination with the fishes only increased. 

He pulled out the sword that he received from Ezekiel and used the Abyssal Energy to slice through this resistance. 

He stepped closer to the pond again, aimed his sword at it and thrust it down. 


It was the same outcome again. The Pond protection didn't break. Instead, to Gabriel's surprise, it was the sword made from Ezekiel's blood that shattered. 

Even the Energy of the Abyss couldn't harm the pond. Gabriel once again flew back, falling in the distance. 

This came as a shock to him. He wiped the blood trickling down his lips, before standing up again.

This time, he tried the Worldly Laws to attack the pond, but the outcome remained the same. The more he attacked the pond, the more he hurt himself. Something was really strange. 

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