Unaware of the outcome inside the mansion, Lira and the others finally managed to leave the mansion.

Along the way, they only saw two guards who were standing at the entrance. However, they quickly took the two guards out, before disappearing into the giant city like ghosts. 

Even as he ran, Cylix kept glancing back, watching the mansion slowly fall apart. However, it wasn't completely destroyed before the battle noises finally stopped. 

It was as if the battle had come to an end. Cylix and Novius somewhat hoped that it was Alion's victory and he was going to come out safely. However, even as some time passed, Alion didn't come out. What happened in the mansion became evident. 

"Looks like the outcome is what I expected," the God of Darkness commented. "At least he bought enough time for us to get out."

Cylix frowned, hearing him. He felt quite upset but he didn't comment. Even though they had saved Lira, she and the Spirit didn't feel any sense of sadness toward Alion. They only thought about themselves. 

Unfortunately, they were together now. And this world was unfamiliar now. They needed someone's help to find the Lord of Time. Whether they liked it or not, it was clear that the God of Darkness was their best bet since he was from the same era as Alion and the Lord of Time. 

The group of three, carrying an unconscious girl disappeared, getting out of the City before the City could be locked down. However, they didn't leave before kidnapping a few Silver Eyed Undead to help them teleport. 


Back in the mansion of the Blood Clan, the battle had come to a halt. 

The Leader of the Guards was standing on one end. His lips were bleeding, and there were wounds all over his body. 

On the other end, there was Alion who was just as much hurt, if not more. 

He was on his knees, with some mysterious chains around him that kept him down. However, he wasn't looking at the leader of the guards, but at another person. 

With the Leader of the Guards, he felt that he still had a chance to win. However, amidst the battle, he noticed a few figures appear in the hall out of thin air. 

And the ones who appeared were no ordinary people either. They were the Patriarchs of the Three Nether Clans, who had returned. 

The Patriarch of the Blood Clan was surprised after seeing such destruction. His eyes revealed a trace of surprise that this was all caused by one person. 

He swiftly intervened in the battle, easily restricting Alion who tried to resist only to fail. 

"You and your friend... Why are you two always creating trouble?" The Patriarch of the Blood Clan asked, taking calm steps towards Alion. "You two have caused so much damage throughout the years, challenging our authority. Do you expect me to be merciful?"

He stopped just a few feet away from Alion, reached out his hand. He placed his hand on Alion's head, only to grab the young man's hair, raising him up in the air with his hair. ραпdαs `nᴏνɐ| сom

"That was the limit of our mercy. Not anymore. It's time the world knows the consequences of offending us!" He looked deep in the eyes of Alion, which revealed no regret. 

"Tomorrow, you shall be executed in front of everyone in the city!" 

He tossed Alion at the guard's feet before commanding, "Make preparations!"


While the battle had already come to an end in the Nether Realm, another battle was still raging near the Realm of Gods. 

Multiple stars exploded from the aftereffects of the intense battle. The laws of time and space were so twisted that they couldn't even keep up. It was as if whenever the battle occured, the surroundings itself was destroyed. 

And it was all to take down Ezekiel. Even the Strongest Gods couldn't hold him back, scared from his Abyssal Energy. If it wasn't for that, all of them were certain that they couldn't win. 

The longer they had lived, the more they cherished their lives. They cared about their lives and fought in a manner that made it obvious. Unfortunately, that much wasn't enough. 

Ezekiel, consumed by his insatiable thirst for power, unleashed devastating attacks upon the gods. He was relentless, his Abyssal Energy crackling and pulsating with each strike. The gods fought valiantly, but they were no match for Ezekiel's overwhelming power.

Among the gods, there was one who stood out—he was known as Ardyn. Even though Ardyn wasn't the god of time, his abilities were somewhat similar, allowing him to manipulate time to a small extent. 

He possessed some mastery over time itself, and he used this ability to his advantage. Ardyn manipulated the fabric of time, bending it to his will, trying to find a weakness in Ezekiel's relentless assault.

As the battle raged on, the gods began to realize that their individual efforts were not enough. They needed to unite their powers and combine their strengths to have a chance at defeating Ezekiel. Ardyn, with his command over time, took the lead and devised a plan.

He gathered the remaining gods and formed a circle, each deity contributing their unique abilities to create a powerful barrier. This barrier encompassed Ezekiel, trapping him within a temporal prison where time stood still. For a brief moment, the chaos ceased, and the gods seized the opportunity to gather their strength.

ƥαṇdαs ηθνε|·ƈθm Ardyn, his eyes shining with determination, stepped forward. He concentrated his powers, drawing upon the essence of time itself. He channeled the energy through his body, surging with the might of centuries. The gods watched in awe as Ardyn transformed into a towering figure, radiating an aura of immense power.

With a voice that resonated throughout the realm, Ardyn spoke, his words infused with the authority of the Ruler of Time. "Your reign of destruction ends here. The gods stand united against you, and we shall bring forth your downfall."

Ardyn extended his hand, and time began to flow once more within the barrier, but it moved at an accelerated pace. The gods unleashed a barrage of attacks, their combined might striking Ezekiel from all directions. 

Thunderous booms echoed, and the air crackled with energy as the battle reached its climax.

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