In the mysterious pond, four fishes existed. However, amongst the four, two appeared to be somewhat restless. On the other hand, the remaining two appeared to be in a different world of their own. 

Caen's mother reached out her hand toward the pond. However, as her fingers were about to touch the crystal clear water, she stopped. There were knocks on the door. 

She let out a sigh as she retracted her hand. She stood up, and glanced at the door. The next second, her figure disappeared. 

She appeared on the other side of the door, appearing right behind the person who was knocking on the door. 

"I am here." Her melodious voice fell in the man's ears who was knocking. 

The Guard turned around, bowing respectfully. "All the Gods are here, asking for a meeting with you. Lord Caen and Lord Janus are both absent as well... With the attack on the barrier getting stronger, the gods are getting restless."

She nodded, her expression serene. "Tell them I will meet them in the main hall.'

As she finished speaking, she disappeared once again.

The Guard bowed once more before leaving to relay the message to the rest of the Gods. 

As Caen's mother left the pond, she didn't notice that something had started changing within the pond. The two restless fishes were slowly being shrouded in a strange darkness that made them even more restless. 

The Gods didn't take action, even though they were eager to check who was daring enough to attack them. 

Under the new rules of the God Realm, no one could leave without informing the Guardian of the Realm of Gods. 

The only person who never followed the Rule was Caen, who even brought his friends without any permission, since he considered the entire realm of gods to be his own property. 

In Janus' absence, the gods still didn't ignore the rules and came to Caen's mother, who was in command. 

All the Gods gathered in the meeting hall. Seats were arranged for all of them, however, there was only one throne in the middle, which was empty. 

The Throne had been empty ever since Chaos destroyed half the Realm of Gods last time. Ever since then, no new King had been decided yet, but almost everyone knew who was going to be the next King. It was only a matter of time. 

All the gods could feel the ground trembling within their feet. The trembling was only getting stronger as Ezekiel's attacks on the barrier were intensifying. 

Caen's mother appeared next to the throne. However she didn't sit down. She felt the ground tremble as well. Not just that, she could also feel a trace of the aura that she found familiar. 

Seeing the Goddess of Reincarnation arrive, all the Gods stood up. Not only was she Caen's mother, but she was also the sister in law of the Guardian of the God Realm. And more importantly, she was the wife of Chaos. 

Even though that man had disappeared, almost everyone here still remembered the fear he had cast in their hearts. 

"You may sit." The Goddess of Reincarnation gestured for everyone to sit. 

"This isn't the time to sit! We are under attack!" One of the Old Gods exclaimed. Even though he had absolute faith in their barrier, he didn't want to sit idly. He wanted to go out and crush the person who was attacking them. 

"We need to leave and destroy everyone who dares to attack us!" Another God stated. "Since we haven't revealed ourselves for so long these people have started taking us lightly! We need to remind them just who we are!"

The Goddess of Reincarnation remained silent, as all the Gods talked about going out and letting the world know their place. 

"Silence." After quite some time, she raised her voice, making the entire hall turn silent. 

"Do you realize who is attacking us?" she asked. 

She knew that most of the power here only knew that someone was attacking them, but they didn't know who it was. They didn't even think just how strong the person had to be, if he could make the entire Realm of Gods tremble. 

However, she was different. She could feel exactly who that person was, as she was there when that person was sealed by Chaos! It was a being that even Chaos wasn't able to kill, so he only sealed him from where he could never escape. 

"To think that he managed to escape... This should've been impossible," she commented. 

The reason Chaos sealed Ezekiel in the Abyss was because he was the only person who could enter the Abyss! No one else could enter that place to help that being!

As the woman thought about it, she realized that now there was another person who could enter the Abyss... her son! However, she was certain that her son wasn't going to free that thing! Yet, she also had a feeling that her son had a hand in it, since he was also missing. 

"Who are you talking about?" One of the Gods asked. For the Goddess of Reincarnation to talk with such seriousness, he had a feeling that she knew the person who was attacking them. 

"The Demon of the Night, Ezekiel..." The Goddess of Reincarnation stated. 

Within an instant, the entire hall went silent. Even though such a long time had passed, many people remembered that name. It was the dark past of the Realm of Gods. 

When that incident happened, most of the Gods present in the hall were still children. However, they remembered it perfectly. Demon of the Night was a name that no one could ever forget. 

"Wasn't he killed? How is he back?" An Old God asked, grimacing. 

Only a few people knew that he wasn't killed but was sealed by Chaos. 

"Demon of the Night? Why is everyone so scared of him?" Another God stood up. "Even if he's back, so what? If he was defeated once, he could be defeated again!"

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