An unknown amount of time had passed since Gabriel started killing the Beasts of Abyss, slowly moving deeper and deeper into the Abyss. 

There was no sense of time in the Abyss. There was no day and there was no night, which made it feel as if he had been doing the same team without a break for years. 

Moreover, he didn't even get tired thanks to the dagger made from the Devil's Blood. With each life he room, his own life essence increased, removing all his tiredness, as if the Dagger was made especially to kill. 

Gabriel even forgot the count of how many beasts he killed.... thousand? Hundred thousand? Millions or even hundreds of millions? However no matter how many he killed, there were always more Abyssal Beasts to be found. 

It was as if there were an endless number of Abyssal Beasts in the Abyss that was beyond imagination. He was still at the edge of the Outer Zone, but the deeper he went, the stronger the beasts became. 

Even with the Dagger, it was becoming slightly hard for him to kill them, and that was when he didn't even reach the core of the Abyss yet.

At this rate, he didn't know if he could ever leave the Abyss. The end didn't appear to be at sight since the dagger didn't show just how many more he had to kill. 

However, right when he was in the middle of the battle, the Dagger in his hand started shining brightly, buzzing with incredible strength, before it went completely silent. 

Seeing that phenomenon, Gabriel was slightly confused. However, soon he understood what it implied. His eyes lit up. With a single strike he killed the rest of the Abyssal Beasts before rushing back!

The Dagger was finally full, after what appeared like an eternity. He was finally done! All he had to do was to get back to the Devil and leave this place! That was his last hope. 

He didn't know how deep he had flown into the Abyss, but thanks to the dagger, he wasn't lost on his way back. Even then, it took him close to a week to return to the Devil who stood still in the empty space. 

The shackles around his body were still not visible, making it appear as if he was free to move. However, Gabriel knew that it wasn't the case. 

As soon as Gabriel reached closer to the Devil, the Devil opened his eyes, sending the presence of the Dagger with a high amount of Abyssal Blood. 

Seeing the dagger, his eyes revealed a shine. He finally had what he needed to be free from the shackles! Time flew differently in the Abyss. He had been trapped here for an eternity. Seeing freedom in sight, he grew eager. 

Moreover, the flames of revenge intensified in his heart once again. He could finally pay back all the humiliation that he had received!

"Give me the dagger!" He told Gabriel. However, to his surprise, Gabriel remained still. 

"How can I be sure that after getting the dagger and being free, you won't backstab me?" Gabriel asked. 

"Unlike you humans, I don't lie!" The Devil grimly stated. "If you help me, I shall help you once. Moreover, our revenge targets are the same. Why would I kill you?!"

Even though it was a saying that one must never believe the devil, the Devil before Gabriel really didn't appear to have a reason to backstab him since Gabriel's presence was more helpful to him than his absence. 

Other than his words, there was no way for the Devil to prove it. The Heavenly Oath didn't work on him, since he was already equal to heaven itself! Even Gabriel realized that the heavenly oath wasn't going to work here.

In that regard, he had no option but to go with his gut feeling. If he was right, he was going to be free. If he was wrong, he was going to be dead. 

However, instead of living for an eternity here, he still much preferred to take that risk. 

He made up his mind and tossed the dagger toward the Devil. 

The Devil raised his hand, grabbing the dagger. The chains entrapping him became visible once again. 

Instead of cutting the chains with the dagger, the Devil stabbed that dagger in his own chest, surprising Gabriel. 

Gabriel was slightly taken aback. However, he had a feeling that this wasn't the Devil trying to kill himself. 

His instincts were proven right when the dagger melted and was absorbed within the body of the Devil. 

Even though Gabriel stood at some distance from the devil, he could still feel a terrifying torrential energy shrouding the Devil. With each passing second, his strength was increasing and it didn't stop increasing. 

The Devil became much stronger as Worldly Laws appeared all over his skin, trying to stop him. However, all those worldly laws were shattered, unable to stop the Devil. 

One after another, all the chains started shattering into a thousand pieces, disappearing in the Abyss as the Devil started recovering his old strength!

The strength that Gabriel felt coming from the Devil made him take a few steps back, feeling as if he was suffocating under the terrifying aura. The Devil's strength was truly beyond his understanding. 

If the Devil was this strong, it made Gabriel wonder just how strong was the person who trapped him in the first place, especially in the Abyss which was the home of the Devil. 

With this strength, Gabriel was even more convinced that the Devil could bring him out of the abyss, freeing him as well. His fists tightened at the thought of meeting Caen again!

The last time, he couldn't do anything. However this time, Gabriel had made up his mind! Now he had a powerful ally as well! He was going to bring the Realm of Gods to ruins, destroying everything that Caen held dear, just like Caen destroyed everything he held dear!

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