"What are you?" The young man hesitantly asked. He didn't know who Chaos was, but from what he saw, that man was not an ordinary human. And if he was a human, then he had surpassed humanity through some means. 

"What do you want from me?" he further asked, without even waiting for an answer. 

He also stopped dragging his body back, since his mind was finally working again. He realized that man was so strong, he could probably kill him with a single thought if he wanted to. There was no way he could run from that person. 

Moreover, that man had saved his life. It meant that he needed him. 

Instead of answering the question of the young man, the dark robed man raised his hand. A pitch black portal opened before him. 

He inserted his hand inside the portal, bringing out what appeared to be a small child, wrapped in a black blanket to keep it warm. 

"I will help you kill all your enemies... I will grant you strength beyond your understanding... In return, protect him..." As he spoke, he couldn't help but glance at the cute face of the little boy in his arms. 

For the first time, the dark robed man's eyes revealed an emotion that Karyk couldn't have expected from a man who was known for his atrocities! His eyes revealed care...

He went down on one knee, reaching out his hand and placing the little boy in the arms of the young man. 

The young man looked stunned. He couldn't help but ask, "Why me?"

The dark robed man didn't reply. Instead, he just reached out, gently touching the cheeks of the little boy, as if worried that he might hurt the child if he didn't control his strength properly. 

After gently caressing the cheeks of the little baby, he retracted his hand. However, to his surprise, as he was retracting his hand, his finger was caught by the little baby. 

Chaos patted the cheeks of the little baby lightly, revealing the deep love he had in his heart for the baby. However, he freed his finger from the grip of the baby and stood up. 

The caring expression in his eyes disappeared, turning into seriousness. 

He raised his hand, opening up multiple portals right behind him. From the portal, many strange creatures came out that appeared like demons themselves! 

"A-aliens?" The young man exclaimed in shock, but Chaos didn't explain. 

With a single gesture, Chaos sent the Abyssal Beasts straight to the Royal Palace to make sure that no one here could threaten the baby and the guardian he assigned. 

That was a long night where everything changed in the Empire. It was a total massacre, where all the Royals of the Empire were killed. Even the Emperor and the young man's father were killed by the Beasts. 

It was unclear how the beasts knew, but they also slaughtered all the loyal soldiers of the Emperor, cleansing the entire Empire from any threat. 

After cleansing the Dynasty, the beasts returned with their sharp fangs covered in blood. 

They returned inside the portal and the multiple portals closed, leaving the city covered in blood. However, this meant that the only Royal who was still alive was the young man, and no one could stop him now. 

The dark robed man turned his back on the young man as a similar portal opened before him. 

Chaos had an urge to turn around and look at the baby one last time, but he controlled his urge, feeling as if he might be able to keep up his resolve to leave if he did. 

"Protect him..." The dark robed man disappeared inside the portal, only leaving one sentence behind. 

The young man still couldn't remove the image of the Abyssal Beasts from his mind. His hands were still trembling and he couldn't believe that what he saw was real. 

If it wasn't for the dead bodies of the guards near him, and a little baby in his arms, he would've thought that he was in a dream and nothing more. 

He looked down at the baby and felt a sense of responsibility for its safety. He didn't know who the baby was to that godlike being, but he knew that the man cared for him! If something happened to the baby and that man returned... He didn't even want to imagine what was going to happen then!

The man embraced the little baby in his arms which was only a few months old. He stood up, and walked back to the Royal Palace, even though his clothes were covered in blood. 

For the next day, the news about the slaughter spread in the entire Empire. It was called an enemy attack on the Empire, and the one person who managed to survive was the Prince born from the maid. 

However, even that prince had the blood of the previous Emperor, so there were not many objections to his enthronement. Moreover, even if there was someone who wanted to oppose it, they couldn't do anything!

After what happened last time, the young man had also changed. When his father sent people to kill him, he realized that this world didn't belong to the good people. One had to be a little brutal if they wanted to survive. 

He used his own weapons himself. Anyone who opposed him was killed in the most brutal way possible. In the end, all the ministers who were still left alive supported him. 

And thus, the man rose to the throne, taking the entire Empire under his control. 

Not long after, he married a woman, who could take care of the baby that he had received. 

Many people wondered just where that boy came from, but it was an unwritten rule that no one was allowed to mention that the boy wasn't the Bloodline of the Emperor!

Most of the citizens didn't know it in the first place, and the ones who knew decided to forget everything about it. It wasn't their place to know where that baby came from.

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