The Aura in the front appeared very familiar to Karyk. Moreover, what was even more surprising was the name on the tombstone. 

The name belonged to none other than his father, the King of the Empire who partially caused the destruction of the world that led him to awaken his abilities. 

Confused, Karyk slowly reached out his hand, touching the tombstone. 

The entire process repeated again, as his consciousness was once again taken out of his body. 

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in the body of another person. However, he couldn't control the body. It was as if he was just a spectator. 

He went through a new birth, experiencing the childhood of the man that he once called his father. 

He had heard his father mention his past many times, yet to personally experience it, Karyk realized that his father had lied to him! Either that, or that entire dream was a lie!

From what he knew, his father was the only son of the Previous Emperor, born as the heir of the Empire, just one Karyk himself was born later.

However, in this dream, he saw something else entirely. 

The man whose memories he experienced wasn't born as the heir. If anything, he couldn't be in any worse situation. 

The man was born to a maid, who was molested by the Emperor at that time, which gave birth to the person whose memories he was experiencing. 

Unlike all the stories about how his father had a very privileged life, the reality that Karyk saw now was quite different. 

The day his father was born, his grandmother died. Since he was the Bloodline of the Emperor, the Emperor allowed him to live in the Palace, but never treated him like a proper Prince. 

Throughout his life, Karyk's father only experienced scorn of other people in the world that was very modern for its time. 

Whenever a Prince was angry, they vented on his father, beating him half to death. At the same time, the Emperor ignored all the bullying, as if he didn't care as long as no one died. 

As time passed and his father started showing some intelligence in the field of science and technology, the Princes felt even more threatened, worrying that their father might change their mind about the heir in the future because of this. 

In the life that Karyk experienced now, there were many attempts to poison his father to death. However, his father used his knowledge to protect him to the best of his abilities. 

He didn't have any intention of taking over the throne in the first place. All he wanted was to follow his Passion and explore the field of science to learn more about the universe. 

If anything, he was even planning to leave the Royal Palace after gathering enough money to fund his research. 

In the middle of the night, the young man left the Royal Palace without informing anyone. This was the last time he wanted to see the Royal Palace... A place that had only given him emotional and physical wounds. 

However, before he could even get out of the City, he found himself surrounded from all sides, by people who carried the weapons that he himself had made to protect this Empire from enemies!

Other than him and his father, no one knew about some of those weapons yet. 

Next to the men who carried the most high tech weapon, there was the Crown Prince and his other siblings. However, all of them had their murderous intent clearly on display. 

"Are you really going to reveal your hands so openly? Have you no fear of father left anymore? What do you think he'll do if you kill me?" The young man asked the Crown Prince. "Instead, why not let me leave? I'll never show my face ever again. I just want to live in peace!"

"Are you scaring me with father?! Who do you think gave me the soldiers with these weapons?" The Crown Prince laughed. "Even father doesn't want you anymore. We now control all your research and everything you ever made. It's time we let you rest in peace forever, and even father approves that!"

"Father?" The young man asked, taken aback. "I just want to that too much? What is my fault?"

No matter how bad his father was, and how much he hated him, but the young man always believed that at least in some small corner of his heart, he thought of him like a son. 

Karyk experienced everything that his father experienced, including his thoughts, his emotions and his heartbreak. 

"Why?!" The young man asked. 

"What is your fault? You think we don't know how much you hate us? If you leave this place and start helping the enemies, what are we to do? And even if you don't leave, sooner or later, you'll do something to harm our interest. Your knowledge is becoming very dangerous, as proven by the weapons you make."

" The Empire can't keep someone as dangerous as you! That's why, you need to die," the Crown Prince coldly laughed. "Just like that trash mother of yours died! You shall die as well!"

The young man tried to respond, but no words came out. His heart felt like it was in pieces. 

Before a single word could come out, the Crown Prince waved his hand. 

Following the single gesture of the Crown Prince, it started raining bullets over the young man. 

| The weapons that he himself made were being used on him, making him bleed. 

In a few seconds, hundreds of bullets had penetrated his body, leaving all his clothes covered in blood. 

The man dropped to his knees, as the street under him was covered in blood. His vision started turning darker, as he thought if this was the end. 

In some depths of his heart, he felt somewhat relieved. He lived his life always on the edge, worried about being killed. He always tried his best to impress his father, but it was never enough.

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