Initially, it felt very easy as if this wasn't even a challenge to them. The first steps were easy and light, as if they were walking on air.

They felt a surge of energy and joy, as if they were being lifted by the angels. They smiled and increased their speed even more.

But as they climbed higher, they started noticing a change. The steps became harder and heavier. They felt a pressure on their legs and feet, as if they were carrying a heavy weight on their back. Many started to sweat and pant, feeling a strain on their muscles and lungs. They slowed down and paused, feeling fatigue and pain.

If they could use magic, they could try strengthening their bodies. However, even that wasn't allowed.

Despite that, many youngsters tried to act sneaky, using strengthening magic in secret, making sure the Guard Captain couldn't notice them in the crowd. However, as soon as they used magic, they felt a strong repulsive force that hit their chest like a heavy mountain, tossing them away.

They even felt as if their ribs were broken when they were pushed back by such a heavy force, coughing out blood as they fell back on the ground, far away from the stairs.

The people who had accompanied those youngsters rushed ahead, treating their wounds right away.

While a few people had ignored the rules and were forcefully sent out, the others learned a lesson after seeing what happened to them.

Even though they were tired, they didn't cheat. Instead, at best they stopped climbing temporarily, sitting and resting on the steps.

Some had turned back, descending with difficulty. Some had fallen off the stairway, crashing to the ground with a thud. And some had disappeared, as if they had been swallowed by the light.

This test was supposed to be an easy test. However, it was slowly becoming the most dangerous test they had ever gone through. Many didn't even know if they could stay alive while climbing, which scared them into giving up.

Quite a lot of people were also wondering what was happening. Why was the stairway becoming harder to climb? Was it a sign that they were not worthy? Was it a challenge that they had to overcome? Was it a trap that they had fallen into? They felt confusion and doubt, but also stubbornness and pride. If this was a test, they had to pass it.

They decided to continue climbing, despite the difficulties. They thought that they could make it to the top, if they tried hard enough. They thought that they could prove themselves to Generals, or to themselves. They thought that they could achieve their goal, or their dream.

While the youngsters from many of the important families were in a race against each other, none had time to pay attention to a young man who was in last place.

He hadn't rushed like everyone else, instead staying at the first step, observing the others. He tried to understand the steps first, to pass this trial without revealing any flaw.

Fortunately, it didn't take him long to realize what this test was for. This wasn't a test of physical strength, or magic power. Even the best of mages would've failed to reach the top. Instead, it was a test of willpower from what he could understand.

The notion that each step was getting heavier was only in their own mind, because of the stairs. In reality, the steps weren't getting heavier. Instead, their willpower was getting weaker the more they climbed, making them feel tired and heavier.

While Karyk was observing the stairs, many pushed themselves to climb higher, ignoring their bodies' signals, not willing to fall behind the rest.

They ignored the pain and exhaustion, focusing on the light above. They ignored the cries and pleas of others, isolating themselves from their fellow climbers. They ignored the danger and risk, exposing themselves to harm.

But as they climbed higher, they realized their mistake. The steps became impossible to climb, as if they were made of lead. They felt an immense force on their legs and feet, as if they were being crushed by a mountain. They could not move or breathe, feeling paralysis and suffocation.

They looked up and saw that they were nowhere near the top. The spiral of light seemed to stretch infinitely into the sky, mocking their efforts. It made many feel as if they had wasted their time and energy, chasing an illusion. They realized that they had lost their way and their senses.

They regretted their decision to climb the stairway to heaven, feeling that it was actually impossible. None had even reached the hundredth step, but more than half of them had already lost their willpower to climb higher.

As more and more time passed, people kept giving up. With trembling legs, they went back to the foot of the stairs. Even though the opportunity to become a General's disciple was precious to them, it wasn't as precious as their lives.

They were all heirs of prestigious households after all. Even if they didn't become a General's disciple, their lives were to be spent in luxury without any worries. They didn't feel the need to put their lives on the line.

On the contrary, there were also many who wanted to bring their households to even greater heights by succeeding and becoming stronger than a General in the future. Even as their lips bled and their legs trembled, they didn't give up climbing.

Albeit slowly, but they kept climbing as if their willpower was as strong as the heaven itself.

Unlike the rest, Karyk finally started climbing. In a test of willpower, he could definitely win without revealing a single trace of magic. It was as if the test was a gift for him.

Unlike the rest, his steps were much calmer. He didn't hurry. Instead, taking his time on each step. However, before long, he did start attracting the attention of the others, since a mortal was still on the stairs.

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