Even as Alion went inside the Undead Clan Branch, killing people, he still looked completely flawless. There was not a single speck of dust on his clothes, let alone a drop of blood. It was as if he just went inside for a tea party and came out.

However, only he knew that it wasn't easy to assassinate the Undead Clan Branch Members. He had exhausted quite a lot of strength of his, which couldn't be recovered until he left the Nether Realm.

Fortunately, he conserved his strength as much as he could for the future, rarely using his abilities.

Jia entered the Undead Clan Branch. Both of them closed the door after entering.

"You took a long time." Jia stated, walking next to Alion. Bodies could be seen littered all around them, most of them being headless.

"Were you worried about me?" Alion asked, rolling his eyes.

"I was worried indeed. I was worried that you would fail and I'd have to clean after your mess," Jia lazily answered. Even though the two worked together, they were still like fire and water.

"You? And cleaning up a mess? Aren't you the one who loves creating a mess instead?" Alion found her words to be quite amusing, as if the little girl didn't even have the slightest of self realization.

The little girl didn't answer. She knew that if she continued, she was only going to get more frustrated. She couldn't beat up Alion because she had to work together with him after all.

The two went to the basement of the Undead Clan Branch where the three Undeads were standing that could take them to the Capital.

Alion killed everyone but those three. Moreover, he also kept the Branch Head of the Clan alive since only that guy could command the Undead to teleport them to their destination.

Alion carried the Undead Clan Branch Head by his throat. Just a little more force and he could've killed him!

" Tell your pets to take us to the Capital, at some empty place. If you tried to trick us, or brought us to a place where someone saw us, believe it or not, your head would be rolling on the ground before you could even have a chance to beg."

-n0ve1、com The Undead Clan Branch Head felt his face twist. He had never expected that he would be treated like this one day. He had always been a dignified person who was treated with utmost respect in the Ghost City after all.

Unfortunately, he also didn't want to be killed. Since Alion managed to kill inside his branch undetected, that meant that Alion was at least stronger than him. He didn't want to take any risks and did as Alion said.

One of the three silver-eyed undead stepped forward like stone puppets. The spatial principles around them started twisting and turning, creating spatial chains that could break the boundaries of space.

After a few seconds, the Undead disappeared with Alion, Jia and the Branch Head who was still being held by his throat.


Deep inside the main castle of the Nether Blood Clan, a man was sitting on his knees, facing the person who sat on the throne before him!

The person on the throne was like a god in the Nether Realm! Generally, a measly branch head wasn't even allowed entry inside the castle. However, it was different now! That was because the Branch Head came with some information that couldn't be ignored!

He had come here as soon as he could after Gabriel left. He came straight here to inform the Overlord of the Blood Clan about seeing that calamity!

At the moment, there was complete silence in the main hall. People didn't even dare to breathe too loudly, worried that they were going to displease the man on the throne who was silently gazing at the Branch Head, as if he was able to peer through the depths of his soul, finding out all the secrets!

"After a thousand years, he once again came back... And here I thought he was dead..."

The man on the throne finally broke the silence. Even though he calmly spoke and his voice was neither too low, nor too loud, it was still enough to make everyone in the hall tremble inwardly.

"My Lord, even if he didn't die last time, isn't he still being too stupid by coming here? Is he really that courageous or is he just that stupid?" One of the men inside the hall stated! He was the only one who wasn't afraid of speaking out loud since he was the son of the Blood Clan Patriarch.

"Is he looking for death? Last time, he barely left with a single shred of his life. However he dares come again! Not only did he come here, but he also went straight to the Ancient Battlefield? Could it be that he's looking for something in the Ancient Battlefield?" He further asked.

The man on the throne frowned but he didn't say anything. It was as if he was still thinking about it. Even though he was stronger than Gabriel, if he wanted to kill Gabriel, it still wasn't easy. Gabriel had too many tricks according to him.

Even last time, when he personally took action, Gabriel just retreated! He wasn't able to kill Gabriel!

That had always been the biggest shame for him! However, when he thought about how Gabriel also managed to slip past the Leader of the Upper Realm, that made him feel a little better. He wasn't the only one who failed afterall.

Unfortunately, with Gabriel's return here, he couldn't help but turn serious. Most people would've thought that Gabriel had no chance of coming out of the Forbidden Region alive. However, he knew that it wasn't as simple as that.

Since Gabriel entered that place, he probably had some idea about what he was going to find! Moreover, he also couldn't help but wonder if the reason Gabriel went to the Forbidden Region was because he knew about the biggest secret of the Nether Blood Clan! That made him somewhat uncomfortable!

It didn't matter if Gabriel knew about that secret or not, he couldn't take the risk! He couldn't let Gabriel do as he pleased!

This time, instead of showing himself in the end to kill Gabriel, he decided to lead from the Front!

He told his clansmen to prepare for departure to the Forbidden Region! The matter was too big to ignore!

He wasn't the only one who was going to the Forbidden Region either! The other two great clans also managed to receive that news which shunned them. They also prepared to go to the Forbidden Region!

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