Just as Karyk's aura transformed. He knew he wasn't in any condition to cast a spell with this strength in his current condition. It was a spell on the same league as the [Worldly Shackles] that could prevent even the strongest of outsiders from entering this world after all!

He had just started casting a spell but something strange happened. A beautiful white barrier appeared between him and the attack that was coming straight for him.

Even though the barrier shattered after the collision with the attack, it did successfully manage to stop the attack!

Karyk felt a familiar presence around him as a woman appeared next to him in a beautiful white gown.

"It's you..." Karyk muttered, stopping the spell at the last moment. The Goddess of Light stood before him, as if she was here to help him.

"Who else would it be? It's all happening because of me. If I hadn't made you seal your army, none of this would've happened in the first place!" the Goddess of Light said, shaking her head lightly. "I can't believe that just when I went for my seclusion training, so much has happened in this world!"

"As soon as I found out that the other gods colluded against you, I came here to help you! Those idiots... No matter how scared they are of you, how can they work with the outsiders against their own people!" The woman genuinely appeared angry and frustrated as if she really wanted to slap them all for their stupidity.

"Anyway, I don't think we can fight all of them currently. Your current condition is barely manageable! I'm surprised you're still alive in this condition after all! If it was anyone else, they would've long died!" The young lady exclaimed. "We should get out of here as soon as we can! We can always have a chance of revenge as long as we are alive!"

"We can't leave." Karyk raised his finger. He showed the Goddess of Nature by trying to cast a spatial portal, only for it to collapse in itself. "The space here is sealed. People can only come here and not leave. If that wasn't the case, I would've done much more."

"Argh, this is going to be hard with just the two of us!" The Goddess of Light frowned. With so many enemies, even she wasn't confident. She wasn't as good as Karyk at fighting after all.

It was just the two of them against a thousand people after all.

"With the way things are, we can't keep going. We'll both die here. I have a plan!" The young lady stated. "Can you still cast a barrier that can stop their attacks for just a minute?!"

Even in his current condition, Karyk felt that it was possible to hold them all back for a short time. However, he didn't understand why the Goddess of Light wanted that.

"What is your plan?!"

"Of course it's to heal you!" The young woman exclaimed. "Currently, our biggest problem is that I don't have much fighting prowess while you are injured. So the first thing we need to do is heal you!"

"After you are healed, you should be able to fight back! We might even turn the situation around!" She further stated.

"Can you even heal me in this condition?" Karyk asked. Even though he knew that the Element of Light was the element that had the ability to heal, his wounds were really serious after all. Even a god would've had a hard time healing him.

"I should be able to, if I use my vitality!" The Goddess of Light replied. " I'll only use some of my strength as a backlash, but at least we'll get out of this problem alive! If not, we'll both end up dead here. I don't know about you, but I surely don't want to die!"

Karyk didn't have much time to think about the suggestion. He could see that her plan did make sense. As long as he could recover, he could fight back for longer.

"Alright! I'll hold them back!" Karyk raised his right hand, changing the World Tier Spell to a barrier spell.

He cast his strongest spells all around him, covering him and the Goddess of Light inside a spherical barrier that covered them from all sides.

The Goddess of Light didn't delay any further either. She placed her hand on Karyk's back and started casting a healing spell.

Karyk felt a soothing energy entering his body, nourishing his body and slowly healing his wounds.

At the same time, constant attacks kept landing on his barrier. The barrier trembled after each attack. Only thirty seconds passed before the barrier started showing cracks all around.

Karyk cast another barrier spell to reinforce his barrier. At the speed he was healing, even though he didn't believe that he could be healed completely but he felt that at least thirty percent of his wounds could've been healed. He could at least help the Goddess of Light escape after that.

The cracks on the barrier recovered as soon as Karyk cast a second spell.

Karyk focused on maintaining the barrier as he spoke, "I should be able to maintain the barrier for half a minute. After that, I'll help you get ou-"

Karyk froze in the middle of his sentence. His face turned pale as he suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood. His face was filled with disbelief as he lowered his head.

He noticed a sharp sword coming out of his chest, passing straight through his heart. The sword was covered in his blood. Not only was the sword a god tier weapon that could kill even gods, but it was also poisoned to momentarily paralyze the person so they couldn't fight back even as they died.

"You..." Even under the effect of the poison, Karyk forced his body to move, holding the sharp blade of the sword firmly. Even his hands bled as he held the sword yet he didn't care.

"Argh!" Just as he had held the sword to break it, the sword was pulled out by the person who stabbed him.

Karyk's body felt so weak. He was having a hard time even remaining standing. He couldn't even turn around to see who stabbed him, but he already knew. There was only one person behind him after all.

"Why?" he asked as blood kept coming out from his chest. If it was anyone else here, they would've already died by now but Karyk was still standing.

Unfortunately, as if maintaining even the last bit of dignity wasn't acceptable, the Goddess of Light swung her sword, making a heavy cut in the back of Karyk's legs before kicking the back of his knees, making him finally fall to his knees.

"The mighty Death Star... Lying on his knees before me. What a sight to behold..." The laughter of the Goddess of Light echoed in the surroundings.

As she spoke, her sword once again moved, passing through his chest again as if the woman didn't even want to give him a chance of accidentally surviving.

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