"Who exactly are you?" The little girl asked Gabriel in full seriousness. "Last time, I at least felt the aura of Light coming from you. However, now I can't feel a single trace. It's as if you're nothing more than an ordinary mortal with no element."

Not only was Gabriel able to hide his aura of death after last night, but he was also able to use all the other Elemental auras inside him, which gave others the impression that he was no more than a mortal.

If the little girl hadn't felt the same scent from Gabriel that she felt last night, she wouldn't have even recognised them as the same person.

"You're mistaken. How can you sense him last night when he wasn't even there?" Alion stepped in between Gabriel and the little girl. "And what Element of Light? Do you really think someone with the Element of Light can use the Godly Staff of Death?"

The little girl looked back and forth between Gabriel and Alion in confusion, wondering if this guy was implying that she was mistaken.

Before the little girl could even speak anything, Alion once again forcefully chimed in. "Ah, are you talking about his twin brother?"

"Twin brother?!" The little girl and Gabriel, both exclaimed at the same time.

"Yes. His twin brother has the Element of Light while he has the Element of Death. The person you saw last night must be the Holy Lord of Light who was his twin brother."

The little girl frowned, wondering if she really was wrong. She had never even seen who was behind the shroud of light last night. However, the voice of that person was the same as the voice of the one who stood before her now. Their physiques were the same as well and so was their scent. Only the elemental aura was different.

While the person last night had the aura as powerful as a Holy Lord, the one before her had a silent aura that was impossible to even sense.

"If the two really are twins, that can explain the same scent. However, can there really be such a coincidence?"

For quite some time, the little girl was immersed in her own thoughts, looking at Gabriel before her.

Meanwhile, Gabriel was also stunned with this story. If he was in the little girl's place, even he might've believed Alion. The story that Alion made up was stupid according to him. However, that was precisely why people would have tended to believe him since no one would've made such a stupid story if it wasn't true.

'Why did you lie to her?' Gabriel sent a mental transmission to Alion secretly.

'Do you really want her to know that you can control more than one element this time?' Alion's expressions were calm. It didn't even look like he was secretly talking to someone.

'Even though Jia is quite an airhead and not scheming, but that's precisely why we have to be careful of her. Even if she doesn't have any bad blood with Karyk, but there are many others who do. If she secretly leaked the information about you and your multiple elements, it'd be a disaster.'

Gabriel glanced at the little girl in the distance who was called Jia. The little girl really didn't appear as if she was going to do anything bad. She was just like a child who was fascinated by things around her.

"Wait a minute!" Just as it looked as if the little girl was about to believe Alion's story, she suddenly glared at Alion. "Where is his twin if that's the case?"

Even though it appeared as if the little girl was still investigating the truth and raising questions that were hard to answer, but for Gabriel, this was a perfect opportunity!

"He entered the City before us, as a vanguard. If you want to meet him, you should come with us."

He was already trying to think of a way to convince Jia to enter with him and Alion. He never expected that her question and her suspicions would give him an opportunity.

If he lured her with the excuse of bringing her to his brother to remove her suspicions, he could truly lead her inside. Not only could the present of another Demigod improve their strength, but she could also help them face troubles that needed brute strength to solve them.

Jia rubbed her chin, as if thinking again. Throughout his interaction with Jia, Gabriel had already realized that the little girl was very slow when it came to thinking. It was as if she often had a hard time thinking and that's why she did whatever came to her heart.

Just as she expected, after thinking for a short while, the girl only looked frustrated as she started scratching the back of her head.

"Argh, enough with this! I'll enter with you! I also want to see your twin to see if you're telling the truth. I also need to know more about you to understand why you can use the Death Star's staff."

Gabriel didn't show it on his face, but he found the little girl to be quite cute, just like a little puppy. She was fierce when she needed to be, but deep inside, she wasn't a bad person. If Alion hadn't given her a rude nickname for the world to laugh at her, she probably wouldn't have chased Alion for so long.

Now that Gabriel had two demigods accompanying him to the ruined land of gods, he felt much safer. He didn't feel that he would need to call Raphael to help him anymore. However, even if he felt the need, Raphael was just one spell away.

This was probably the strongest exploration group of the abandoned City of Gods ever.

"Even though you're coming with us, you need to listen to me. Don't run around aimlessly and don't touch anything without my permission. It's dangerous inside even for us, so follow our instructions!" Alion reminded the little girl one last time before he finally stepped inside the Abandoned City of Gods through the main entrance.

Gabriel was only a few steps behind him, accompanied by Jia who kept asking him question after question. Most of her questions were about Karyk, the inheritance and the Ancestral Staff. Unfortunately, she didn't get any answers from Gabriel as even he didn't know much about anything.

Even Alion kept his silence.


The group of three was finally inside the Abandoned City of Gods that had always been a mystery for the outside world. It was said to be a city where real gods used to live after all!

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