"This is the City?" Gabriel landed at the entrance of the City with Alion.

"That's right. From this point on, we can't fly. We'll have to cover the rest of the way on foot."

Alion still appeared slightly hesitant in entering the City as he glanced back at Gabriel. He knew that if something happened to both of them, it was truly going to be the end. If possible, he wanted to enter alone. Unfortunately, Gabriel didn't agree.

"Are you really sure you don't want me to go alone? If the two of us go together and we fall into a trap, it'll be difficult for both of us."

"It's my responsibility." Even though Gabriel didn't want to enter if he didn't had to, there was not much of a choice either.

Fortunately, he still had some cards at the back of his hand for his protection. He didn't know what he was going to face once he entered the Abandoned City of Gods, but he had made some preparations of his own.

It had been a long time since he called Raphael to his help. Even though it looked as if there were just two of them, Gabriel still had Raphael as his backup who could be summoned when he faced danger.

It was a trip that included two Holy Lord level beings and one Demigod. If this wasn't safe, then Gabriel didn't know what was going to be safe.

"If you've decided, then so be it. I hope we won't be regretting in the future." Alion clenched his fist. As a Demigod, in this world, there weren't many things that could make him feel threatened. However, the City of Abandoned Gods was one of those things.

Alion took the lead. Unlike Elora, he didn't strive to look for another route. Instead, he chose the main route. He took a step forward.


Just as Alion had taken a step forward, he stopped. His expressions turned dark as soon as he felt a familiar aura.

Boom ~

Just as he expected, a bright beam of light came from the distance, falling right before him. If he had taken just one step forward instead of stopping at the right time, that beam of light would've fallen on him.

The fall made the entire ground tremble monetarily. Dust flew everywhere, making it harder to find just what it was that had fallen before them.

As the dust settled down, the truth came to light. Gabriel also felt a little headache, seeing just what had fallen.

It was a Sword... A heavy Sword to be exact. It was also the sword that even he couldn't pick up. He had only seen that one Sword before.... It was the sword of the little girl.

"She was supposed to be sleeping." Gabriel frowned. "Looks like even entering that place isn't going to be as peaceful as I thought."

Gabriel called out the Ancestral Staff of Necromancy. Since the girl was here and saw him with Alion, Gabriel was ready for the battle that was ro come.

Alion also took a step back, creating some distance with the sword.

"Finally found you!" A melodious voice came from the back. However, that was exactly the voice which Alion didn't want to hear.

Gabriel turned to the source of the voice, finding a little girl standing in the air. The little girl landed next to her heavy Sword.

She grabbed the hilt of the unmovable Sword and pulled it out of the ground as if it was a wooden Sword and nothing more.

She pointed the heavy Sword at Alion. "Where will you hide now?"

"Do you really think I need to run from you?" Alion frowned. "Just because I don't fight you doesn't mean I'm scared of you. If you want to fight, you should be prepared to die as well!"

Even before Alion's threat, the little girl didn't show any trace of fear. Instead, her eyes were filled with fighting spirit.

Gabriel hadn't seen Alion's real weapon from the start. Even when Alion fought before, he only used a random weapon given to him by Gabriel.

Gabriel was really curious as to which weapon Alion actually used. A Numen was already strong enough that it was cherished by even Holy Lords, let alone the weapons of real Demigod who was still alive!

All the Numens that Gabriel had seen so far belonged to the demigods that had died.

However, for Alion and the little girl to still be alive, it was clear that they were a lot stronger than the others that had died before them, which meant their weapons were stronger as well. It was further proven by the fact that his Sword of Ulien appeared weaker than the little girl's Sword.


The little girl looked like she was ready to fight. However, at the moment, she appeared surprised, looking back at Gabriel. To be specific, she was looking at the Ancestral Staff in Gabriel's hands.

"That Ancestral Staff..." The little girl stabbed her heavy Sword in the ground before disappearing.

Her Sword was left back where she used to stand. She instead appeared right before Gabriel, staring at his Ancestral Staff in surprise.

"This staff... It's not a clone. How could that be? It's real... A god's weapon! Karyk's weapon! Why do you have it?!"

Gabriel initially wanted to teleport away to protect himself from the little girl as soon as she appeared before him. However now that the girl was right before him and without her weapon, it didn't look as if she was here to attack him. Instead, she was like a child whose eyes were filled with curiosity.

"Not a clone? What do you mean? Haven't you seen the Ancestral Staffs of other Holy Lords as well? What's so shocking about mine?"

For him, it wasn't as if he was the only person who had an Ancestral Staff here. That's why he didn't understand why the little girl was so surprised now and not before she saw the other Holy Lords.

Looking at Gabriel's ignorance, the girl didn't feel as if he was pretending or lying. "You really don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

Gabriel looked in the direction of Alion, wondering what the little girl was talking about.

"Are you going to tell him, or should I?" The little girl also looked back at Alion. For the moment, the little girl even forgot about her battle. She was more intrigued by Gabriel's staff.

Alion scratched the back of his head. "I'll tell him."

He raised his right hand, casting an illusion before him.

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