Gabriel clenched his fist. He appeared furious yet scared at the same time. It wasn't often that such a scary expression could be seen on his face. .

In this life, there were only three people that he considered family! One was his mother who had died when he was still young. As for the other two... They were his teachers. However, they weren't just his teachers. They were like his brothers and his family members who gave him everything they had, even going as far as dying at his hands so he could progress.

And to see those two people being tied to the pillars as their souls were slowly being devoured, he couldn't take it! Even if he had to destroy this entire place to ruins, he wanted to free them. He had never felt this angry in this life.

Gabriel rushed toward the pillars where Cylix and Novius were tied to. He reached out his hand to shatter the shackles.

Cylix and Novius were screaming in pain. They appeared to be tortured so badly that their eyes had already turned blood red, making them unable to realize what was happening around them.

Unfortunately, just as Gabriel was about to touch the shackles, the scene disappeared.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 Gabriel's eyes opened as he sat up straight, huffing heavily. His entire body was covered in sweat and his breathing was fast. However, he didn't care about anything like that. Instead, his face was still filled with worries.

He didn't think that what he saw was a dream. It was more like a reality that he had somehow managed to glimpse at.

"Arghh!" He roared at the top of his lungs, so furious that he wasn't able to save them.

He knew that no matter what, he couldn't watch Cylix and Novius suffer a single second more. Unfortunately, he didn't know how to save them either. He had no spell which talked about a place like that.

He got off the bed, impatiently walking back and forth. He didn't even know where the two souls were, let alone know how to find them.

"Souls....Karyk's sister... That's right! Karyk saved his sister! He must know where that place is! Alion should also know!"

Initially, Gabriel didn't want to talk with Alion too much since the little demigod was in the place as well but he didn't care about anything for now.

"Alion!" He called out.


Unfortunately, despite him calling Alion, he only received silence in response. It was like last time where Alion wasn't answering.

However, this time Gabriel didn't let it go!

"Alion, answer me or I'll personally come down to the Palace with that little girl and the Temple of Time!"

This time, Gabriel didn't care about cordiality. The more he delayed this time, the more Cylix and Novius were going to suffer. Moreover, even though Gabriel didn't see his mother in that place, he couldn't help but wonder if his mother was also there.

No matter what, he had to check that place personally.

"You know the more I talk, the slower the process of reconstructing her body becomes. Is it really so urgent?"

After a few minutes, finally Gabriel received a response.

"A place with thousands of pillars where souls are tied and destroyed! Where is that place?" Gabriel didn't waste a single second in talking around the topic and directly asked.

Deep inside the Palace of Death, Alion was stunned as he heard Gabriel's question. It was as if even he wasn't expecting a question like that.

"How do you know about that place?!" Alion asked, standing up. For the moment, he completely forgot about his surroundings or what he was doing.

"Where is that place?" Gabriel's tone was firm. It didn't appear as if he was simply asking and more like he was interrogating.

"Don't tell me you want to go there?!" Alion's loud voice echoed in the entire hall in the palace. "Impossible! No! Never!"

"I'm not asking your permission to go there. I'm telling you that I 'have' to go there!" Gabriel didn't back off. No matter what, he had to go there personally. If there was a chance to save Cylix and Alion, he had to do it. Moreover, if he could find his mother there, that was even better.

"That place is too dangerous! You don't know how dangerous that place is!" Alion exclaimed. "Let alone you, even if that little girl and I went there, only one fate awaits us there... Death!"

"Throughout the years, many powerful beings went there, including three gods! However, only one person came out alive from that place, and even that person was heavily injured! If not for that place, he..."

Alion didn't finish his sentence and remained firm. "I won't let you go there. It's really too dangerous. Let alone you as you are now, but even if you were at your strongest, it would be just as dangerous."

"The only person who came out alive and injured... Was that Karyk with his sister?" Gabriel asked.

Alion didn't answer yet his silence contained the answer in itself.

"If Karyk can go there for the people he cared about, why can't I?" Gabriel understood that Alion most probably wasn't exaggerating yet he also couldn't let it go.

The way it looked before, it was as if the two souls couldn't hold on for long. He didn't even know if they could last for a week or so. If the souls were really destroyed, then in the future, he would've had to kill millions and look for the stone of destiny to heal their souls. That was just impossible

If he wanted to do anything, he could only do so while their souls were still intact. Moreover, he didn't think that he saw that vision in his dream for no reason. It was as if somewhat deep in his heart, something was telling him that he had to take the opportunity if he didn't want to regret it in the future. That feeling came from deep within his soul.

"Are you really not going to listen to me?" Alion asked, frowning. Even after he tried to convince Gabriel so much, Gabriel wasn't listening. It was as if he just couldn't give up this time.

For some reason, Alion had a feeling that if he didn't give in this time, Gabriel might actually go to the Temple of Time for help...

Moreover, their plan was still at a crucial stage. The army was just about to awaken in a month. He couldn't make any mistake and risk it.

"Fine! I'll tell you where that place is! But I'll come with you as well! I won't let you go alone this time!" Alion let out, remaining firm as well.

Gabriel didn't argue this time. It was much safer with Alion who knew more about that place after all. "Fine! Tell me where that place is."

"The place you saw.... It's in the realm between life and death. A realm which is also called the graveyard of gods!"

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