" Where is the owner of this place?" Samuel demanded.

" She is out. Why don't you come back some other time-" Bella went on back foot. She didn't know if the young man was truly the new owner of this place but she could judge by his expensive clothes, he didn't have any reason to disturb their small establishment.

" I will be in the office then. Tell him to come meet me right now!"

" You can't do that-"

" Why not? This is my place, I can do whatever I want!" Samuel commanded and started moving toward back of the bar. He could see that it was a two storey building, the office or the staff area must be upstairs.

" Hey do something!" She looked at the two bartenders watching the scene from sidelines. They simply shrugged not wanting to take on Samuel who already looked menacing even before they heard him speak.

Even the customers were keeping their head down trying not to intervene. Bella couldn't understand where these cowards came from! With her small stature she couldn't possibly take him on so she decided to do the next best thing call the cops!

" If i were you I wouldn't do that. You would only be digger a bigger hole for yourself. This is your final warning." He pulled off his sunglasses and gave her an angry look.

It was the first time they were able to see his face clearly and instead of being fearful she felt instantly captivated in his green eyes! She pulled out of her daydream and began cursing to even thinking that the jerk was handsome! But she couldn't deny that he was the most beautiful person she had seen in her life!

Samuel looked around the bar and smirked before arrogantly walking inside.

" Isn't that?"

" Shhh....let's get out of here. I don't know why he is here but it seems like the end of this place."

" Why? They didn't do anything?"

" What if this place shuts down because of me?"

" Don't say such things! I will handle it. Focus on cleaning the kitchen while I deal with this rude bastard!" Kate was fired up. Bella had been her one support since she started this business, they had gone through up and down because of which Kate had an inkling to protect her. 

To see her in such a mess, She knew the bastard must had said horrible things to her. She was going to beat the shit out him only for this but for his other offenses she had other sinister plans!

She looked around and found an appropriate weapon, a broken broom lying at their impromptu storage place below the stairs.

" What are you doing?" Bella immediately stopped her.

" What else? I will teach this motherfucker who is the boss here!"

" Are you trying to get us sued? Put it down!"

" No let me through."

" Kate, I would advise you against it. You haven't seen him, he is massive!"

" Yeah, just talk to him normally. I think he will come around." Her staff tried to calm her down but it only made her more furious! Who were they truly working for him or her?

Samuel felt amused because he was able to hear everything not because of his super hearing because she was that loud. He knew it was a tactic to intimidate him which would give her a positional advantage or she was just acting on her fiery personality and couldn't control her anger like usual.

Kate eventually dropped the 'weapon' because they talked her out of it. Seeing that there was nothing more she could grab Bella let her go. She stomped as she went upstairs but decided to take Bella's advise to make things worse.

Even then her judgement was set and if the stranger was lying to her about it, she would surely make him pay for it! After taking a long breath and composing herself, she opened the door and saw that her office was empty.

" Didn't they say he was here?" She almost thought it was some sort of prank but suddenly she saw someone appear behind her.

She wanted to scream but the stranger put his hand on her mouth making it impossible for her to make any sound. She thought about the worse but suddenly the stranger flipped her on spot and directly invaded her lips without any warning!

" You mother- YOU!" She tried to fight back but that's when she noticed the familiar green eyes. It's when she realised what was going on.

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