Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 601 Isn’t this my bar?-2

Chapter 601 Isn't this my bar?-2

The London streets were very quite early morning, one of the reason being that it was a sunday. Samuel drove the Audi R8 at max speed limit cruising through the empty streets heading directly toward central London where Kate's bar was located.

It was like a golden lightning bolt passing through while the bystanders were simply in awe looking at the unusual vehicle. The windows were tinted with his roof still on so fortunately no one saw who was driving it.

He arrived in the bar's general vicinity by half past six. He could clearly see that the shop was still open but it was mostly empty. There were a lot of parking space available but he went for the hardest one and even did a little skid to perfectly sandwich it between two cars.

A group of five customers were leaving and saw his unnecessary stunt but he didn't care. He wanted to be as flashy as possible and this was only the beginning of it! If his uncle saw his little antics he would die while coughing blood with how rough he was riding his baby!

While they were annoyed at first became instantly mesmerized as Samuel walked out of the car with style. He had a full black outfit which went perfectly with his flowy white hair but to keep the theme going which was 'flashy', the suit was laiden with gold threads making intricate patterns around the corner of his suit.

It was specially obnoxious when he stood behind his golden car. It left everyone wondering why was he visiting a bar this early in the morning wearing what could be considered as a party dress. Samuel didn't care, he pulled out his large sunglass covering half of his face and walked toward the bar's entrance.

Passing by the drunk group he stood at the door looking up to observe the bar sign,' Hideout' a simple name for the modest shop. The signboard looked expensive and there were even a small flower garden to make the atmosphere more welcoming. It showed how much effort Kate put into it still he couldn't escape the strong alcohol smell lingering at the front door.

He tucked his suit and went inside with a slight smile on his face. It was show time!


The call immediately went through like the other party was waiting for it.

" Hello,What happened? Did you mistyped it?" Kate asked.

" No! It's bad! I am freaking out about what to do here!? You have to come immediately!" Kate was confused. What was this emergency that got her so riled up?

" Calm down first! Tell me what is going on!?"

" There is someone here demanding that we have to vacant the shop in a week! He says that he is the new owner of the building!"

" What? New owner? That's impossible, old man wouldn't do such a thing before asking me." She had been friends with the building owner for half a decade now because she worked in his bar before he decided to retire that's when she took over the business by a simple buyout granted he would let her keep the place and give her a nice discount on the rent.

He wasn't someone that would go against his own words which made her question who dared to threaten her employees!

" He should have sold it, you know it's been a rough year for everyone. He must not have told you out of guilt or something."

" I will talk to him but in the meantime who is the new person that is claiming to be the owner? Did you see his credentials?"

" I don't know but from the looks of his dress and the car that he came in, he didn't seem like a normal person. Even the way he walked was so charming~!"

" You bitch! It's no time to fangirling over our enemy! Stall him for a while, I will be there shortly." She wasn't afraid, whoever it was just written a death sentence in her mind. How dare he barge in business hours demanding outrageous things? She vowed to give him a piece of her mind in style!

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