Hollywood Zenith

Chapter 588 Proposition-3

Hamza was restrained and made to sit in the room with his friends for what seemed like hours now. When they were first apprehended, he thought that's it, they were going to be executed.

Firstly, they rushed in and fired the first shot without warning then ambushed few people and even shot them to the point of being incapacitated. Secondly, they saw what these guys did to other men at the bases. With the sea of bodies littered around as they crossed the human trafficking's bases, it would be child's play to make it look like he and his friends were connected to them.

His worries were subsided when he saw the other captives. From what he heard, none of them were able to communicate with them so they didn't know what was going to happen to them but at least they were alive.

He thought it was infighting between rival bases and they were here to collect the 'goods'. But unlike what he had seen in the past, everyone was treated fairly and were even given some food and water. Even though it was little, he saw they were handing out their own supplies.

" We should never have come here!" One of his friend said frustratingly. They were only trying to do the right thing but now were on the verse of being sold like animals!

" Hey! Don't say that! We can still escape, don't let this break you down." Some else added trying to cheer up the other party.

" Hamza can you understand what they are saying?" The last friend asked. Hamza was renowned for in the village for the mastery of english but in truth he could only understand parts of it. But nonetheless it was remarkable knowing none of them went to any school in their life.

" I don't know. Their accent is too weird. Also they are keeping their distance suspecting that one of us can understand them." Hamza could see at least two of them keeping an eye on him. It seemed like they knew he was the leader.

" Wait? Did you hear that?"

" Yes! It's a helicopter! Maybe-"

" No that's not possible." Hamza immediate denied their hopefulness.

" That's couldn't be from our base, there is only one helicopter and it's for special circumstances only. Even if my father wanted to, there were many watchful eyes always surveying the village and they knows that it was weakest when that single heli leaves the village. There is no way uncle Ahmed will approve of it."

They knew he was right, if their families moved carelessly, it could endanger everyone in the village. Hamza didn't lose hope as they kept coming with idea to escape when the helicopter sound started growing louder and louder.

Because of which Hamza was able to hear some of Drac and Steve's conversation. He found out that it was their reinforcement and also heard them talking about some unknown enemy. He thought since they were outsider, they mustn't know much about the powers in the region but looking at how they carried themselves and their equipment, they were strong.

No matter what much Hamza thought, it seemed impossible to escape. It didn't take long for them to return but surprisingly, they started removing their restraints.

Syiara was the one doing it while Drac was watching from the back. He had his hand on the gun in case they tried to anything funny. Hamza didn't thought it was good chance to do anything, even if they manage to subdue Syiara, they needed to disarm Drac but what's troubling were people outside that would definitely shoot them on sight.

" What's going to happen to us?" He decided to fish for information instead. Syiara and Drac was surprised hearing him speak English.

" So he talks? Don't worry, we decided to deliver you guys to your base but promise me you will not do anything when I remove these final handcuffs." Syiara smiled. Her charming smile instantly captivated the young men as they hid their face.

" Come on hurry up!" Drac who was watching it play out decided to intervene because he was a little jealous.

" Alright, alright. Done. Just follow me outside, we are serving dinner soon so get yourself cleaned up first."

Hamza didn't feel that they were trying to deceive him. He could only see the man being annoyed but that's probably because their friends were idiots! He went outside to see everyone gathered there.

This base provided free meals once every few days but it also housed those that couldn't afford to work like orphans, disabled soldiers and widows. From what he had heard it had a good reputation for not discriminating against anyone even helping refugee Serbs that had been displaced by overlords of their regions.

Even the people that he came with were present which meant they didn't ship them off secretly. They looked much more relaxed hurdled together softly talking to one another. Few of the long term resident were telling them about the place in ferver.

Syiara took them to a seperate building away from other refugees. Hamza could see few guards stationed at every entrance. 

" Get cleaned up first before heading out. And don't do anything suspicious because the guards would not take it lightly." She didn't give them any chance to ask question before leaving.

They looked at one another not knowing what was going to happen to them. Hamza was the same, he was already missing home but suddenly someone's stomach growled loudly signalling that they hadn't eaten anything since morning.

They hurriedly took off their clothes and went into the shower room. It was surprising to see them having hot water in here but they were not complaining. After putting on fresh clothes they rushed only slowing down under the watchful eyes of the guards before heading toward the buffet area.

But someone pulled Hamza aside when he was about to get his plate. He looked at the person and immediately recognized him as the leader of the group, Steve. His friends wanted to shield him fearing the big man was going to hurt their friend but Hamza step further facing the man, directly looking in his eyes.

Seeing the fierce young man, Steve let out a faint smile and asked," I heard you can speak my language."

" Only a little." Hamza replied.

" Why don't we two have a private chat over there? Someone will bring the food so you don't have to worry about this."

" Alright." Seeing Steve pointing at a public table at the corner of the mess hall, Hamza obliged. He told his friends to be on guard and followed Steve to the table. They sat down staring at each other, trying to guess what's on each other's mind.

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