Hitman x Wives

Chapter 162 162- Operation: Behemoth (Part 3)

Chapter 162 Chapter 162- Operation: Behemoth (Part 3)

Kai walked to the door and took a peek from the hole. There, he could see five, eye-catching people waiting.

Then, Kai looked behind him, signaling for Eva and Kaya to change their appearances. He knew that the five Archangels didn't know that these two were involved in this operation.

After making sure nobody was following them, Kai opened the door.

"Damn, this is your place, not cool man. So not cool!" Elvi, the punk-looking man said as he walked inside, followed by the others.

"Hahahahahaha!! The Black Phantom is living in a shithole! How the great have fallen from grace!" Zero, the man covered in chains from head to toe exclaimed with a maniacal laugh.

"I like this city. So dark and gloomy." Taylor, the gloomy girl commented as she sat down on the sofa, chewing gum under her mask.

"I should post to my fans that I'm in Evernight. Maybe I can do a fan meeting after everything is done." Lola murmured while looking at her phone.

Everyone seemed to ignore the fact that this place wasn't theirs and basically roamed the place freely. The only one who walked straight toward Kai was Arthur.

He extended his arm for a handshake.

"Long time no see, sir. How are you?" He asked.

Kai looked at him before he turned around and walked into the living room.

"Everyone, sit down." He said. "There are two more people that will be involved in this matter." Clicking his fingers, Kaya and Eva walked out, wearing masks and clad in dark clothes to hide their appearances. Even the Archangels simply couldn't see through the disguise.

"Interesting…" Elvi murmured. "Are they strong?"

"They're stronger than you all."

"Ohoh… Who are they?" Taylor looked at the two with an interested look.

"Doesn't matter. Let's talk about the plan. Everyone already knows what they need to do, right?" Kai asked.

The Archangels nodded their heads.

"Good, tonight, at 9 PM exactly. You will follow me. We will infiltrate the Guild according to the plan. Your sole goal is to kill as many targets as possible. You will have plenty of opportunities to deal a deadly blow to multiple individuals before any serious fight starts."

"I want to fight!!" Zero said as he slammed his hand on the sofa.

"If you want to fight more than you need to, go ahead. The more you kill, the faster everything will be over. If everything goes perfectly, it all should be over by the dawn of the next day."

"What about you… Who are you going to kill?" Lola asked as she squinted her eyes. She still didn't forget the fact that Kai had threatened her using her little brother. Her hatred toward him was clear in her eyes.

Kai, however, didn't reply. It was none of their business who his main target would be.

'There is an old matter I need to settle once and for all. Something that I should've ended years ago.' Kai's eyes turned sharp for a moment as he inhaled a long breath.

If he hadn't made that grave mistake 5 years ago, all of this would've never happened.


*A few hours later*

Grey walked out of his dojo and strode through the corridors of the ancient castle with V walking by his side.

"Is everyone there?"

"Yes, sir. All the 100 hitmen and the usual High-Officers are there."

"Good…" Grey murmured with a scowl. The two continued walking in silence before Grey broke it again with another question.

"Did you notice any suspicious movement around the HQ the past few days?"

"Suspicious movement? No, sir. It's as usual."

"Keep an eye out for anything. Even if it's the most insignificant thing."


The two eventually reached the end of one of the corridors where two massive, closed doors loomed ominously.

Grey stopped for a second before he closed his eyes. After that, he opened them again and pushed the doors open before he walked inside.

The interior of the room was dark, with only a few sources of light. A huge round table was set in the middle. It was so big that it was at least a few tens of meters in diameter.

A black was dangling from the ceiling, covering most of the upper parts of the table along with the identity of everyone sitting around the table. It was an eerie place with an even eerier setting.

However, to keep everyone's identity hidden, this was a standard procedure. Grey scanned the place before he walked to his seat and sat down.

Then, V walked toward the other side of the table and stood in front of everyone. Behind him was a huge screen stuck to the wall.

"Since everyone is here. We shall start. The Red Rose Day officially begins!" After saying that, he pulled out a remote controller and tapped on it. Immediately, the huge screen was turned on as the first topic appeared.

"The first topic is: Divinity's rise to power. In the last few years, the number of Ascenders that join Divinity every year increased by almost 30%. Their shares in major companies also increased by almost 40%. Their influence on the underworld became more threatening."

"Pfft, what a joke." One of the people present laughed sarcastically. "If they're really that much of a threat to us. Why don't we just destroy them?"

"And risk turning the world into a huge battlefield? We can't allow that. Too much risk for too little return." Another replied.

"Who cares? We're already losing in influence. Many of the families and clans that are protected by us are secretly trading and dealing with Divinity. Did you forget what happened 7 years ago? One of our biggest pharmaceutical companies was selling Leviathium to Divinity under our noses!" The same man retorted.

The two argued back and forth while Grey watched silently. His eyes filled with disdain. He simply saw these people as fools.

'Divinity can't be destroyed anymore. These idiots are talking as if the Guild is still at its peak. Bunch of retards.' He clicked his tongue.

"Please allow me to finish what I was saying," V spoke again. "Ehem, Divinity is indeed more of a threat now than any time before. However, what is truly concerning is what our sources have picked up."

Hearing him, everyone instinctively paid attention to his next words.

"Although it's not confirmed, our spies found traces of a huge project Divinity had been working on for a very long time now. A project that is quite literally a world-changing event. It's called 'Origin Society'."

"Origin Society?" Grey murmured as his face frowned. He had never heard of this before.

Murmurs and talks spread across the whole room. Everyone looked confused at first.

"Yes, we don't have much information about it. But, we can easily deduce from the name that Divinity is trying to spread Origin on a larger scope than ever before. They want to turn the whole world into an Origin-based society."

"That's impossible." One of the hitmen replied coldly. "The ratio of Origin Users to normal people is 1 to 5 million. Spreading Origin would only create chaos and end the world as we know it."

"Hahahaha, magnificent, indeed. Divinity sure sounds like a fun place." A woman chuckled crazily.

Many different reactions came from the people present. Some found it amusing, others found it weird and the majority were simply dreading the idea of Origin becoming something everyone knows about.

However, they all shared one common thought. Divinity was taking one step ahead of the Guild. No, it wasn't as simple as one step. They were moving to a different league.

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