(Meanwhile somewhere else)

"Ghost, can you hear me?"

Micheal heard the voice of a teenage girl through his earpiece.

"Loud and clear, pink"

Micheal said while adjusting the tie looking at the mirror. A handsome young man of late twenties stared back at him.

"I do look good"

Micheal grinned at his reflection.

"What was that, Ghost?"

"Nothing, has the target entered the building yet?"

Micheal looked at his Rolex and asked.

"Not yet but he will, in a couple of minutes"

Pink was Micheal's wing-woman or wingman, in case pink was using a voice modulator to sound like a girl.

In Micheal's line of work, anonymity was extremely important. Until now, he didn't meet or know anything about pink as she didn't know anything about him, except his codename. The face in the mirror was just a disguise as Micheal had never revealed his true face to anyone.

"Remember, the client wants you to eliminate the target before he gives the speech"


Micheal took a last glance at the mirror and left the restroom. When he stepped out of the restroom, he was welcomed by a large crowd of rich people. Each woman seemed to wear designer clothes with accessories that were specially made for them while the majority of the men dressed in classic black tuxedos with white shirts and bow.

Micheal would see the majority of their faces if he turned on the television or roaming through the streets as they were all celebrities, politicians, and famous sportsmen.

"Can you get me an autograph from Dicap?"

"Not for free"

Micheal put on his black sunglasses and pretended to be the security guard who he knocked down and left in the dumpster outside.

"Aw, come on Ghost, I don't have any money to give you"

"You should have saved your two-fifty from the last job"

Micheal said and walked around the place pretending to check the parameter.

Pink didn't say anything as Pink knew that he wouldn't do anything for free.

In the world of assassins, Micheal was a superstar and only a small number of people on the earth would hire an expensive hitman like him. He had a hundred percent success rate, no other hitman in the world had such a record. Only a few of the law forces knew about his existence but they could only speculate as he never left any evidence or anything to put a file on him.

And the only person who could prove his existence was pink but if a wingman like her betrayed her partner, the dark world would put a bounty on her and she would end up dead, so a person with 160 IQ level wouldn't do anything stupid like betraying him.

"Target has entered the building"

Pink said and he noticed the special forces from various countries entering the hall.

And after a while, Micheal craned his neck and saw a simple looking old man entering the hall while armed guards surrounded him in a diamond formation. Many people in the gala looked at his simplicity with admiration. The target was a newly elected prime minister of Probra after he freed his people from the clutches of the previous leader of Probra, an evil dictator who had enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the entire human race from the face of the earth.

The target had received various prizes and awards including the Nobel prize for his peaceful protest against the dictator. He was here to give a speech about ahimsa and world peace and Micheal was here to make sure the entire world see the demise of this man.

However, while everyone was looking at him like he's the god of peace, Micheal snickered inside because the face that he was showing to the outside world was as fake as Micheal's face. Micheal had his own moral ethic, no matter the payment, he wouldn't kill an innocent and Libor Barnes was not an innocent.

Everyone thought Libor Barnes as the father of the free nation Probra but failed to question how he survived under the dictator while protesting under his nose against him. No matter how peaceful he protested, a dictator like Pavel would have killed him a long time ago but Libor survived.

Except the dark world, no one knew the real Libor. Pavel was the only dictator for the outside world but the real mastermind behind him was none but Libor. His simplicity was just for show as he was the richest man in the world and he made his fortune by squeezing Probra and slave trading.

Since no one could prove him guilty, some rich fold from somewhere was paying Micheal to take him out. As far as Micheal was concerned, he was getting paid to take out dirt like him for a sweet amount of a million dollars.

"Tango two, take my position, loo break"

Don took out the walkie talkie and said.

"Copy that Tango one, on my way "

Someone spoke through the walkie talkie but the walkie talkie was already in the flower vase.

Micheal had done more hard assassinations than this one and compared to some of his hits, this was like a cakewalk to him. The reason for his perfect hundred percent success rate came from his extremely careful preparation. He would only take only one or two jobs per year as he would take at least six months to prepare and plan his hit. If a typical hitman had a plan A and B, Micheal had plans from letter A to Z, and normally he would go for the simple plan rather than the complex one.

"I will reach my position in a hundred seconds"

Micheal informed Pink and opened the staff only door.

"Roger that, no signs of people around the area"

The guards and securities were busy checking out the hot actresses and didn't notice him a bit.

The staff only room was just there for the securities to keep the belonging in the lockers and change their clothes after work.

"Fifth locker"

There was a row of gym lockers before him as he looked at the fifth locker from the right and walked towards it.

"Is it in there?"

Pink's curious voice rang in his ears


Micheal didn't open the locker but jumped on the locker and slid the ceiling above him as it opened like a door.

Only the engineer who designed this five-star hotel and a few workers who knew about this until Micheal hacked his computer and stole the original blueprints during the engineer's visit to Tahiti with his family. The engineer had no idea that Micheal was the one who manipulated the travel agency data and selected him for the free trip program to Tahiti.

"Damn, I hope these rats did not eat it"

Micheal climbed the ceiling and closed the entrance but frowned when he saw the rats running through the vent before him.

"Eat what?"

"Tell you later, how's the parade going?"

Micheal whispered and crawled through the vent without making any noise.

"Now they are crossing the fifth avenue, five minutes till they reach your place"

"Roger that, going radio silence, catch you in the next job"

"That much confidence huh? Alrighty, see you later, Ghost"

Pink disconnected the line while Micheal set a three-minute timer in his watch.

And after crawling through the vent for exactly one minute, Micheal saw the familiar black bag that he left in the vent three months ago.

Reaching the black bag, he brushed away the dust and slowly opened the zip to reveal the Kel tec rfb sniper rifle with a thermal scope. However, the sniper wasn't made of metal and regular parts but this rifle was custom made for him using nothing but plastic, so when the security firm scanned the place with metal detectors and everything, they couldn't find it.

Since it was made of plastic, the rifle could only fire one bullet because the heat produced by firing the bullet would melt and damage the rifle and render it useless.

The bullet was made of a special type of plastic that could penetrate through the steel without making a noise. This rifle and bullet alone cost him two hundred grand.

And besides the cost, he had only one shot to take out Libor and if he missed the shot, there wouldn't be a chance like this again and his reputation would be tainted.

"Four minutes more"

Micheal turned on the thermal scope and aimed at the center of the hall where Libor would start his speech.

"Long Live the free nation of Probra"

Micheal heard Libor's voice through the speakers in the hall and aimed his cross air at the head of the red figure in his thermal scope.

"Diddle, diddle, we are so little"

The moment he said the word little, he pulled the trigger, and boom, a sound like a watermelon exploded echoed through the hall.

However, before even he could let a proud grin after his excellent bullseye, his whole world around him turned white and he heard a sudden ding sound in his head.

"Ding, Badass System activated"

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