Chapter 309: Shen Lang’s magical Army, the Savior!

Translator: 549690339

Those with a blank bloodline all had one thing in common.

His body was weak, his face was pale, his eyes were unfocused, and his expression was dull.

Shen lang initially thought that they had low intelligence, but he realized that they were not. However, they were slow to react to the outside world.

When the people around them talked to them, they basically didn’t respond.

The divinity was lazy, reticent, and stayed at home all year round. It basically rarely went out to deal with others.

He really did look like a retard.

Shen lang felt that it was more like a form of depression or a mental disorder similar to autism.

Not only were these people at the bottom of society, but they also seemed to be invisible, as if they did not exist.

Moreover, this kind of blank bloodline was not hereditary, but more like a mutation.

Some of them were born into rich families, and their parents ‘bloodlines were relatively outstanding. Even their siblings’ bloodlines were also outstanding. However, when a mutant suddenly appeared, they became useless and were despised by their parents and family.

Of course, most of the people with a blank bloodline were born in ordinary families. They couldn’t carry anything and were already a burden to their families.

It was fine for people born in wealth. Even if they were looked down upon by their families, at least they still had a mouth to feed.

Those who were born in poor families with zero bloodline could not even afford to eat. They had to eat their fill, and it was common for them to be beaten and scolded. Some were even directly expelled from their families.

Ordinary people would still know how to wander and beg for food after being expelled from their homes.

This group of people had serious depression and almost no will to live. After being driven out of the house, they would only find a place to starve to death.

During this period of time, Shen lang had been studying these people.

It was as if he had entered another world, a tragic world that had been completely forgotten.

This group of people were sensitive, depressed, kind, and truly harmless.

Even a cold and heartless person like Shen lang teared up after hearing the stories of these people.

How many people with zero bloodline had died silently in the past few years?

Only the heavens would know.

Therefore, when Shen Lang’s female warriors rushed into their homes and took away the people with zero bloodline, most of them only met with symbolic resistance.

And this symbolic resistance came from their families.

As for the people with zero bloodlines, they only showed a little panic in their eyes when they were captured, and then they became silent again.

Their family members, on the other hand, were shouting ‘damn it! Why did they take away my son? my life !’.

However, when Shen lang passed the gold coins to them, the screams turned into cries.

One by one, they hugged their son and cried, showing their reluctance.

However, most of these people with zero bloodlines were dressed in rags and looked emaciated. They were usually not treated well.

Shen lang paid them 30 silver coins a month.

This price was not only heaven-defying, but also super prodigal. It was ten times the normal salary.

For every person with zero bloodline that he robbed, Shen lang would give their parents and family half a year’s salary as a settling-in allowance, which was 180 silver coins.

Even in the capital, this was a huge sum of money for ordinary civilians. Many families could not even save this amount of money in ten years.

“Sign here. From now on, this son has nothing to do with you.”

After the payment, the female warriors under Shen lang would hand over a contract.

In the hearts of these parents, this wasn’t just a life contract, it was a life contract.

But with this money, the other sons in the family could finally get married and build houses.

Thus, they signed their names and signed their names in tears.

Then, when her son was taken away, she would hug them and cry.


Wang Da was a person with zero bloodline.

He had been weak since he was young, his face was pale, and his hands and feet were weak.

His family’s situation was average, but it was still okay.

He had always been silent, as if he was invisible.

He worked very hard every day. If he couldn’t do big work, he would do some small work.

When he was free, he would sit at the door and stare at the sky in a daze. Sometimes, he could stare at the sky for hours.

In everyone’s eyes, he was an idiot. He couldn’t even talk to his parents normally.

Therefore, they didn’t call him by his name. They all called him the big fool Wang.

He only had one meal a day, and only one bowl.

But even so, he still became a burden to his family and was scolded by them every day.

Of course, no matter how much his parents despised him, he was still his flesh and blood, after all, so he could still get by.

But ever since his brother Wang er got married, everything changed.

Wang Da was chased to the woodshed. This group of chickens and ducks lived together, and the pigpen was next to it.

Moreover, he was beaten and scolded every day, living like a pig or dog.

After the younger brother Wang er gave birth to two children, Wang DA’s status in the family became even lower.

In fact, he wouldn’t even be able to have a meal every day.

Because there were so many mouths added to the house all of a sudden, there was a shortage of food.

Originally, Wang Da had an old dog at home to keep him company, which was his only relative.

He often talked to the dog every day.

But not long ago, this old dog was also killed and eaten by his younger brother, Wang er.

Wang DA’s life had completely fallen into darkness and despair.

It was time for lunch again, and Wang Da only ate one meal a day.

Wang er’s wife despised Wang Da for being a fool and firmly refused to let him eat at the table.

Every time she called him, Wang Da would come over with a bowl. How much rice was in it depended on Wang er’s wife’s mood.

If he was in a good mood, he would fill half a bowl. If he was in a bad mood, he would fill half a bowl.

At the dinner table, Wang DA’s parents, Wang er’s husband and wife, and the two children began to eat.

“I’ll go get boss for dinner.” Great Mother Wang said.

“What are you eating? One day less won’t kill you.” Wang er’s wife said fiercely, and then her chopsticks were aimed at the only plate of fat meat.

Her father was a butcher. Every day, he would leave some minced meat and sometimes send it to his daughter.

“Father, mother, both of you are old and will have to rely on me and Wang er to support you in the future. What about that idiot Wang?” “Don’t tell me that we, husband and wife, not only have to support two old people, but also a fool?” second Wang’s wife said coldly.

Father Wang buried his head in his food and didn’t speak. He could have worked, but he had just fallen down not long ago.

I’ll say it here, ” Wang er’s wife said. my father found a job for him. He only earns two silver coins a month. It’s impossible for us to support Wang Da. ”

Mother Wang said in a low voice,”second son’s wife, don’t we still have some savings?” Besides, boss only eats one meal a day, and his appetite is smaller than a cat’s.”

Wang er’s wife said coldly, ” I’ll say it here. If you want to raise that big fool, that’s fine. From now on, we won’t care about you two old people. I’ll bring Wang er back to my house.

Wang er buried his head in his food, as if he had not heard anything.

Mother Wang’s tears immediately fell and she cried, ” then, as a mother, I can’t just watch boss starve to death. If he dies, what will be left of our family’s reputation? are we still human in the eyes of the neighbors? ”

that’s simple, ” Wang er’s wife said. just take him to the wilderness and throw him there. He’s a fool, so he definitely doesn’t know how to go home.

“What if the neighbors ask?” Madam Wang cried.

“Just say that someone is looking for boss to marry into their family,” Wang er’s wife said.

Mother Wang cried,”I’ve sinned, I’ve sinned!”

“Fill a bowl with rice and two pieces of meat,” Wang er’s wife said,”go and send it to that fool.”

Then, Wang Da ate meat in the woodshed. This was the first time he had eaten meat in years, and also the first time he had a full meal.

After he finished eating, his mother let him take a bath and helped him change into a new set of clothes.

The clothes were not new. They were what Wang er had worn when he got married, the groom’s clothes.

Wang Da was completely different.

Then, the younger brother, Wang er, brought Wang Da out.

When the neighbors saw this, they asked, ” “Yo, where are you taking your boss?”

“There’s a good family who has taken a fancy to my big brother and wants to take him in as their son-in-law,” Wang er said with a smile.

“Congratulations, your boss is going to have a good life,” the neighbor said with a smile.

“Isn’t that so, same joy, same joy.” Wang er laughed.

After the neighbor closed the door, he immediately mocked, ” what a sin. I’m going to throw away another life.

Wang er brought Wang Da out of the city and came to the wilderness on the mountain.

It was almost there. This place was far enough and remote enough. Wang Da was a fool, so he definitely couldn’t remember the way home.

“Big brother, I’m suddenly in a rush. Please sit here and wait for me.” Wang er said.

Wang Da nodded his head.

The younger brother, Wang er, hesitated for a moment before saying, ” “Brother, after walking for such a long distance, you must be feeling a little hot. Why don’t you take off your clothes first and I’ll help you keep them.”

He was still reluctant to part with this set of clothes. Big brother, since you’re going to die, don’t waste this set of good clothes.

General Wang took off the groom’s clothes.

It was already October, and the weather was already cold. It was already evening, and Wang Da was wearing thin clothes.

big brother, ” Wang er said, holding the new clothes, ” sit here and wait for me. Don’t go anywhere.

Wang Da nodded and sat down on a wooden stake.

Wang er glanced at his big brother, then turned around and left, leaving Wang Da in the wilderness.

After he had walked for a distance.

Wang DA’s voice suddenly rang out from behind.

“Second brother, be filial to your parents.”

Wang er’s heart trembled.

It turned out that his brother knew everything.

“Don’t worry, I won’t go home.” Wang Da said.

Wang er’s entire body trembled, and then he ran away as if he was escaping.

Wang Da sat quietly on the wooden stake and continued to look at the sky.

It was almost dark.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and he was only wearing a single layer of clothing.

However, it was as if he didn’t feel anything. He sat there like a statue and looked at the horizon without moving.

He just quietly waited for death to come.

A day passed.

Two days had passed.

Three days had passed.

Wang Da laid on the ground, not moving at all.

Suddenly, someone slapped his face, and hot soup poured into his mouth.

What soup was this?

How could it be so delicious?

This was ginseng chicken soup. Of course, Wang Da had never tried it before.

He fed her an entire bowl of ginseng chicken soup.

Wang Da felt his cold and stiff body warm up in an instant.

A strong woman supported him and slapped his face hard to open his eyes.

“Don’t sleep, don’t die. Look at my fingers. What is this? What is this?”

“One!” Wang Da replied.

“Alright, you’re one of us now.” The female warrior directly picked up Wang Da and placed him in a large cart.

There were more than a dozen people in the carriage.

Wang Da felt a sense of familiarity from these people. It was the same tragedy and darkness, the same sensitive loneliness.


The probability of a person with a blank bloodline should be 1/500. There were about 6000 people in the entire capital and the nearby cities and counties, and there should be more in the territory of Yue State.

However, some of them were already dead, and some of them were still underage.

There were only about 2000 adult people with zero bloodline in the capital.

The king, ning yuanxian, and the King of Chu had been acting for almost a month.

In this one month, Shen lang spent a lot of time and finally found more than 2000 people with zero bloodline.

Then, the so-called setting up a stall to recruit soldiers was just an act.

He had completely registered these people with zero bloodlines.

In the beginning, Shen lang only wanted to win the border hunting competition. However, he had seen too many tragic stories in the past month.

This group of people with zero bloodline was really pitiful. He just wanted to save them.

The key was that they were not really fools. They were just depressed, introverted, and extremely sensitive.

Shen lang even realized that these people were smart, but they had zero social skills.

They didn’t even have the ability to talk to people.

Shen lang could not understand why this was the case. Furthermore, it was a common characteristic of all people with zero bloodline.

There were also people with such social disorders on modern earth, and they were even classified as mental illnesses in some places.

Shen lang was not a kind-hearted person.

He didn’t even love the people.

Human nature was complicated. The question of whether human nature was good or evil had been debated for thousands of years, but there was still no result.

However, the way Shen lang looked at the people was mostly their evil.

That was why he seemed especially ruthless and mean.

However, Shen lang was filled with love for these 2000 + people with zero bloodline.

It wasn’t just to win, but to save their lives.

In fact, in less than ten days, he had already caught 2000 people.

However, there were more than 2300 people with zero bloodline registered in his book.

After that, he spent a lot of time and manpower to find and rescue them one by one.

This group of people with zero bloodline were more like people with mental disabilities.

But they were pure, and there was not even evil in his human nature. He was truly pure and harmless.

For example, Wang Da, Shen lang spent three days to save him.

Because when he sent people to the Wang family, Wang Da had already disappeared.

When he asked Wang DA’s parents, they insisted that Wang Da had married into the family.

The female warriors that Shen lang sent were all straightforward people and did not have many schemes. They thought that Wang dazhen had married into the family and asked for the address of the family.

Big Wang’s parents really gave him an address and a person.

Therefore, the female warriors under Shen lang went to look for Wang Da.

In the end, they said that there was no such thing at all, and that they didn’t recruit Wang Da into their family.

Hence, the two female warriors came back and interrogated father Wang’s parents, asking where they had gone.

At that time, first Wang’s father kept his mouth shut, first Wang’s mother only cried, and second Wang’s wife started to make a scene and chase people away.

The female warrior pressed again and again, and Wang er’s wife said that Wang Da had been thrown into the wilderness and should have died long ago.

The female warrior was furious and directly broke Wang er’s legs. Then, she learned the specific location where Wang Da was thrown away and went to rescue him.

And there were dozens of people like Wang Da.

After more than half a month, Shen lang finally found 2389 people with zero bloodline.

In the end, more than a dozen people died before Shen lang could save them.

They would either die in the woodshed at home or in the wilderness.

Human tragedy!


These 2,300 plus people with zero bloodline were the first to enter Ning Zheng’s Marquis Changping estate.

Shen lang did not demand them to do so as a soldier.

Everyone was given five new sets of clothes.

Then, countless chickens, ducks, fish, and meat were transported in.

Every day, he ate his fill of white rice, white steamed buns, vegetables, and meat.

Compared to the days at home, it was like heaven.

Everyone should take care of their bodies first.

If it was an ordinary person, after they rose from hell to heaven, they would have already flattered Shen lang and tried their best to show off in front of him.

However, these people with zero bloodlines didn’t.

When they were given clothes, they couldn’t bear to wear them at first, but after they put them on, they were very careful. Even if they were a little dirty, they had to be completely cleaned.

There was fish, meat, chicken, duck, beef, and sheep for every meal.

However, everyone tried to only eat vegetarian dishes and left the meat dishes for the others.

Even though they were drooling, they resisted the urge to eat.

As a result, there was a large amount of chicken, duck, beef, and mutton left for the first two meals.

Initially, Shen lang and the rest were shocked. Could it be that this group of people did not like to eat meat?

Later on, he realized that it wasn’t that they didn’t like to eat it, but that they couldn’t bear to eat it.

Therefore, Shen lang gave the order for the meal to be split. Everyone had to eat a certain amount of rice, vegetables, and meat for each meal. If there was not enough, they could add more.

In the end, after everyone ate their own portion, no one added more.

Three days later, Shen lang gave out the first month’s salary.

30 silver coins per person.

For this group of people with zero bloodline, it was a huge sum of money.

Even for ordinary people, it was a huge sum of money.

However, this salary could not be paid.

No one accepted it.

Shen lang forcefully distributed the military pay.

However, when he woke up the next day ...

There was a small pile of silver coins in the yard.

These 2,000 people had all put back the money they had been given.

Wu lie had a heart of stone.

After seeing this scene, she could not help but cry.

Many female warriors were also crying.

They had never thought that there would be such a simple and obedient person in this world. She was simply like the most obedient child.

Bitter joy was an extremely harsh person.

The ten brothers of the LAN family would be beaten half to death by him every day, and they would doubt their lives.

Bitter Joy’s training rule was to fight, to fight to death.

However, he found Shen lang and said that he had never seen such an obedient soldier.

He didn’t need to be disciplined at all.

There was no need for discipline.

After these 2000 plus people gathered together, they were still like one person.

No matter what the order was, he would obey it.

They didn’t even need orders to do their best.

Dressing, washing, folding, and so on.

As long as he set an example for them, they would immediately follow suit.

Even when more than 2000 people were together, they hardly talked and remained silent.

But the atmosphere was very harmonious.

These people were very sensitive, but they also cherished their feelings.

Although they didn’t talk to each other, they were full of goodwill.

Soon, they started to care for each other and help each other.

This was because they were the purest group of people. They could even depend on each other like dogs, not to mention people of the same kind.

As the Supreme Commander, bitter joy was no longer as strict and harsh as before. His gaze became gentle, and his attitude became kind and patient.

Within ten days.

He didn’t modify his bloodline, but practiced formation, and began to stand in formation.

Of course, Shen lang knew how difficult it was for an Army that started from scratch to stand in formation, walk in unison, turn left, turn right, and turn back.

It wasn’t difficult for one person to complete it, but it was extremely difficult for more than two thousand people to complete it at the same time.

Moreover, these people seemed to have never received any education.

However, the result shocked Shen lang and kutou Huan.

This group of people learned too quickly.

It was simply divine speed.

In just three days, he had finished learning all about formations.

No matter if they advanced in unison, turned left, turned right, or passed behind, they were all uniform.

Moreover, everyone was extremely focused and serious during training.

No matter how small the matter was, everyone seemed to have put in 120% of their energy.

Ku Huanhuan was full of praise.

“Young master, I’ve never seen such a good soldier. He’s so serious and focused,”

“Everyone’s discipline and obedience are simply unparalleled.”

too outstanding, too outstanding. It’s simply unbelievable.

young master, as long as we can give them strength, they will definitely become the best soldiers in the world. They are the true invincible elites.

“What is the most important thing for an Army? Courage, focus, discipline, unity, and finally strength. As for the first few qualities, we soldiers have completely reached the pinnacle.”

Shen lang knew that this group of people were intelligent, but many of them were not that smart.

The reason why he could learn so quickly was because he was too focused and serious.

They had been despised and even abandoned by their parents and family since they were young.

Therefore, no matter what it was, they would do their best, hoping to win a little favor from their family.

However, they looked so abnormal that they couldn’t even talk normally. Moreover, his body was too weak to do any work.

“Young master, they are a gift from the heavens.”

if the modification of their bloodline is successful, I firmly believe that they will become the most outstanding and powerful Army in a few months.

“As long as their bloodline transformation is successful, even if they don’t have to be too strong, as long as they are more than 50% stronger than ordinary people, they will be able to defeat the 5000 elite soldiers of Chu.”


It took Shen lang 15 days to gather all the 2300 people.

It took them another ten days to get better and teach them how to line up.

Then, he found 200 large carriages and transported the 2000 people out of the capital to the northern hunting ground!

These carriages were all open, so when the 2000 + people with zero bloodline power left the capital, they were surrounded again.

At least 100000 people had come to watch the show.

With Shen lang around, there would be a good show.

When these people with zero bloodline faced the crowd, they were filled with inferiority and uneasiness. They all wanted to curl up together.

They looked down, not daring to look at the people. Their faces were filled with fear.

hahaha, so This Is the Army that Shen lang recruited!

I know someone there. He’s my neighbor’s idiot.

yes, yes, I know that person over there too. He’s also a famous fool. He talks to the dog every day or looks up at the sky. His brain is completely broken.

“Heavens? Shen lang has caught all the fools in the capital.”

“It’s really a super retarded Army, an Army of idiots.”

“Nonsense, if they are not idiots, who would join Shen lang and Ning Zheng’s Army? They were clearly cannon fodder! Which normal person would want to die!”

the parents of this group of idiots are really cruel. They sent their sons to their deaths for money. I heard that it’s quite a lot of money.

“180 silver coins per person.”

“What? So many? How are these idiots worth 180 silver coins? Even if they were killed and sold, they wouldn’t be worth two silver coins. The parents of this group of fools have really made a fortune.”

“Nonsense, haven’t you noticed that there have been a lot of happy things about marriage recently? They sell their silly sons and have money to get their other sons married.”

“Shen lang is really a troublemaker.”

“Do these idiots know that they’re going to die in a hundred days?”

they’re fools. How would they know? ”

All these words were heard by the people with zero bloodline.

However, they were not afraid, nor did they care about this.

If young master Shen wanted them to die, then they would just die.

On the contrary, it was enough for them to feel the taste of being born human in the past few days.

Under the mockery, Shen lang left the capital with the 2000 people.

Your Highness Ning Zheng, I really pity you. Even if you succeed in seizing the throne and ascend to the throne, you have to face such a group of idiots every day. Shen lang pointed at the crowd and said.

“Don’t laugh at them. They are also pitiful people,” Ning Zheng said.

stupid people who don’t know their place are the most pathetic, ” Shen lang said.

Ning Zheng shook his head helplessly. Of course, he would not argue with Shen lang.

To a certain extent, Shen lang was right. However, Ning Zheng was not as arrogant as him.


After entering the North Park hunting ground, Shen lang would start to modify the bloodlines of these 2000 people.

He had done many experiments, and those with a blank bloodline were the only ones who could accept the success of the bloodline modification.

The lowest level of golden bloodline energy could be used in their bodies.

What kind of combat power would these people display after their bloodlines were modified?

What kind of transformation would happen?

Shen lang was filled with anticipation!

However, such a large-scale bloodline modification had to be carried out in a remote and hidden place. There could not be any leak.

The North Garden hunting ground had been abandoned for a long time. There was only an old army of about a hundred people guarding it, and they were waiting for Shen lang to hand it over.


When Shen lang led his Army into the northern hunting ground, he was stopped.

An Army had entered the northern hunting ground a few hours in advance. They had forcefully chased away the old guards and occupied the entire hunting ground.

He intercepted Shen lang.

Kutouhuan stepped forward to negotiate.

I am ku Yichen, the thousand-man household of Marquis Changping. Under the orders of His Majesty, I am here to lead the new army to the northern garden hunting ground for training. Please step aside and leave!

There were a total of three hundred cavalrymen blocking the gate of the northern hunting ground.

Each of them was an elite.

The leader was the adopted daughter of the Zhong family, Zhong Miao.

“When did His Majesty give you the northern Court hunting ground? How come I didn’t know about it?” Zhong Luan sneered. I only know that 2000 elites of our Zhong family have entered the North Garden hunting ground. It’s useless no matter who comes. Get out of my way!

Then, Zhong Miao loudly ordered, ” this place is a military restricted area. No one is allowed to approach. Anyone who violates this will be killed without mercy!

“Kill without mercy!”

The 300 cavalrymen of the Zhong family shouted in unison.

Then, the three hundred cavalrymen drew their sabers in an orderly manner, and their killing intent soared to the sky.

Shen lang, Our Lady is in The Hunting Ground. Get lost immediately. “Aren’t you a pretty boy?” Zhong Yuan asked. Aren’t you a Jester? Why don’t you go and beg His Majesty to make the decision for you?”

At this moment, the seed Master appeared.

She was followed by two thousand elite Zhongshi families.

It had been more than a month since she was disfigured by Shen lang, and her beautiful face had recovered.

His broken nose had been fixed. Her Jade-like nose was still tall and delicate, exquisite beyond compare.

She had already changed into a set of armor, but it was still as red as fire.

This woman was domineering, arrogant, and annoying, but she was really beautiful, a top-notch beauty.

She looked at Shen lang with deep hatred.

Shen lang, I have been waiting for you for a long time. “Why are you so late?” zhongshishi asked coldly.

I’ll give you a choice now, ” she said coldly. you can either scram with your tail between your legs or be completely annihilated by my Army!

Zhong family’s troops, listen up. As long as Shen Lang’s men cross the white line, we will start the battle immediately and kill them without mercy!

“Yes!” The two thousand elite Zhongshi division soldiers roared in unison.

She had been waiting for Shen lang to come and give him a fatal blow.

Shen lang took a look and saw that there were more than 2000 soldiers in the Zerg Army. Moreover, they had already set up the defense line.

However, Shen lang only had 300 soldiers.

The remaining 2000 + people with zero bloodline were still weak and powerless.

However, every one of them was extremely precious. Once their bloodlines were modified, every one of them would be the most outstanding warrior.

They were the seeds of his invincible army, and he could not lose any of them!

Shen lang, I’ll count down from five. You can either get lost or die! Zhongshi said coldly.

five, four, three, two.

At that moment, Shen lang laughed and said, ” “Zhongshishi, you’ve already fallen into my trap. I’ll also count down from five. You guys should leave quickly, or I’ll exterminate your entire Army!”

Then, Shen lang started to count down.

Five, four, three, two, one!


[ note: I’ve traveled 1700 miles in two days and have arrived at my father-in-law’s house. I’ll go eat first and then come back to write my story. ] My Lords, please give me monthly votes and support. I’m looking forward to it.

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