Chapter 962 - The Wait

Orchidia Beauty.

"Whoa, girl!" Chen Fei exclaimed when Long Jinjing emerged from the bathroom. "I thought that you were pooping because you were taking so long in the toilet. It turns out that you were actually dolling up! Date with the boyfriend?"

Long Jinjing turned red but still nodded. "Ni—Zihao will be picking me up soon. He’s taking me out for dinner at a restaurant."

"Ah." Chen Fei nodded before slowly circling Long Jinjing and inspecting her entire outfit. "You look hot in that turtleneck dress. But why are you covering it up with that blazer? Take it off!"

Long Jinjing pulled her blazer tighter to her body to prevent her best friend from removing it. "Xiao Fei, please stop. I need to wear something over the dress because...uhm, it’s cold! I’ll feel cold if I don’t have this blazer."

"Bullshit." Chen Fei snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. "I bet you’re just hiding another set of new hickeys. You really need to tell your boyfriend, that beast, not to leave too many marks on the visible parts of your body. This kind of possessive caveman crap is so outdated!"

Long Jinjing didn’t reply and instead started walking back to her office to get the rest of her things before leaving. Chen Fei followed her, still lecturing her about not allowing any man, no matter how hot and yummylicious, to have total dominance over her body.

The workday was already over. Most of the employees, especially the entry-level ones, had gone home. There were still a number of people who chose to work overtime, though. Chen Fei, the COO, was one of them.

Long Jinjing’s workload wasn’t as heavy as her best friend’s or Alric Bauer’s, who were the company’s key people in developing Jin Chonglin’s men’s line of products, but she was still nonetheless busy crunching the numbers every day to prevent Orchidia Beauty from going over the budget. This was especially the case for Alric’s product development department which sucked huge amounts of money like a vacuum almost on a daily basis.

Long Jinjing began to hate Alric’s department a little because every time it needed money, she would always have to redo the company’s budget. However, she also knew that Alric and his department were integral parts to the company. In fact, her sister could replace her and Chen Fei anytime but the same thing couldn’t be said about Alric Bauer. He was the developer of Orchidia Beauty’s revolutionary products after all. Most importantly, his products were proving to be a huge commercial success.

She sighed, already starting to feel stressed at the mere thought of their German CPO. Forcefully pushing him out of her mind, she focused on organizing her bag instead and checking that she indeed completed all her tasks for today.

"Hey, are you listening to me?!" Chen Fei’s annoyed voice interrupted her distracted mind.

"Yes, I’m listening," Long Jinjing lied.

Her best friend’s words were entering in one ear and exiting on the other. She only just realized that Chen Fei was already talking about something else.

"Your sister, that bitch—I mean, President Long will soon be returning from her honeymoon," Chen Fei was saying in an irritated tone. "She tells me that she wants to personally oversee the shooting sessions for Jin Chonglin’s ads for the men’s line when she comes back. For goodness’ sake, the woman is pregnant! Can she just relax a little and not make all of us panic whenever she goes into workaholic mode? Doesn’t she understand that her husband will murder all of us if something happens to her on our watch? Grandpa Lu will also go apeshit if something happens to his much-anticipated great-grandbaby. I’m telling you that the old man can be freaking scary sometimes. Tsk! If being pregnant brings so much trouble like this, I’m not going to become pregnant in the future. Ever. I’ll just adopt a dog or a cat or something. Or better yet a goldfish!"

Long Jinjing paused and finally paid attention to her best friend. Her brows drew together in concern before she thought of something. Then her expression improved.

"Brother-in-law Liwei has become much more protective of my sister now that she’s pregnant so I’m sure that he won’t allow her to endanger herself and their baby from working too hard."

"Well...what you say makes sense."

Long Jinjing nodded and glanced at the clock. Lu Zihao hadn’t contacted her yet and she was starting to worry that he might cancel their date tonight at the last minute.

Chen Fei rolled her eyes. "Fine! I’ll leave you now while you wait for your boyfriend. I still have some e-mails and documents that I need to look over."

"Okay. Take care, Xiao Fei."

"That’s COO Chen for you. Hmph!" Chen Fei was already walking out of the office. "Remember what I told you! Don’t always allow that beast to leave hickeys on your body and make you unable to wear certain outfits."

Long Jinjing bit her lower lip and didn’t reply.

"Bye, CFO Long! Good night! See you tomorrow."


Chen Fei finally left.

Long Jinjing grabbed her phone and debated whether to call Lu Zihao and ask him where he was now. As the minutes ticked by without any message from him, she became more anxious. She wouldn’t be surprised if he cancelled their date but it would be another painful blow to her already broken heart.

Then her phone rang all of sudden while she was thinking of several negative scenarios if Lu Zihao really cancelled their date tonight. She yelped and accidentally dropped her ringing phone on the floor. She quickly picked it up and answered the call.

"Sorry, I’m late," Lu Zihao’s devilish voice said. "I had to take care of some urgent matters at work that took longer to finish than I expected but everything is okay now."

"Oh. It’s okay, really."

"I still need to shower and change my clothes but I’ll pick you up as soon as I can. Wait for me a little longer. I’ll be there."


The call ended before she could tell him "I love you".

"It’s fine," she comforted herself.

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