Chapter 928 - Keep On Baking

When the kiss ended, Long Jinjing became dazed and breathless. Her IQ once again plummeted to amoeba level. She had to rely on Lu Zihao to steer her while walking or she would trip on her own two feet.

Jin Chonglin curled his lip at Lu Zihao. "Che. What a great pretender! You looked like you weren’t at all interested in catching the garter but you still chased after it in the end."

Lu Zihao threw him a sidelong glance. "Like hell I’m going to allow another man to place the garter up my woman’s leg. You don’t have a woman so you won’t understand."

"Who says I don’t have a woman?!"

Lu Zihao ignored him and led Long Jinjing away.

Yu Mo placed his arm around Jin Chonglin’s shoulders. "Well, do you have a woman that you’re steady right now?"

"..." Jin Chonglin didn’t dare answer.

Yu Mo sighed and patted his shoulder, acting as if Jin Chonglin was a very pitiful creature. "Fifth Bro is right. If my woman also caught the bouquet, there’s no way I’ll allow another man to catch the garter and put it up her leg."

Jin Chonglin shook off Yu Mo’s arm from his shoulders and stalked away to sulk at a corner. He was a superstar and idolized by the masses but whenever he was with family and friends, all they did was bully him. Just watch him. When he found his own woman that he wanted to settle down with, he would show her off to his family and friends. Then he would be the one throwing dogfood and not the other way around.

After the fun bouquet and garter tosses, the newlyweds Iris and Jin Liwei finally prepared to set off for their honeymoon destination that afternoon. Everyone saw them off to say goodbye to them.

"Take care of my daughter-in-law and grandchild," Huang Yuyan told her son.

Jin Liwei replied, "I will, Mother. Please don’t worry."

"How can I not worry? You’re travelling by plane! Xiulan is still very early in her pregnancy. Are you sure it’s safe for her to fly right now?"

Iris held her mother-in-law’s hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze. "I’ll be alright, Mother. My private doctor already cleared me to fly. The flight is also not too long, only about three hours at most. The doctor is also coming with us so she can monitor my health throughout our trip."

Jin Liwei nodded. "I also made sure that there’s a modern hospital just a few minutes by helicopter from where we’re staying. Don’t worry, Mother. I won’t let anything bad happen to my wife and our firstborn that she’s carrying."

Grandma Li stepped forward and patted her daughter-in-law in the back. "Yuyan, trust in your son. Liwei has always been reliable. If he promises to do something, he always fulfills it."

Huang Yuyan still looked worried but she nodded and stepped back in the end. "Always take care, okay?"

"Yes, Mother."

Grandpa Lu stepped forward and "patted" Jin Liwei’s back. Jin Liwei paled a little as he gritted his teeth to endure the old man’s extreme show of affection.

"Grandpa Lu, please be gentle!" Iris tried to block Grandpa Lu. "Liwei just recovered from his back injuries recently. I don’t want him to hurt himself again especially during our honeymoon."

Grandpa Lu immediately stopped his actions.

"I’m fine, love," Jin Liwei told her. "I’m fully healed now."

"Yes, but still..."

"You’re right, Xiulan my girl! Excuse this old man for not being careful." Then Grandpa Lu narrowed his eyes at Jin Liwei. "And you, my boy! Why didn’t you tell me not to pat you in the back too hard? Tell me, I want to know!"

Grandma Li intervened at this point. "Alright, that’s enough. Let the newlyweds go peacefully. Don’t stress them out, especially Xiulan."

"Fine!" Grandpa Lu then hugged both Iris and Jin Liwei. "You two enjoy your honeymoon! Although you already have a bun in the oven, it doesn’t hurt to keep on baking! Bahahahaha!"

Grandma Li sighed at her friend’s ribald joke.

Iris and Jin Liwei didn’t mind. They were already used to Grandpa Lu’s style of teasing. Unlike the easily embarrassed Long Jinjing, Iris had thicker skin. After all, she was Grandpa Lu’s direct business disciple. She already developed a certain level of shamelessness that would even make Jin Liwei speechless sometimes.

"Boss, please don’t worry about anything," Dom said next. "I’ll take care of everything here at the home front. Just enjoy your honeymoon with sir boss!"

"Thanks, Dom."

Iris pulled Jin Liwei and went straight to Lu Zihao and Long Jinjing next. Her oversensitivity to smells had returned since last night so she needed to maintain a certain distance from her big brother. However, that wouldn’t stop her from saying a proper goodbye to him. She held her breath and hugged Lu Zihao tightly. His arms automatically wrapped around her as he returned the tight hug.

"Take care and be safe," he murmured to her in Russian.

She nodded. After a couple more seconds, the embrace ended and she returned to her husband’s side to inhale his scent.

Jin Liwei and Lu Zihao silently communicated with each other through their eyes. There was a tacit understanding between them regarding their new relationship as brothers-in-law. They developed a unique closeness that stemmed from the existence of the evolved remnant of the original Lu Zihao.

"You caught the garter so think of something that you want me to buy for you when my wife and I return from our honeymoon," Jin Liwei told him.

"Fine." Lu Zihao didn’t reject his offer.

Jin Liwei nodded.

"Big Sister, don’t forget to think of something, too," Iris reminded Long Jinjing.

"Yes, she’ll think of something," Lu Zihao answered for Long Jinjing before she could decline Iris’ offer.

Long Jinjing pouted but didn’t argue with him.

The newlyweds finally said their goodbyes to everyone. They left by car and headed straight to the private airport where Jin Liwei’s small private jet was already waiting for them. Since they were only travelling within the country, they didn’t use their jumbo plane, LX Air.

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