His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 846 - Women Are Amazing

Chapter 846 - Women Are Amazing

Jin Liwei stayed awake and chatted with his baby girl while waiting for her to sleep. He could sense her dread about falling asleep but her pregnant body craved it more than her own will, so she eventually fell into deep sleep within half an hour. He waited for another ten minutes just to make sure that she wouldn’t wake up. Then he called for their AI children.

"Bacon, go to your Uncle Zihao and tell him everything that happened to your mom today," he instructed his AI son. "Describe everything in detail. Urge him to meet and talk to us in person as soon as possible. Let him know that his refusal to talk to us is adding to his sister’s stress and he mustn’t do that because it’s affecting her health which is not good for a pregnant woman. No need to be nice. Just dump all the facts on him without mincing any of your words."

"Understood, Father," Bacon replied in a quiet and polite tone. His tail, however, was thumping in excitement, no doubt unable to wait to talk to his Uncle Zihao again. "Bacon will do as Father says. I will go now. Please have a restful sleep with Mother. I will report to Father first thing in the morning when you wake up."

"Good. Go now. Take care."

"Yes, Father. Thank you." Then Bacon left to do his errand with great eagerness.

"Daddy, is Mommy okay now? Ketchup was so scared! Meowuwuwu." The white cat cried softly, her tears forming a small, sparking puddle around her white fluffy self curled into a pitiful ball on the virtual floor.

Jin Liwei watched his sobbing AI daughter on his tablet perched on his bedside table. He sighed and wished that he could pat and comfort her with his hands. "Your mom’s alright now, but she needs to get more rest and avoid stress as much as possible. She’s having a hard time with her pregnancy."

"The cute and mighty Ketchup will definitely do my best to help Mommy relax. Meow~"

He smiled. "Good. Now I need you to do something for me."

"What is it, Daddy? Meow~"

"Check if your Uncle Yingjie is still awake right now. I was told in the hospital that it’s his day off today."

"Okie dokie, Daddy! Ketchup will check now! Wait a moment. Meow~"

Three seconds later, Ketchup reported, "Daddy, Uncle Doc is currently reading some old and boring medical reports from the hospital’s internal online database using his laptop at home. What a nerd! Blegh! Meow~"

Jin Liwei shook his head. Ketchup’s straightforwardness definitely came from her mother. A small, doting smile lifted the corners of his lips. "Great job, Ketchup."

"Ehehehe. Thanks, Daddy. Meow~"

Glancing at his sleeping wife, he leaned down and gave her head a kiss before carefully extricating his arm that she was hugging. Then he cautiously climbed off the bed, making sure not to wake her up. She still slept deeply most of the time, but ever since she became pregnant, her sleep had become sometimes restless. Thus, he needed to be extra careful to make sure that he wouldn’t disturb her sleep.

He grabbed his tablet and padded out of the bedroom into their suite’s living room. In a quiet voice, he instructed, "Ketchup, make a call to your Uncle Yingjie for me."

"Aye aye, Daddy! It’s ringing...ringing...oopsie daisy! Daddy, Uncle Doc didn’t answer your call! Is he ignoring Daddy? Dramatic gasp! What is this unexpected development?! Shocking! Find out in the next episode! Meow!"

Jin Liwei exhaled an exasperated sigh. It was at times like this that he wished Ketchup’s personality wasn’t based so much on Dominic Chua’s overdramatic one.

Nevertheless, he wouldn’t have it any other way if given the chance to redo the personalities of his children. They were all unique in their own little way and he already found their not-so-little quirks endearing.

"There’s no drama, Ketchup," he said, sighing. "Just try calling your Uncle Yingjie again. Maybe he went to another room or something and missed the call."

"Okie dokie, Daddy! Meow~ Calling Uncle Doc again! It’s ringing...ringing...oh! Connecting call in 3...2...1!"

"Hello, Third Brother," Wang Yingjie’s calm voice answered the call.

The two sworn brothers greeted each other.

"I heard from a colleague earlier this evening that you secretly brought Xiulan to the hospital," Wang Yingjie said. "I don’t know all the details but I didn’t want to disturb you tonight so I was planning to call you tomorrow instead. Good thing that you called me even though it’s already so late. How’s Xiulan? Is she okay now?"

Jin Liwei told his second brother what happened minus the contents of Iris’ nightmare.

"Her symptoms are actually still considered to be quite mild compared to other more extreme cases," Wang Yingjie commented. "She’s not experiencing full-blown morning sickness yet. There are pregnant women who can’t stop vomiting for almost the entire day, you know. They have to be hospitalized and tube-fed just so they can get their required daily nutrients."

Jin Liwei started to worry for his baby girl.

"But don’t worry," Wang Yingjie assured before Jin Liwei could descend into panic-mode. "I don’t think Xiulan will suffer that kind of extreme pregnancy symptom. Hopefully. Even though I’m saying her symptoms are mild, that’s compared to other cases. And as men, we can’t really say that we can relate to pregnant women’s struggles. Just imagine trying to push a creature roughly the size of a small pumpkin out of your organ and you’ll know what I mean."

Jin Liwei couldn’t help but cringe at his second brother’s graphic analogy. He almost cupped his organ on instinct but managed to stop himself in time. "Women are amazing" was all he could say.

"Indeed, they’re amazing."

"But my wife is the most amazing."

Wang Yingjie chuckled. "I already know you’ll say that. Anyway, Xiulan is really having a tough time dealing with her pregnancy. Her workaholic mentality is struggling to match the new needs of her pregnant body to slow down a little."

"That’s exactly what her new OB-GYN said as well." Jin Liwei sighed and moved to sit by the window to gaze at the night sky outside.

"Xiulan might be a strong and independent woman but you still need to be there for her especially right now. After all, she didn’t get pregnant on her own."

"You don’t have to tell me that, Second Brother. I’ll treat my own wife and the mother of my children like a queen."

The two sworn brothers chatted for a bit before Wang Yingjie said, "Alright. How about you tell me why you called me so late at night, Third Brother? I have a feeling that you called me for a specific reason and not just to chat."

Jin Liwei stood up and started pacing slowly around the living room. "I plan to build a fully-equipped hospital wing for my wife inside our home and called tonight to ask for your opinion about my idea."


"It doesn’t have to be big, just a small one," Jin Liwei added. "Enough to take care of my pregnant wife’s needs without us having to bring her in and out of the hospital while trying to dodge the media at the same time."

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