Chapter 840 - Stressful

Dragon Palace Home #10.

When a groggy Iris was awakened later in front of the mansion, she wasn’t in the best of moods. Her headache didn’t improve at all after her nap. In fact, it worsened after waking up.

It was only when Jin Liwei came to get her that she felt a little better. She immediately abandoned Little Liwei for the real thing.

"Let’s eat lunch now," Jin Liwei said while hugging her and kissing her aching head. "Okay, love?"

She made a strangled sound in her throat and tightened her arms around his waist but immediately loosened her hug after remembering that his back injuries weren’t fully healed yet. Her face was pressed against his chest as she took a deep inhale of his scent, hoping that it would help ease her throbbing headache.

"I know that you’re not feeling well but you need to eat," he said. "And our babies need to eat, too."

Sighing, she nodded and followed him to their suite.


Lunch was an ordeal for Iris. She could only stomach the herbal sweet egg soup and that was it. Even her beloved chocolate desserts had to be pushed aside because she couldn’t take them today no matter how much she wanted to eat them.

She wasn’t vomiting or anything like that but something was just off with her today. Her headache plus her nausea were a dreadful combination. They weren’t helping to improve her mood, that was for sure.

Afterwards, Jin Liwei helped her lie down on the couch. They were in their suite’s living room. Ice Cream and Popcorn rubbed themselves against her while meowing loudly as if asking what was wrong with their mommy. The grey cat laid her fat body on Iris’ flat abdomen and started purring.

"Ice Cream’s not too heavy for your stomach, is she?" Jin Liwei said, sounding worried.

Despite her horrible state, Iris couldn’t help but chuckle at his question. "It’s fine, darling. Ice Cream is heavy but not that heavy. She won’t crush our twins."

Jin Liwei nodded but still looked worried. He sat by her legs and started petting Popcorn who jumped on his lap. "Why don’t we cancel your appointment with Elder Jufang and the shareholders this afternoon? Let’s reschedule it when you’re feeling better. Okay, love?"

She considered his suggestion before shaking her head. "I think I’ll be fine after I rest for a little bit. We still have time until the appointment, anyway. If I still don’t feel well later, we’ll cancel. But if I’m fine, we’ll go."

Jin Liwei’s expression hardened. "You don’t look well. You barely ate anything during lunch. I want you to rest today."

She sighed. "I want to rest, too. But I don’t want to delay this meeting. I want to get this over and done with."

"How about this? I’ll meet with Elder Jufang and the shareholders on your behalf this afternoon."


He held her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Don’t argue with me about this. Please, love. I know that you want to do it by yourself and prove to everyone at Long Industries that you’re an independent businesswoman. But right now, you’re suffering from pretty difficult pregnancy symptoms and your new OB-GYN said that this is just the start."

Iris groaned at his reminder that she might experience worse symptoms at any moment of her pregnancy.

"Stay here at home today and rest while I’ll go to the meeting on your behalf later, okay?" Jin Liwei’s tone was gentle but firm.

She was hesitant. "But your injury...."

"I won’t stay for too long. I’ll just show my face, make up an excuse of why you can’t come, and then find out the real intentions of the shareholders for asking a meeting with you in person. If they want to sell, then good. If they don’t want to sell, then at least you didn’t waste your time meeting them. Qiao Yu will be there so he can take over after I show my face."

She rubbed her temples. He moved from his position by her legs and sat by her head instead. Then he took over in massaging her head.

"Alright, it’s decided. You’re staying here at home to rest. I definitely won’t allow you to go out if you’re like this." Jin Liwei’s tone brooked no further argument from her.

Although reluctant, she still nodded because it was true that she felt unwell. There were so many things that she needed and wanted to do but couldn’t because her pregnant body just wouldn’t allow her. Thinking about all of these was stressing her out.

Before her pregnancy, she thrived in stressful situations. In fact, it was during stressful situations that she often went above and beyond her limits and produced extraordinary results. Now, however, she couldn’t do that.

She rubbed her still flat stomach and hoped that her stress wouldn’t affect her babies. But just thinking that her stress would affect them was yet another source of stress for her.

Jin Liwei leaned forward and gave her a light but lingering upside-down kiss on the lips. "Let’s get you ready for bed."

She nodded and allowed him to help her to their bedroom. Ice Cream and Popcorn followed them inside.

Later, a fresh Iris in her warm and comfy pyjamas was lying in bed. Jin Liwei sat beside her while reading some business news on a tablet. Ice Cream was also lying on the bed beside her mommy while Popcorn played by himself inside the bedroom.

"Go to sleep now," Jin Liwei told her. "I’ll leave later for the meeting but I’ll be back before you know it. Hopefully, you’ll be able to eat more during dinner tonight."

"Thanks, darling."

He caressed her cheek. "Don’t mention it."

"I hope that the shareholders would sell willingly," she murmured.

"Don’t worry, wife. Your husband can be very persuasive at the negotiation table."

She chuckled. "More like intimidating than persuasive."

"I’ll get you those shares," he promised. "Now sleep."

She smiled and hugged his hand before letting her eyes close. Before long, she fell into deep sleep.

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