His Genius Wife Is A Superstar

Chapter 835 - Needs Of A Vetrov Man

Chapter 835 - Needs Of A Vetrov Man

Although Iris prohibited Ketchup from spying on her brother’s private life, who would have expected that he would appear in front of Orchidia Beauty and drop off Long Jinjing? All of Iris and Jin Liwei’s private properties and also their companies were under Ketchup’s extensive surveillance system 24/7. It was no wonder that the white cat AI immediately detected such as an unusual sight as Lu Zihao and Long Jinjing being intimate in front of Orchidia Beauty.

Iris remembered Ketchup’s excitement earlier this morning when her AI daughter reported the sighting to her. At first, she thought that Ketchup was mistaken or maybe her AI daughter’s system had a glitch because she couldn’t believe that her big brother would hook up with her close friend.

She had always been close to her brother but never saw him as a pure man. Despite her innocence as Evelina back then, she had always known that he had a regular sex life with numerous women. The first time that she witnessed it with her own eyes was when she and their mother visited him in his apartment in Italy. Nikolai Vetrov came there to take care of an important business on behalf of their organization.

The memories rushed back in her mind, vague at first but gradually became clearer as she continued remembering it.

Her brother’s subordinates warned her and their mother that there was someone with him inside his unit. She remembered their mother not batting an eye upon hearing that.

When they entered her brother’s apartment, he was already up but looked rumpled and wearing only his pants. A topless Italian woman in only her panties was running around the place searching for the rest of her clothes.

Evelina was curious at the situation but their mother didn’t acknowledge the woman and treated the outsider like air. Even her brother ignored the woman he slept with. Evelina didn’t say anything either and just continued observing until the woman finally found all of her clothes and slipped out of the apartment without so much as a word to Nikolai.

"You’re a man so I’m not going to interfere with how you deal with your sexual needs," their mother said after the Italian woman left. "Just make sure that the women you sleep with aren’t moles. If they’re clean, good. But make sure that they don’t know who you are or discover anything about you that will endanger our family and organization. If they do discover something whether it’s by accident or not, off them immediately."

"I already know, Mother," Nikolai replied.

"I’m just giving you a reminder. You’re the next head of the Vetrovs and the future of our organization is resting on your shoulders. You better make sure that you’re always thinking with your head and not with your penis."

Evelina tilted her head to the side and listened in fascination at the conversation. She saw her brother’s mouth tightening but he didn’t retort at their mother.

"You can have as many women as you want," their mother continued saying. "But don’t you dare do something as stupid as falling in love and insist on marrying whoever that woman is. I’ll be the one to choose your wife. The woman you’ll marry has the responsibility of birthing strong offspring to continue our family and organization’s long legacy. If in the event that you still fall in love with some random woman, then she could only become your mistress but never your wife. But only if she’s clean and won’t be a threat."

"Understood, Mother." Her big brother looked apathetic by the topic of conversation but he still responded in a respectful tone to their mother.

Their mother lifted her chin and looked at them, her two children, with her ever-cold eyes. "Keeping mistresses is not unusual for Vetrov men. In some ways, it is expected as a show of power, status and wealth. Vetrov men, in particular, have especially big needs. They can certainly afford that kind of lifestyle. Even your father had several women before but once he married me, I killed all of them off. I never once confronted your father about his other women. I won’t stoop to the level of an annoying, nagging, jealous wife.

"But what I will always do is defend my status as the official wife of the Vetrov head and the mother of the successor. I won’t allow anyone to threaten my status and that of my children. Even an illegitimate child is a threat. There had been some cases in the Vetrov family history where an illegitimate child succeeded in becoming the head. As long as I’m alive, I won’t allow something like that to happen. My son will become the next head and nobody else."

The brother and sister were silent as they listened to their mother. The teenage Evelina was especially intrigued.

Their mother continued, "Eventually, your father stopped sleeping around after he discovered that I killed all of his other women. Despite the things that I’ve done, he never reprimanded me because he knows that I’m the most suitable person to stay by his side in leading the Vetrov organization, not those other women. It’s nothing more than survival of the fittest. They were weak and I am stronger. Simple as that."

Madam Vetrova was a beautiful and delicate-looking woman, yet she was also considered to be the deadliest living female in the Vetrov organization. Even their father, the head, would think twice before offending her. After all, the previous Vetrov patriarch personally trained her.

"Unless your wife is someone like me, you are free to sate your sexual needs with as many women as you want as long as you take the required precautions," their mother told her big brother. "Just fulfill your responsibilities and duties as the heir. I’ll make sure to choose a submissive wife that you’ll be able to control no matter how many mistresses you decide to keep."

Evelina glanced at his big brother who nodded at their mother’s words. She, herself, didn’t feel weirded out by the topic of conversation especially since it wasn’t about her and also because she had no interest whatsoever in sex or marriage.

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