Chapter 814 - Bossy Woman

"I’ll start the transfer procedure of the shares tomorrow," Jin Liwei said. "My lawyer will contact you."

"Okay," Jin Chonglin replied. "Thanks, Big Bro."


"Speaking of lawyers..." Jin Chonglin told his older brother about what happened with the reporters outside the club earlier, how one of the reporters insinuated that he and Iris were having an affair and cheating on Jin Liwei, how he threatened to sue the malicious reporter, and also how he implied that Jin Liwei would sue as well.

The following silence was cold and frightening. Jin Chonglin knew that his older brother was furious.

"Of course, I’ll sue for slander as well." Jin Liwei may sound calm but he was colder and more ominous than usual. "My lawyer will coordinate with yours."

"I’ll sue, too!" Iris interjected in an indignant tone. "How dare those people say that I’m cheating on Liwei?! And they say that I’m cheating on my man with Brother Chonglin? That’s immoral! Brother Chonglin is my brother-in-law! He’s family!"

Jin Chonglin couldn’t help but wince at her words.

"I love Liwei the most! I’ll never cheat on my man! Darling, don’t believe those liars. If you do...if you do...." Her voice became shaky and she sounded like she was going to cry.

"Sssh. Calm down, love. Of course, I won’t believe those liars. I believe you." Jin Liwei started soothing his easily agitated woman again. "And I love you the most, too. I’ll also never cheat on you. So don’t worry anymore. Let our lawyers deal with those ants. There’s no need to feel distressed because of those unimportant people. Okay?"

"Okay." She sniffed. "Give me a kiss, darling."

Shortly after, Jin Chonglin and the others began hearing soft, lewd sounds from the phone once again. Jin Chonglin’s expression turned black. What the hell was with this shameless couple?

"That’s enough, baby," Jin Liwei said in a tight voice. "We’re still on the phone with my brother."

"Oh, right. I forgot."

Jin Chonglin’s expression turned even blacker. It was already common knowledge that pregnant women’s emotions fluctuated a lot, so he wasn’t too surprised that Iris was so easily agitated during this phone conversation even though it was so unlike her to be so emotionally unstable like this.

He also heard before that pregnant women had this so-called pregnancy brain where they would often forget things or become muddle-headed. Was that what was happening to her now? Was his existence so unimportant to her that she would even forget that they were currently in a phone call with him?

Sighing, he massaged his knuckles over his chest because his heart started aching for his pitiful self. The woman could be so savage without even meaning to.

He cleared his throat to get the shameless couple’s attention. "Since you have no problems granting my two requests, I’ll agree to Sister Xiulan’s request to finalize my men’s line of products with Orchidia Beauty so that we can release it before the year ends."

"Yes! Thank you!" Iris’ tone was filled with relief. "And Brother Chonglin?"


"Can you also be a little nicer to Chen Fei? She’s working really hard on your men’s line, you know."

Jin Chonglin snorted. "Tell that bossy woman to be nice to me first, then I’ll also be nice to her."

"Her tone and words might be grating on the nerves, but she’s actually a good person deep inside once you get to know her more. And she’s excellent at her job as the COO of my company."

"Fine. Since Sister Xiulan is asking so nicely, then I’ll do my best to cooperate with COO Chen."

After saying good night, they ended the call. Then Jin Chonglin pulled out his tablet and began reviewing the plans for his men’s line. He jotted down his own notes as well.

"Why don’t you rest for tonight?" Lin Dong suggested. "You’ve had a long day. You can do that tomorrow."

Jin Chonglin shook his head. "My mind is brimming with lots of ideas for my men’s line right now. I’m also feeling good because my two requests to secure my future have both been granted. I’m so pumped up. I need to use this burst of energy and creativity productively. Who knows if I’ll feel the same way tomorrow?"

"Fine. It’s not like I can do anything to stop you once you’ve set your mind on something." Lin Dong sighed before amusement made his mouth curve up. "Also, your men’s line would have been completed and in production already if you didn’t keep on changing something about it. I’m already used to your perfectionism but COO Chen and the others at Orchidia Beauty aren’t. I’m sure that you’re driving her crazy. I pity the woman sometimes."

"Do you know what that bossy woman called my perfectionism? She called it indecisiveness!" Jin Chonglin gritted his teeth in annoyance.

"I think I remember COO Chen once calling you an indecisive diva!" Lin Dong said before roaring in laughter. The assistants joined him.

Jin Chonglin waved his fist at them. "Shut up, you bastards! Now be quiet and let me work in peace."

The others fortunately stopped making fun of him. He continued jotting down notes about his men’s line on his tablet all the way until he was home alone in his bedroom. He should be sleeping now after such a busy day but the ideas kept flowing in his mind. There was no way he could sleep when his brain was being so overactive and creative.

Excitement filled him when he finished. Without even thinking about the time, he dialed Chen Fei’s number.

"You! Do you know what time is it?!" Chen Fei was pissed off at being awakened in the middle of the night. "Call me tomorrow when it’s office hours!"

He ignored her grumpiness and began talking about his men’s line. His excitement was obvious. Then he promised, "This is the last time that I’ll make changes."

"Fine," she grumbled. "Don’t go back on your promise. I won’t accept any changes after this. Tell me more about your ideas."

The two discussed on the phone until sunrise.

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