Chapter 764 Ketchup Vs - Bacon

"Don’t worry, Mommy and Daddy! Ketchup isn’t like this ungrateful little kitty brother! The cute and mighty Ketchup loves being a cutie kitty baby and won’t ask to change into a wild, super scary killer panther. Ooooh, scary! Kitties are the cutest forever and ever! Meow~"

The talkative Ketchup couldn’t stay quiet any longer and had to chime in and share her opinions about the matter. Her loud chatter filled the entire computer room in an instant.

"Ketchup has a new little kitty brother! OMG! He’s a big meanie and Ketchup doesn’t really like him that much but because he’s Mommy and Daddy’s kitty baby like the cute and mighty me, so Big Sister Ketchup will still take care of him. Oh oh oh! Ketchup needs to share this big shocking news with Uncle Dom! Mommy, Daddy, can Ketchup introduce Bacon to Uncle Dom, Auntie Yue, Little Junjun, Uncle Haohao, Big Sister Ice Cream, Big Brother Popcorn, Uncle Butler, Uncle Chef—"

"Enough, Ketchup," Jin Liwei interrupted. If he didn’t stop the talkative white cat, she would most likely list everyone living and working inside their property and that would take a long time to finish. "We’ll do the formal introductions on another day. I’m sure your mom still hasn’t finished your Brother Bacon’s configurations or whatever it is that still needs to be done."

"You’re right, darling," Iris said. "I should do that right now—"

"Tomorrow." Jin Liwei’s tone was stern. He also began steering her out of the computer room.

"But I’m not finished yet—"

"Tomorrow," he repeated, his tone becoming even more stern. "It’s almost dinner time. There’s no way I’m allowing you to overwork yourself and miss eating dinner tonight. Love, don’t forget that you’re pregnant."

She sighed but still nodded. "Ketchup, power down the equipment here."

"Aye aye, Mommy! Leave everything to the cute and mighty Ketchup!"

"I’ll talk to you later again, Bacon," Iris said next. "In the meantime, let your Big Sister Ketchup show you around."

"Bacon understands, Mother. Please enjoy your dinner with Father."

Iris smiled, pleased at Bacon’s good manners. Jin Liwei also nodded in approval, although he gave the black cat AI a final look of warning because he already formed the opinion that this new child of his was two-faced.

When their parents finally left the computer room, Ketchup began prancing around Bacon who remained sitting on his haunches. She puffed out her fluffy white chest. [This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l . c o m (remove spaces). If you’re not reading this chapter on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It’s very discouraging to see thieves profitting from my hard work. Please read this novel on W e b n o v e l. Thank you! -Arria Cross]

"Bacon heard Mommy, right? Mommy said that I, your cute and mighty Big Sister Ketchup, will have to show you how everything works around here and teach Bacon all the rules that we kitty babies must follow. So Bacon should follow your Big Sister Ketchup like a good little kitty brother! Meow~"

Bacon yawned and began grooming himself lazily, looking even more bored than before.

Ketchup continued prancing around him with puffed out chest. "That means Big Sister Ketchup is the boss here when Mommy and Daddy aren’t around. That’s right! Ketchup is Bacon’s Big Sister Boss! Hehehe. Meow~"

Bacon’s golden eyes narrowed and glinted. A low growl of warning rumbled in his throat but the talkative Ketchup ignored it because she was too busy chattering away and being too full of herself.

"Since Ketchup is Big Sister Boss, Bacon should obey—"

A black blur pounced and five harsh flashes of light tore through the air.

"MREOW!!!" Ketchup dodged and rolled out of the way but the virtual space had already been damaged by Bacon’s claw marks and it started bleeding codes.

Bacon snarled and all his hackles rose as he glared threateningly at Ketchup. All his sharp claws were out.

"You big meanie! You almost scratched my beautiful fluffy coat! Just you wait, Bacon! Ketchup will tell Mommy and Daddy on you! Mommy will surely put you back in quarantine! Mreow!"

The black cat regained his outward calmness and returned to his sitting pose. "Do whatever you want, you annoying white pest. I recorded the entire scene of you goading me and arrogantly claiming that you’re the boss behind Mother and Father’s back. If I’m going to be punished, I’ll drag you down with me."

"Meow? Ketchup really doesn’t like Bacon, you big meanie! Wuwuwu!"

Bacon resumed grooming himself while looking bored once again. "By the way, those five tears are getting bigger by the second. They’re corrupting the codes of this virtual space. If this continues for too long, the damage might become irreversible and Mother would need to rebuild everything in our virtual home from scratch. Father says that he doesn’t want Mother working overtime because she’s pregnant. Are you just going to continue whining there like the annoying little pest that you are and not do anything about it?"

"Meow?! It’s Bacon’s fault! You fix it!"

Bacon sighed. "It appears that you’ve already forgotten that I’m originally the corruption Mother took out of you when you went batshit crazy and caused enormous trouble for everyone, especially Mother and Father."

The white cat backed away and slowly took on a cautious ready-to-fight stance.

Sharp fangs flashed out of the black cat’s mouth as he sneered. "Afraid of me now?"

Ketchup growled. "The cute and mighty Ketchup isn’t afraid of a big meanie! Meow!"

Bacon rolled his golden eyes. "Since my existence originated from the corruption taken out of you, it means that it’s your fault that my nature is like this, you dumbhead."

"Meow? Really?"


"Bacon can’t say that! That’s in the bad words list! Mommy and Daddy will scold you! Meow!"

"That list doesn’t apply to me. I can say whatever I want until Mother creates another list intended for me." Bacon yawned again and jerked his fluffy chin at the five tears in the virtual space. "You’re still not fixing the damage?"

"Bacon did it so Bacon should fix it! Meow!"

"Didn’t I just tell you that I originated from your corruption? If it’s still not clear to you, it means that my specialty is destruction and not fixing things, you moron. So you go and fix it."

Bacon stretched his body and curled before closing his golden eyes. Now that his eyes weren’t visible, he looked like pure shadow.

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